Hearing his leader speak up for him, Gan felt ashamed and touched.

"Dahan, Dahan!!"

The witches of the Dahan tribes around them have begun to shout Dahan's name loudly.

"Well, the purpose of my coming here is to defeat you."

Shu Xun saw this and agreed directly.

It turned out that after Wu Wudi received the order from Dijiang to the Northern Wilderness Vanguard Brigade, he began to prepare for war.

Because of the map given by Dijiang, it not only recorded the Northern Wilderness in detail, but also the distribution locations of the Wu tribe. There are many Wu tribes in the Northern Wilderness, and their strength is not very good, but it does not mean that there are no other strong people.

And Wu Wudi did not take a big step, but circled the Wu tribes within a radius of 10 billion miles.

Then he sent his men to convey his orders in advance.

Of course, the Wu tribe is unruly, even people of the same tribe are the same.

If you want them to obey your orders, you have to defeat them.

So the first order given by the people sent by Wu Wudi was to defeat them first.

"Don't think you can beat me just because you are at the same level as me."

"You know, I have been blessed by the Xuanming Ancestral Witch."

"Judging from your appearance, you probably haven't received the blessing of the ancestor witch."

"How can you be my opponent!!"

Dahan was tall, like an iron tower.

He spoke with full confidence, as if Shu Xun was nothing in his eyes.

"The Xuanming Ancestral Witch is indeed very powerful, but you are not the Xuanming Ancestral Witch after all."

"It only takes three seconds to deal with you!!"

Shu Xun sneered.

They have not read their leader's novel. If they had, they would not say such words.

"court death"

"I know you are extremely fast, but...What are you going to do now?"

Dahan snorted and immediately used his best fighting skills.

Suddenly, a world of ice and snow was formed with Dahan as the center.

"It's an ice fighting skill, the leader is taking it too seriously!!"

"That's right, the Ice Fighting Skill is a skill our leader got from the Xuanming Ancestral Witch. It's so powerful that it once killed a celestial demon with one palm."

"Haha, now we have something interesting to watch."

Just as the witches of the Great Cold Tribe were joking, Shu Xun disappeared from everyone's sight.


"Did he escape?"

Dahan's rough eyebrows wrinkled into two blades.


"You think too highly of yourself. Your ice fighting skills are too slow. The freezing time can't keep up with my speed at all!!"

Shu Xun is a big man, but now he is in the cracks of the ice, moving freely and comfortably.

"Boy, what kind of fighting skill is this? ? ?"

Da Han's confident face turned gloomy now.

After Shu Xun's reminder, he finally sensed how fast the opponent was.

There were even a few times when he circled around him.

This was simply... a great shame!!

""Killing Cauldron, God's Hundred Changes!"

Shu Xun said proudly about this fighting skill.

"The Killing of the Cauldron, the Godly Movement and Changes, what kind of fighting skill is this???"

"Why is it more powerful than the fighting skills of the Xuanming Ancestral Witch? ? ?"

Da Han was surprised, because he had never heard of this kind of fighting skills from the witch tribe.

After the tribe was established and received the blessing of the Ancestral Witch, they could obtain fighting skills from the Ancestral Witch.

Although he received the blessing of the Xuanming Ancestral Witch, he also had some knowledge of the fighting skills of other Ancestral Witches.

But he had never heard of the Divine Changes of the Killing Cauldron!!

"Stop talking nonsense. I am following the leader's order to beat you into submission first. You will benefit later."

Shu Xun's words were good words.

But to Dahan, they were extremely harsh.

In addition, the witches were born with violent personalities because they cultivated evil spirits.

"If you insult me again and again, don't blame me for not respecting brotherhood."

Dahan took a deep breath and pushed the Nine Rotational Yuan Gong in his body to the extreme:"Ice Destruction Palm!"

The Wu clan likes real swords and guns in hand-to-hand combat.

If you use other methods, even if you defeat him, he will not be willing to surrender. Not to mention that it is between the same clan.

""Black Sand Palm!!"

So Shu Xun was also ready to use his best skill. The black palm was like an abyss.

One black and one white.

The two palms suddenly hit each other.


There was no earth-shattering roar, but there was a low muffled sound.


Dahan didn't hold on for a second, and spit out a mouthful of blood.

His breath was weak, as if he had been severely injured.

"What kind of palm technique is this? ? ?"

The physical strength was defeated by the crushing force.

At this time, Dahan was so shocked that his scalp was numb.

"Book and Sword, Black Sand Palm!!"

Shu Xun said proudly:"Just right, three seconds"

"We are both witches, you can kill or chop me up as you please, why do you have to force me?!!"

Seeing that the witches around were about to attack Shu Xun, Dahan stopped them immediately because he knew that Shu Xun was too strong.

Even if all the witches of Dahan tribe attacked together, it would be in vain.

"I didn't humiliate you, you were the one who was looking for trouble first."

Shu Xun then told them the order brought by Wu Wudi.

When the people of the Dahan tribe heard it, their faces were gloomy.

It was true that they were too arrogant.

But Shu Xun slapped them in the face too hard, and now they are also very angry.

"Why are you angry now? You are too petty."

Seeing this, Shu Xun laughed.

"Humph, what are you talking about?"

"But I have a question, are you really a member of the Vanguard Brigade?"

Dahan looked old and asked tentatively.

He defeated me, so he is almost the leader of the Invincible Tribe.

Could it be that he is pretending to be a pig to eat the tiger!!!

"Naturally, our leader is very busy and has no time to run errands."

When it comes to Wu Wudi, Shu Xun's face is full of admiration.

"Running errands???"

"Damn it, if this guy wasn't so strong, I would have ripped his mouth apart"

"That's right, what do you think of us? We are one of the strongest tribes within a hundred million miles. It's really disrespectful of him to say that."

Dahan's face darkened again. He found���It seemed that there was no way to communicate with Shu Xun in front of him.

The other party was too arrogant, and even the witches of the tribe couldn't stand it.

"Don't get me wrong, we have hundreds of celestial witches in our tribe, and we have sent almost all of them out within a radius of 10 billion miles."

Shu Xun spoke, and Dahan's face became even gloomier.

"Okay, if you have any orders, just tell me."

"Stop talking nonsense. I don't want to listen."

"But don't worry, since you have the summons from the Ancestral Witch, and now that you have defeated me, I will not blink an eye at any of your orders."

There are hundreds of Heavenly Witches, and you don't say you are the Ancestral Witch?

This is what Dahan really thinks.

The strong men of the Witch Clan all yearn for Buzhou Mountain. Even if Dahan has a chance in the future, he will definitely go to Buzhou Mountain.

The Heavenly Witch who can stay in the Northern Wilderness should be the Heavenly Witch Board!!!

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