Military bases.

Chen Yaozu finished looking at this brand new base full of science and technology.

Then he walked into the combat conference room with a group of subordinates in military uniforms and suits.

These people are all commanders rewarded by the system, one top commander, ten senior commanders.

Then there are specialists in the military-industrial industry and missiles, specialists in agriculture, and so on.

The conference room is very large, and nearly 100 people gather together, which is not crowded.

“Today’s meeting, two contents!” Chen Yaozu sat on the first place and said in a deep voice.

He has never been the kind of person who likes to sell passes, not to mention that these people are his diehard loyalists.

There is no need to say any nonsense opening statements at all.

“First, urban planning!”

“Second, how to resist John Bull’s retaliation?!”

“These two points are the biggest problems we are about to face now!”

Sitting in Chen Yaozu’s left hand position, wearing an army-green military uniform, wearing three rounds of silver crescent moon on his shoulders, a middle-aged man full of elegant temperament stood up: “Head of state!” ”

“Talk!” Chen Yaozu raised his eyebrows and gestured.

Yang Shu, the top commander of the system reward.

The military uniform was customized by Chen Yaozu himself in the system.

This is a small convenience given by the system.

The rank is from top to bottom, and the highest is Chen Yaozu’s dragon-type rank, which represents the supreme position.

Then there is the rank of marshal of the silver moon, the rank of general of the silver moon, the rank of colonel of the bright stars, and then the rank of lieutenant decorated with stars.

The star-dotted military ranks are similar to the style of the stars, but if you look closely, one star is solid and shining, and the other is a nebula, low-key and restrained.

Finally, there are privates, graded by striped roads.

“Based on my observations during this time, I have also discussed with my colleagues, and the location of this place is excellent.”

“My suggestion is to take the base as the center, radiate to the surroundings, and build a city!”

“This is our simple drawing, please look at the head of the country!”

Chen Yaozu took the drawing handed over by Yang Shu, and a hint of satisfaction flashed in his eyes.

That’s right, this is what we should do.

Think of all the problems in advance and find a solution.

Unlike him in Xiangjiang, he has to worry about big and small things.

It is said that it is a simple drawing, but it is actually very detailed.

Only one meter long and half a meter wide, the densely packed building is depicted on hand-drawn paper.

The planning of transportation, the differentiation of residential areas, the location of shopping malls, the differentiation of hospitals, and even how far a convenience store is clearly marked.

There are also some necessary factories around the city.

There are even rough drawings of subway and railway plans.

It means that they have even chosen the direction and general location of the second city.

Chen Yaozu nodded with satisfaction: “Not bad~!” ”

“When the construction personnel and materials arrive, follow this drawing to construct!”

Acknowledgement of the efforts of the crowd.

Chen Yaozu looked at Yang Shu after putting down the drawings and asked, “The second question, what do you think?” ”

Doing urban planning or something, for Yang Shu, who is a top military commander, is definitely overkill.

War is his strongest point!

A trace of essence flashed in Yang Shu’s eyes, and he said in a deep voice: “Preemptive!” ”

Chen Yaozu’s expression remained unchanged: “How to preemptively strike?” ”

Yang Shu said in a deep voice: “Our forces have been newly formed, and the countries of the world are still in a wait-and-see attitude towards us. ”

“The first shot fired by the head of state in Xiangjiang was because of the oppression of Governor John Niugang, so he was barely a famous master!”

“But John Niu, as one of the great powers, even if it is a loss, they will send troops to recruit us for the sake of international reputation!”

“The more this time, the more we have to show our power to the world!”

“Let them understand that we are definitely not something they can bully at will.”

“Our weapons are definitely not simply used as deterrence!”

“If you dare to do it, then you will break the net!”

Chen Yaozu was unmoved, and then asked: “The current international situation, I have asked people to pass on to you through various channels. ”

“Now is the Cold War period, the Mao Bear Country and the Eagle Sauce Country are deadlocked, and the world powers dare not act rashly at this time.”

“Because once war breaks out, it will usher in a real era of nuclear peace!”

“If at this time, we take the initiative to attack and provoke a war with John Bull, it is likely to be targeted by the great powers, or even jointly send troops to eliminate our unstable factor first.”

Yang Shu nodded: “What the head of state said is true!” ”

“We have also discussed this issue!”

“The final conclusion is that if we don’t take the initiative and wait for John Niu’s revenge to come, we will be trapped beasts!” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“Reason one, we have searched the Star Bright Islands, and the ecological environment here is barely balanced, but the materials are poor!”

“Before there is no way to be self-sufficient, our material sources can only rely on the outside world.”

“If John Niu really sends an aircraft carrier formation, if we also send aircraft carriers to dispatch, the biggest possibility is that John Niu avoids the war and cuts off our transport routes to besiege us!”

“At that time, we can only wait for slow death in addition to fighting to the death!”

“The second reason is that as the head of the country said, we now have no more heritage than John Bull, if John Bull’s retaliation comes, we can only passively respond, our guns and ammunition are limited, and John Bull has the entire country as a backing, under a long-term stalemate, we can not say development, it is difficult to maintain the status quo.”

“Therefore, we can only take the initiative to drive the aircraft carrier out and bring the mushroom bomb!”

“If John Niu dares to retaliate, then we will be forced to choose to attack indiscriminately!”

“Which country will fall in at that time, which country will be considered unlucky!”

Chen Yaozu’s expression moved slightly, and he couldn’t help but shoot up: “Let other countries and even the great powers help us persuade, okay!” ”

Yang Shu said in a deep voice: “‘The head of the country is wise, and his subordinates mean exactly this!'” ”

Are you John Cow not cattle batch?

Isn’t it powerful?

Labor and management do not confront you, and directly send the aircraft carrier out to do it alone!

Directly to the faces of the great powers.

No, simply be direct, scare the face of the Mao Xiong Country.

As soon as John Niu dared to move me, I began to attack indiscriminately.

Do you John the cow dare to offend the great powers for this?

Can you afford the furious fury of the Hairy Bear Country?

As long as you dare to move labor and management, then labor and management will open this era of nuclear peace!!

Just ask if you dare!

Chen Yaozu hammered the final word: “Okay, just do it!” ”

“Yang Shu!”

“In!” Yang Shu gave a military salute and replied loudly.

Everyone in the conference room also stood up instantly.

Chen Yaozu looked solemn and said word by word: “I officially appoint you as the commander-in-chief of the three armed forces!” ”

“Take full responsibility for this!”

“Aircraft carrier, Zhan Ji, all service members, all transferred by you!”

A trace of fanaticism flashed in Yang Shu’s eyes: “Yes!” Yang Shu will definitely live up to the expectations of the head of the country, overcome all difficulties, and create a peaceful and prosperous era for the head of the country! ! ! ”

Chen Yaozu breathed a sigh of relief and said in a deep voice: (Wang Zhao Zhao) No, it is for us, for our descendants, to create a truly peaceful and prosperous era! ! ”

“A prosperous era without war, oppression, and exploitation!”

“A prosperous age that belongs to us!!”

Chen Yaozu’s words fell, and in everyone’s eyes, in addition to the loyalty and fanaticism that would not dissipate, there was a trace of fascination!

“I am willing to be the head of the country, for this peaceful and prosperous world, bow down and die!!”

Chen Yaozu looked at the frenzied looking crowd, and suddenly felt a little heavier on his shoulders.

“Head of State!” Yang Shu opened his mouth and said Yu.

“We have formed our own armed forces, but we still lack a name.”

“Soldiers and people need a faith and belonging!”

Yang Shu’s voice fell, and the war conference room suddenly fell silent.

Everyone looked at Chen Yaozu with bright eyes, and their eyes were full of hope.

Chen Yaozu was rarely silent and sat on the first place to ponder.

I don’t know how long it took, Chen Yaozu slowly raised his head, and a slightly muffled voice echoed in the conference room.

“It’s called the Dragon Kingdom!”

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