"What's the point of competing?"

Jie Yin shook his head with a bitter look on his face.

"It is indeed useless."

Changing the subject, Nuwa continued:"But the demon race still has a formation called the Hunyuan Heluo Formation"

"If this formation can be completed, combined with the Zhoutian Xingdou formation, it will be able to strangle the Wu clan without Yuanshen."

Nuwa specifically mentioned the four words without Yuanshen because she was afraid that these Yuanshen saints would be afraid of the demon clan.

"This plan is feasible!!"

Just when the saints were hesitating, Laozi spoke.

It was the final word.

This was the Laozi of the Three Pure Ones. He usually didn't talk much, but once he spoke, he could represent the Three Pure Ones.

And among the six saints of heaven and earth, if the Three Pure Ones agreed, then it would almost be a done deal.

Especially now that the demon race has added Nuwa, after all, it was she who proposed it.

"Thank you for your support, Brother Laozi, but before that, we still need a sword."

Nuwa looked at Laozi, but there was some hesitation in her eyes.

After all, that was the foundation of his enlightenment, and it was extremely inappropriate for her to propose this.

But there was no way. Now the Wu clan was growing too fast, and it was simply incredible.

Especially after the battle with Xingtian, she felt inexplicably scared.

The other party's endless fighting skills and various weird means.

Even if there is no Yuanshen, it is not worse than the Yuanshen.

Could it be that this is the way of the flesh that runs counter to the way of the Yuanshen?

When the world was first opened, the clear air rose and the turbid air sank.

The two energies between heaven and earth should be equal, just like the yin and yang.

Although my own way of creation has unparalleled means of creation.

But compared with the way of destruction, it is not enough to attack.

Since the clear air can give birth to a saintly teacher like Hongjun, why can't the way of the earthly evil produce such changes as you?

Because of practicing the way of creation, I know the wonder of creation, which cannot be described in words at all.

""Junior Sister Nuwa, you are going too far!!"

Laozi did not speak, but Yuanshi looked at him coldly.

Red lotus, green leaves, white lotus, the three religions were originally one family.

Laozi did not speak, but Yuanshi, as the second in command, was not happy.

After all, the human race is Laozi's foundation, and even the sainthood is also due to the human race.

Moreover, the human race will be the protagonist of heaven and earth in the future. As long as Laozi holds on to the human race, it is equivalent to the Three Pure Ones being invincible.

Now someone wants to dig up the foundation of the human race. As the boss of the Three Pure Ones, Laozi did not say anything, but it does not mean that he has no opinion.

"Senior Brother Yuanshi, don’t be anxious. Take a look at this first!!"

Nuwa took out the map of mountains, rivers, and states, and then spread it out to show everyone a picture after picture.

It was the battle between Xingtian and Nuwa.

It turned out that during the battle, Nuwa used the way of creation to record everything.

At the beginning, the saints were still calm.

"Sister Nuwa, you are so bad that you can't even solve the problem of an ancestor witch."

"You are just a ancestor witch, you could have easily won the game, but you forced him to a draw."

""Junior Sister Nuwa, this is your fault. Why don't you use thunderbolts to completely suppress Xing Tian?"

Seeing the battle between Xing Tian, who was still at the Ancestral Witch level, and Nuwa, all the saints were dissatisfied. It was something that Nuwa could solve alone, but now she had to drag it out until all the saints joined the game.

However, as the battle between Xing Tian and Nuwa deepened, until Xing Tian broke through the Witch Saint level, all the saints were silent.

It was because Xing Tian's behavior was too abnormal. This was not the Witch Clan they knew at all.

"According to the fire law, Emperor Jun and Taiyi should be the first in the entire prehistoric world."

"But what about the nine little suns in Xingtian's body? Even if he killed the nine little golden crows and absorbed them into his body, it would be much stronger than the law of the sun."

Zhunti was shocked. Although he was a saint, it was difficult to conceal the changes in Xingtian's body at this time.

This was simply too shocking and definitely not in line with common sense.

"Not only these nine pure yang laws, but also his Heavenly Demon Disintegration Method, is simply catching up with the Demon Ancestor Luohou!!"

Jie Yin's face became even more bitter.

He founded the Western Religion, although he had never come into contact with the Demon Ancestor Luohou.

But now the entire Western Religion is still in ruins, filled with demonic energy everywhere, and even more lives are in ruins.

Even if the two saints, they can only barely suppress the Western Religion.

"Brother Sanqing, what do you think? ?"

Seeing Zhunti and Jieyin's performance, although Nuwa looked calm, she couldn't help laughing in her heart.

Didn't you just laugh at me?

Now that you've seen it, why don't you say anything?

Keep going!!!

"His fighting skills are not like those of the ancients!!"

Yuan Shi held the jade ruyi in his hand, his expression flickering. He was obviously making crazy deductions, but unfortunately he couldn't figure it out in the end.

However, he roughly determined a direction.

"Xingtian's fighting ability is indeed very special!!"

Among the Three Pure Ones, Tongtian is the best at fighting.

Now seeing the changes in Xingtian, he was actually a little excited.

If he could not take action now, he would have wanted to pick up the Qingping Sword and kill the Wu Clan.

Unfortunately, he is already a saint, and he can't do anything willfully.

"I agree!!!"

Finally, Laozi spoke. Although it was only three words, it was obvious that he was uncertain about Xingtian's change.

Just when the saints wanted to continue watching the battle between Nuwa and Xingtian, hoping to find some clues from it, the picture suddenly shattered.

At the same time, a terrifying aura rushed directly towards the six saints.

"How dare you challenge the majesty of the saint!!!"

Seeing this, the quasi-sage was surrounded by Buddha's light.

He came with one hand, but wanted to block all the attacks.

But when the two forces came into contact, Zhunti groaned and took the force.���Come

"Xing Tian, has he become so strong? ?"

Jie Yin was shocked.

The other four saints may not know the methods and strength of Junior Brother Zhunti, but he knew it clearly.

The two of them, like the Three Pure Ones, were not brothers, but they were better than brothers.

Moreover, in terms of cultivation, the two often discussed and cooperated together.

Even in terms of the laws of the soul, the two learned from each other.

No matter how careless Zhunti was, he could not be knocked back by a single blow.

And it was three steps.

Three steps!

He actually made the saint retreat three steps.

And it was a fight in the air, but he was defeated!!

"Can't wait any longer, let's get started!!"

The happiest person at this moment was none other than Nuwa. When she first saw Xingtian fighting with Nuwa, their complaints against Nuwa were still vivid in her mind.

Now it was their turn to be shocked and unbelieving, and Nuwa finally let out a breath of anger.

However, at this moment, she could not only not show it, but also had to feel it.

Now there are seven saints in heaven and earth, and Hongjun has already merged with the Dao.

If the Wu clan had seven saints, wouldn't they be their enemies?

After all, the appearance of saints was equivalent to the separation of the management power of the Heavenly Dao, and it was also weakening their existence.

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