"How are the six of you practicing your formation?"

There are many formations in Mr. Jin's novels, especially the formations of all the major sects.

Once these formations are combined, their power is also very terrifying.

"Chief, we have already mastered most of the formations."

"Especially the Five Elements Formation, even if the five of us join forces, even if it is a monster in the late Golden Immortal stage, it is not a problem."

When the five witches spoke, they looked at Wu Kong with a sly smile.

It turned out that when they cultivated this formation, they tried it on Wu Kong.

The result was naturally that the five witches joined forces and beat Wu Kong, who was in the early stage of the Golden Immortal stage, into a mess.

"That's great. The five of you should hurry up and complete the decapitation operation."

"If necessary, go and help Wu Kong!!"

It's not that Wu Wudi despises Wu Kong, but the golden fairy monster in the 10 billion miles is not weak.

And since it is a plank road, it must be repaired in a big way.

""Chief, there is no need for that!"

Wu Kong said, looking unhappy.

"This is a war between wizards and liches, not a fight of bravery and brutality."

"If we are going to do it, we must make sure it is foolproof. This decapitation operation is very important."

Wu Wudi immediately glanced at Wu Kong, and then said:"Now, act immediately!!"


The six people instantly disappeared into Wu Wudi's cave.

"Shadow Guard, come to see me quickly!!"

The six people disappeared, and Wu Wudi immediately sent a message to the Shadow Guard who was practicing in the deep mountains and old forests.

"Meet the leader!!"

Countless black ants gathered together and turned into a shadow that appeared in front of Wu Wudi.

"It's time to play your role, go!!"

The Shadow Guards were specially trained by Wu Wudi. They are good at light work and concealing their breath.

Just like their name, once they move, they are like a shadow and cannot be detected.

And these Shadow Guards are also one of Wu Wudi's preparations.

Or in other words, this battle is Wu Wudi's strongest back-up.

Poison King Mountain.

There is a big monster in the late Golden Immortal period who is the king and even directly divides the land to be the king.

Anyone who enters this place will become a slave of this big monster.

If you don't listen, he will eat you directly.

"The king sent me to find the mountain, I came to the human world to take a look...."

Two black cats are patrolling the Poison King Mountains.

"I don't know where these damn witches have gone recently. It's getting harder and harder to catch them."

""We two brothers have suffered a lot in the past 100,000 years."

The slightly larger black cat demon complained unhappily.

Even though the Poison Eye King had reached the Golden Immortal realm, he still couldn't refuse blood food.

"Don't worry, brother. According to reliable information, the war between wizards and liches is about to begin."

"By then, the king will have no worries and lead us to sweep across the northern wilderness."

"The witch tribe can have as many as they want, and we can even steam or deep-fry them. We can do whatever we want."

The skinny black cat spirit drooled as he spoke.

"Brother, stop talking. I'm hungry now."


Just as the big black cat demon was talking, the Poison King Mountain exploded.

A ferocious centipede that covered the sky and the sun appeared in the sight of the two black cat demons.

"What's going on? Why did the king reveal his demonic form?"

"It seems that the king is restless and wants to move around."

"Well, brother, you are more knowledgeable."

"Tsk tsk, Your Majesty's body is no better than this, even if you are a great witch among the witch clan."

"How can the Great Wu of the Wu Clan be compared with the Great King? Brother, I think you don't know the domineering power of the Great King's Thousand Eyes Poison Light."

"Brother, tell me now"

"The king is a centipede spirit who has achieved enlightenment. All his cultivation lies in those eyes. Whenever he opens the thousand eyes of poison light, even the ancient witch will tremble in front of him."

Just as the two black cat spirits were talking, the centipede that covered the sky and the sun suddenly opened the eyes all over his body.

Suddenly, a breath of destruction filled the Poison King Mountain.

Seeing this, the two black cat spirits were so scared that they lay on the ground and dared not move.

"Huh...Could this green light be the King's Thousand Eyes Poison Light?"

"That's right, I was lucky enough to see it with my own eyes once. A mixed-haired golden fairy dared to challenge the king, and was instantly turned into blood by the king's thousand-eye poison light."

"Golden Immortal? Instantly? ?"

Just as the two demons were lying on the ground and talking, the centipede demon that covered the sky and the sun exploded.

The sky was full of blood raindrops, and the two black cat demons stupidly touched the blood that fell on their heads.

"Brother, what does the king mean by this?"

"Play with self-destruction, after all, the powerful people all take unusual paths"

"I told you, within a radius of 100 million miles, whoever can beat the king into an explosion must be a brother with broad knowledge."

Hearing the bragging of the little black cat demon beside him, the big black cat demon was also very proud.

But the next second, a figure emitting golden light appeared at the location where the centipede demon exploded.

"What is that???"

"Wu, it's the Wu clan!!"

The big black cat spirit immediately became excited when he saw this.

"How could he appear there?" the little black cat asked in bewilderment.

"Who cares why he appears there?"

"Look at how big he is. Just one of him is enough to satisfy the king

's hunger."The big black cat spirit laughed,"What are you waiting for? Let's go up quickly, otherwise we won't be able to see the king's mighty power later."

The two black cat spirits who were about to take action were dumbfounded the next second.

"The centipede king of the Poison King Mountain is dead. Brothers from all tribes, take down all these monsters immediately."

Wu Kong stood on the top of the Poison King Mountain and immediately issued orders.

After the decapitation operation, it was time for other tribes to show their abilities.

Wu Kong set out from the Invincible Tribe and his first stop was the Poison King Mountain.

Wu Kong did not underestimate this centipede monster in the late Golden Immortal stage.

Instead, he used his concealment skills to sneak in, and when the centipede monster reacted, he attacked him with lightning speed.

Facing such a ferocious Wu Kong, even though the centipede monster had the cultivation of the late Golden Immortal stage, he was seriously injured.

When he was about to be beaten to death by Wu Kong, he immediately revealed his demon body. He swallowed Wu Kong in one bite, and wanted to use the Thousand Eyes Poison Light to digest Wu Kong in his body.

However, he never thought that Wu Kong had several unique skills of Shaolin, and the Thousand Eyes Poison Light was not only useless to him, but was also directly blown up by Wu Kong.



The Wu tribe lurking around roared and turned into a torrent, directly submerging the entire Poison King Mountain.

"Ah, our king really died just now.

The little black cat was dumbfounded.

"Why are you still standing there? The witch tribe is going to rebel. Let's run!!"

The big black cat wanted to run.

But the next second, he encountered the witch tribe's torrent.

The two black cats didn't even have a chance to struggle and were killed. In just one day, all the monsters in the Poison King Mountain had been killed.

Dahan was covered in blood, but his eyes were bright.

Hundreds of years ago, the novel obtained by Wu Wudi made the strength of the entire Dahan tribe advance by leaps and bounds.

As the leader, Dahan even entered the realm of Xuanwu.

So this time he received Wu Wudi's order to wipe out the Poison King Mountain forces, and he happened to be a force near the Poison King Mountain.

"Poison King Mountain has been solved, I'm going to the next place"

"Brothers, I leave this to you."

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