"Xing Tian actually dared to enter the Mountain and River State Map of Goddess Nuwa alone, he is dead!"

"Big brother, should we take action now and kill all the remaining Wu clan members!!"

The Mountain and River State Map was hung above the Ruyi Heaven. The demon clan members looked at the map and their confidence increased.

At this time, Donghuang Taiyi exuded a murderous aura.

He wanted to rush into the Wu clan and kill all of them.

"Wait a little longer."

Di Jun shook his head.

The Great Zhoutian Star Array had just been destroyed. It was definitely not a wise choice to re-activate it now.

Moreover, many demon gods had already merged their souls into the formation. As long as this battle was over, the Great Zhoutian Star Array would be completely refined.

It would be safest to deal with this group of witches at that time.

Moreover, now that the Saint Nuwa had taken action, if his own demons showed that they still had the strength to fight, how could she intervene later?

It was difficult for the Saint to take action, so he had to leave her a reason to take action completely.

But just when he was thinking, the map of mountains, rivers, and states first cracked.

Then, countless sword qi flew out.

Wherever it passed, the Ruyi Earth and Heaven, which had just been repaired by Nuwa, was instantly destroyed by more than half.

"Sword energy is leaking out from the Map of Mountains, Rivers and States. What is going on?"

"Our Nuwa Saint doesn't seem to be good at sword energy, but the horror of this sword energy is rare in the entire prehistoric world."

"Why bother about him so much? As long as we can kill Xing Tian, why should we think so much?"

When the demon gods saw the sword energy coming out of the Mountain and River State Map, they immediately started to discuss.


"This is the innate invisible sword energy that breaks the body. Isn't it Feng Bo's fighting skill? How could it appear on Xing Tian's body?"

"and...The Mountain and River Map was broken, how is this possible!!!"

Only Di Jun was confused at this time.

He had fought with Feng Bo before, and he knew the domineering nature of this sword energy.

Even his own innate things such as the River Map and Luo Shu could be broken, which was extremely evil.

Since this sword energy was not used by the saint Nuwa, it must have been made by Xingtian.

Even the Mountain and River Map was broken, this is beyond belief!!!

As expected, whatever bad things he thought of, he would get.

Xingtian and Nuwa came out of the Mountain and River Map one after another, but unlike Xingtian who was still full of fighting spirit, Nuwa's eyes were gloomy to the extreme.

Even with the appearance of Nuwa, the whole world became gloomy and dark like her mood.

On the contrary, the witch clan was greeted with thunderous cheers.

"Awesome, he is worthy of being the boss of Xingtian, he actually broke Nuwa's map of mountains, rivers and states."

"Hey, do you feel that Boss Xingtian has a different aura?"

"Is that so?"

"It seems real, this breath seems to be..."Witch Saint!!!"

The moment the witches saw Xingtian, because of the transmission of the power of the Earth Demon, they still had a little connection with Xingtian.

But when they saw Xingtian, it was as if they saw...Like a saint


As soon as Xing Tian came out, he was bloodthirsty.

It turned out that he had just used the innate invisible body-breaking sword energy to break the mountain and river map.

Seeing this, Nuwa directly put away the mountain and river map. Now that he had reached Ruyi Ditian, how could Xing Tian stop? As soon as he started, the pressure of the saint spread throughout the venue.

Although he was a Disha Wusheng, he was also a saint.

Moreover, he was a pure flesh saint, gathering all the Disha laws in his flesh. The horror of his flesh was simply horrifying.

Now there are demons who don't know whether to live or die, and they are actually fascinated by it. The result is that they are directly corroded and killed by the Disha laws on Xing Tian's body.


At this time, Nuwa was also blood-thirsty. Facing the provocation of the Wu clan, she also opened fire at full force, throwing out the magic weapons in her hand one after another.

First, the Wuji Umbrella, although it was only an acquired treasure, it also contained the Wuji Law.

When this umbrella came out, it directly enveloped Xingtian.

The Wuji light, if placed in normal times, can instantly melt a quasi-saint peak.

But Xingtian is not a quasi-saint now, but a Wu clan Disha Wusheng.

This umbrella wants to take him, but can't even find his shadow.

It's just that Xingtian at this time has already grasped the Huangtian Dafa, and punched Nuwa's head.

Cangtian is dead, Huangtian should stand.

This is the method of punishing Tao.

When Xingtian threw this punch, Tiandao felt that Hongjun appeared directly on the spot.


Dingtian Hairpin, Piaomiao Chantian Belt, Jiucai Nishang, Lingxiu Piaoyi.

A full four kinds of magic weapons were instantly activated, but facing Xingtian's punch. They were instantly shattered.

The laws in them were directly Broken.

When Nuwa was about to be blown up by this punch, a breath of destruction came out from Nuwa's body.

The way of creation contains infinite vitality, but if it goes against the power of the law, it will derive infinite destructive power.

Jubao Rock is the stone that Hongjun used to separate the treasures at that time.

No one looked down on it, but it was obtained by Nuwa who possessed the way of creation.

Since this stone can carry so many treasures, it is not an ordinary thing.

So in these years, Nuwa has sacrificed it and used it as her own means of killing.

The power of creation was injected into it, and the light of death was actually generated.

This light is so powerful that it has the power to kill the immortals.

Nuwa was very happy at the time, but now she didn't expect that there would be a day when she would use it.

A witch and a demon, the two are like fate.

Swear to fight to the death.

But at this moment, a figure with immortal style appeared between the two.

No matter how horrible the means of the two were, when they hit him, he became invulnerable to all kinds of attacks.


Nuwa saw this and responded in time���

The Taoist master is also called Hongjun, or Heavenly Dao.

He is also Nuwa's master.

Nuwa stopped, but that doesn't mean Xingtian will stop.

""Four doors on the screen!!"

Once these doors appeared, it was just like the four gates Hongjun had set up for the Heavenly Court.

Xing Tian threw another punch.

The tip of his fist was filled with endless murderous intent.

Kill the Heaven, kill the Earth, kill the Taoist Patriarch!!!

Xing Tian did not hide his murderous intent at all.

""This punch, did you get rid of your anger?!"

Unfortunately, no matter how crazy the power of the fist was, Daozu Hongjun remained calm.

Even the raging evil spirit did not leave the slightest damage in front of him.


Xing Tian's face was grim.

Just as he was about to punch again, Wu Wudi's voice rang in his mind.

"Oh, why don't you come out?"

Hongjun was surprised, because Xingtian actually stopped attacking at this time.

"Why should we, the Wu clan, explain our actions to others?!"

Xing Tian looked normal, but there was no sign of anything wrong.

"You, Xing Tian, are really unruly to the extreme."

"How dare you speak so rudely in front of Master Hongjun? You really don't know what you mean."

The Three Pure Ones came hand in hand, first paying respect to Taoist Hongjun, and then Yuanshi scolded Xingtian.

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