"Teacher, I suggest that the Wu clan be eliminated immediately, otherwise it will be difficult to appease the public anger."

Seeing this, Nuwa also hurriedly complained.

"It's not right, Sister Nuwa, I think the witch clan's execution is against the morality of heaven."

"It is better to let them live in my Western Regions and let my Western religions discipline them."

"This way, we can solve the problem of the prehistoric times and prevent the West from being too poor."

Jie Yin and Zhunti also came together.

However, he immediately objected to what Nuwa said.

It was not that he had a relationship with the Wu Clan, but he wanted the Wu Clan's power to support the power of the West.

It was nothing more than a discipline to fill the gap in the power of the Western religion.

"You are so reckless, do you really think that my Wu clan is easy to bully?"

At this moment, the evil spirit around Xing Tian filled the whole place.

It was as if they would fight if they disagreed.

""Xingtian, do you still dare to be so presumptuous in front of Master Hongjun?"

Seeing this, Nuwa was even more delighted.

She was not afraid of Xingtian making trouble, but she was afraid that Xingtian would not make trouble at this time.

"Teacher, why don't we brothers and sisters work together to suppress the Wu clan under our Western Regions."

Zhunti looked at Hongjun again.

After all, the Western Regions are what they are today, and Hongjun is inseparable from it.

Moreover, the roots of the two Western spirits were not that good at the beginning.

And the reason why Hongjun gave them the Hongmeng Purple Qi was 90% related to him.

After all, I was cleaning up for him, but everyone envied this kind of cleaning up.

But envy is envy, sometimes you have to sell pity.

After all, he is his nominal master, although he is only a nominal disciple.

But it's scary.


Everyone wants it!!!

"The harmony of yin and yang is the way of heaven and earth!!"

Hongjun looked at the witch clan, his eyes were calm, but his heart was flashing with a strange light.


In the operation of the way of heaven, the Longhan catastrophe was a catastrophe that could clear the hostility between heaven and earth.

The war between witches and demons was another catastrophe that could clear the evil spirits left between heaven and earth.

Next, there is another catastrophe.

After this catastrophe, the way of heaven will be stable!!

But the way of heaven belongs to the way of heaven, and he, Hongjun, belongs to Hongjun.

Just like the two saints in the West, even though they were unwilling, they still became the existence to wipe his ass.

And how could he be willing to wipe his ass for the way of heaven?

""I don't know what this means, teacher? ? ?"

Laozi looked at Hongjun, and under his calm eyes, there was a deeper meaning hidden.

Inaction is not inaction.

For a while, he also looked at Hongjun with a puzzled face.

He thought he had seen the way of heaven, but now it seems that this way of heaven is unpredictable.

"The great god Pangu opened the sky, the pure air went up to the ninth heaven, and the turbid air went down to the ninth netherworld."

"The operation of heaven is to achieve perfection."

"Since there are seven saints for pure air, there must be seven saints for turbid air as well."

"This is the great way!!"

When these words came out, the whole audience was shocked....It can still be like this.

On the other hand, the Wu Clan was all overjoyed.

In this way, in the future, their Wu Clan will have seven Wu Saints.

And Wu Wudi in the Nanshan Peach Forest stood up directly at this time.

"What does it mean???"

The way of heaven is running, and he has transformed himself into countless clones to deduce.

Unfortunately, it is a chaos now, and he can't see clearly at all. He can only deduce the world through himself.

And Xingtian can become a saint, which is due to the gathering of the entire witch clan.

As for the so-called luck.

As long as the prehistoric world exists for one day, the witch clan will have the luck of the day.

There is no need for any magic weapon to suppress the luck, because this world was opened by Pangu, and this is the best magic weapon to suppress the luck.

But according to Wu Wudi's deduction over the years, Hongjun is bound to break the prehistoric pattern.

And this is ultimately the witch and demon catastrophe.

But now it is said that the witch clan has seven saints?

This is fucking flattery!!!

I just want to develop in a low-key manner, otherwise how could I hide behind the scenes all the time.

Even if I fought with Nuwa, I just borrowed Xingtian's body.

But now Hongjun? ?

Could it be that he calculated me, otherwise the look he just looked at the witch clan, there was a moment of heaven's secret following him.

Fortunately, I cut off the heaven's secret and used the method of covering the sky to be independent in the peach forest


The saints took a deep breath. They had never thought of this result.

"No need to say more, we just need to follow the operation of the Great Dao."

After Hongjun finished speaking, he disappeared in front of the saints.

At this time, he was not afraid of these saints attacking the Wu clan, and he even hoped that they would do it.

Otherwise, the Heavenly Dao has been running so smoothly, and he will sooner or later be wiped out in the Heavenly Dao. After the destruction of Ruyi Ditian, Nuwa did not dare to let the demon clan stay here.

It was because Xingtian dared to challenge Hongjun, the saint of the Heavenly Dao, not to mention that he had lost his own demon clan.

She was really afraid that Xingtian would kill him with a surprise attack.

After fighting with Xingtian, she deeply understood Xingtian's strength.

Without her own demon clan, she could not stop him at all.

The Wu clan returned to Buzhou Mountain happily, but at the same time sent troops to suppress the Nine Layers of Heaven.

The Wu clan is now powerful and is no longer satisfied with the prehistoric land.

And in Nuwa's Wahuang Palace

"Everyone, what do you think?"

After settling the demon tribe, Nuwa looked at all the saints.

"The Wu Clan cultivates the Earthly Evil Qi, which is really different from us."

"As the saying goes, birds of a feather flock together. Those who are not of the same path as me will be killed no matter how strong they are!!!"

Before Laozi and Tongtian could speak, Yuanshi took the lead in expressing his opinion.

"Yes, what Yuanshi Daoyou said is"

"The Wu clan does not cultivate their primordial spirits, and cannot place their primordial spirits on the way of heaven."

"actually...We can kill them!!"

The one who spoke was not someone else, but Jie Yin who looked thoughtful.

""Senior Brother!!"

Zhunti was very anxious. He wanted the Wu Clan to move into their western part, but now Jie Yin actually advocated killing them.

"Junior brother, you can take in the witch clan, but you can't keep the witch saint."

Jie Yin put his hands together, with a compassionate face without any hesitation.

"In this case, then everyone, please help our demon clan, and you will also help yourselves."

Nuwa looked at the saints.

The saints understood.

They were saints who placed their trust in the positive side of the Heavenly Dao, and they were different from the Wu clan who were independent.

If the Heavenly Dao no longer needed them one day, they would fall from the holy realm.

Although Nuwa did not say it explicitly, all the saints knew it.

"But what is the teacher's opinion? ?"

At this time, Jie Yin raised the question of all the saints.

"Don't worry, my demon clan has the Zhou Tian Xing Dou formation. As long as this formation is completed, we will definitely be able to surround and kill Xing Tian."

What Nuwa wants is that the saints don't interfere, so that their demon clan can benefit.

"Is the Zhoutian Xingdou formation okay?"

At this moment, Yuanshi sneered.

"Yuanshi, what do you mean?"

Nuwa said angrily.

"Didn’t everyone see it just now?"

"Xing Tian is not even afraid of you, let alone the Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Array!!"

Yuan Shi shook his head. He really looked down on the monsters who were born from eggs and covered with horns and scales.

"The current Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Array is not perfect, the real Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Array is enough to rival a saint."

Nuwa blurted out.

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