Wu Kong was not the only one who took action. The other five witches were also taking action.

In the area of 10 billion miles around the Invincible Tribe, the scene of the Poison King Mountain was being played out almost everywhere.

In just one year, the witch tribe wiped out all the monsters in the area with an overwhelming force.

Such an action naturally attracted the attention of the Red Flame Demon Ape.

"To claim to be invincible is simply a fool"

"Lu Shu, listen to my orders!!!"

The Red Flame Demon Ape was soaking in the boiling lava, listening to his subordinates' reports with disdain.

""I am here."

Lu Shu looked like a horse, with a white head, a red tail, and tiger stripes on his body.

At this moment, he knelt before the Red Flame Demon Ape, exuding a murderous aura from head to toe.

"I order you to lead an army of three billion monsters to crush the invincible tribe!!"


Lu Shu turned and left, and the entire ancient fire palace was shaking.

"My king, there is no need for such a small witch tribe!!"

"Indeed, the strongest witch in the entire Northern Wilderness is the Earth Witch, and the best is the Sky Witch."

"The Wu Clan's strong natures believe in Pangu in their hearts. The strong ones all went to Pangu Palace. Who would stay here?"

The monsters looked at the Red Flame Demon Ape with puzzled expressions.

"You have grown such a big head for nothing."

The Red Flame Demon Ape scolded:"You can destroy dozens of Golden Immortals in a blink of an eye. It seems that the Wu Clan has learned a lot this time and left behind masters."

For the Red Flame Demon Ape, a year is equivalent to a blink of an eye.

And as the vanguard general of the demon clan in the Northern Wilderness, he naturally has to plan ahead.

"As expected of the king, he really thought it through."

"The Wu clan is nothing in front of the king."

"Under the leadership of the Great King, Beihuang will surely be able to eat more witch meat."

Like the witch clan, the slightly more powerful monster clans actually went to heaven.

The monster clans that can stay are not that strong at all.

The truly strong ones are his original team.

Such as Lu Shu!!

"Don't worry, when the witches and demons fight, it will be the time for us to completely crush the witches."

The Red Flame Demon Ape was quite pleased with himself, as if he had a plan in mind.

But he was also very timid in his heart. After all, it was the rule set by Hongjun Daozu, and he dared not break it.

So he has been waiting, waiting for the order from Emperor Dijun.

But now that the witches dared to take action first, he had an excuse to send troops.

Lu Shu, as the strongest demon among his subordinates, has reached the peak of the middle stage of Taiyi Jinxian, and is not weaker than Jiaozi.

With him taking action, the Red Flame Demon Ape is not worried at all.

Even with Lu Shu's ability, if there is no order from Daozu, it will not be a problem for him to take down the entire Northern Wilderness Witch Clan.

It's a pity that his idea is good, but the reality is very cruel.

Lu Shu led 3 billion demons to descend in a mighty manner, and met Wu Kong and other witches who had been waiting here for a long time.

"Hey, you guys are quite sensible, you actually came to my door on your own initiative!!"

Lu Shu is now a Taoist body, but his face still looks like a horse.

However, because of the tiger stripes, he is full of murderous aura.

"The demon tribe sent a flat-haired beast like you?"

The demon tribe's counterattack was within Wu Wudi's expectations, so facing the aggressive Lu Shu, Wu Kong was not surprised at all.

"How dare a small witch clan speak so arrogantly?."

"Hey, it turns out to be the Golden Witch Realm. How come you Witches have become so bold?"

"But do you know what realm I am in? How dare you yell at me!!"

When Lu Shu saw Wu Kong, he first narrowed his eyes slightly, then looked at him with contempt.

"I have to challenge you today!!"

Wu Kong snorted coldly, stepped on the void and instantly appeared in front of Lu Shu.

"So fast? ? ?"

A fist had already hit his cheek. Although Lu Shu was surprised, he was not worried at all.

It was because he had a protective magic weapon: the acquired top-level spiritual treasure Cangqiong Mirror.

This spiritual treasure was obtained by him by chance. It can attack and defend.

But the next second.


The demonic energy in front of him exploded, and the tens of thousands of demon soldiers behind him turned into powder in an instant.

Looking at the fist only a mirror away from him.

Lu Shu was stunned.

The opponent was only in the early stage of the Golden Immortal, and he was already at the peak of the middle stage of the Taiyi Golden Immortal.

The strength of the two was related to one major realm. The key point was that the opponent did not have a magic weapon, just a pure flesh body.

Is the body of the Wu clan so strong?

But that's not right. The Wu clan that he had fought with could resist the magic weapon with their flesh, but that was also at the same realm.

Now the opponent is one major realm behind him!!

"What a pity!!!"

Wu Kong sighed.

He had just used all his strength, which could be said to be his most powerful punch in his current realm.

He thought he could catch him off guard, but he didn't expect that the other party actually had a magic treasure to automatically protect his body.

His full-strength punch actually hit a mirror.

What's more infuriating is that his full-strength punch didn't even break the thin mirror.

"Boy, you have completely surprised me, so I will give you the highest courtesy."

Lu Shu held the Sky Mirror in his hand, and the power of the peak of the middle stage of Taiyi Jinxian burst out with all his strength. A scorching breath suddenly burst out from the Sky Mirror.

The power of the light was endless, and it seemed to have the power to tear the sky apart.

"Dad, uncle, save me!!!"

Wu Kong screamed.

Five streams of light appeared around him.

The six people's auras connected and turned into a stream of five elements.

The light from the sky mirror shone down, but was actually blocked.

""Where is the pride of the witch clan? ? ?"

Hearing Wu Kong asking for help, Lu Shu raised his eyebrows.

Since the battle between witches and demons, the witch clan has been famous for its toughness. They would rather die than surrender.

This is the most true portrayal of them, but this witch?

Damn, he actually asked for help!!!

If you asked the demon to surrender, he would believe it without hesitation.

But asking the witch to cry for help was the first time in his demon life that he had seen

"Except for life and death, everything else is trivial."

In addition to gaining power, the resonance of the Hongmeng novel system is also subtly changing the character of the witches.

Wu Kong has obtained so many martial arts, including the integrity of a small scoundrel, the spirit of a great hero, and the flexibility to deal with things.

""Fuck, I met a fake witch!!"

Lu Shu, who was holding the Sky Mirror, felt that his brain circuit was not enough at this time.

This group of witches not only cried for help, but also lost their moral integrity and knew how to form formations.

You must know that the power of formations is the power of heaven and earth.

Even the twelve witch ancestors don't know how to form formations now.

But look at these six witches now. The formation was formed in an instant.

And they used it very well, not like a novice at all.

At this time, the witches and liches in front were also fighting in a group.

In Lu Shu's plan, 3 billion demon troops would surely crush the invincible tribe if they came down in full force.

But the situation was exactly the opposite.

The 3 billion demon troops were crushed, but they were the objects of crushing.

It was only because everyone in the invincible tribe at this time had a stick in his hand, which was like stars in the sky when scattered and a ball of fire when gathered.

This power was terrifying, and the demons screamed.

If so, the demons could completely fill the gap with numbers.

But when he saw the witches coming from all directions, Lu Shu knew that he had been tricked.

""Five Elements Unite, God-Slaying Spear!!!"

Just when Lu Shu was distracted, Wu Kong seized the opportunity.

The formation emitted a strong five-element light, and the six people turned into a spear and stabbed into Lu Shu's chest.

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