The news of the establishment of the Dragon Kingdom spread all over the place.

Although the current information transmission is still lagging behind.

But the heritage of the great powers is definitely not something that ordinary forces can imagine.

They have too many ways to get information across quickly.

In addition, Chen Yaozu’s intelligence junior brother who sent out countries before deliberately leaked the news.

The news soon reached the ears of the great powers.

Eagle sauce country: “What? A newly established kingdom actually has mushroom bombs? And aircraft carriers with a displacement of 100,000 tons? ”

Director of the Eagle-chan Intelligence Bureau: “According to our situation, the news is accurate!” ”

“Our people have indeed found an unknown aircraft carrier formation in the Pacific Ocean, and it is the full kind!”

Xiao Bu frowned and said, “Is it the plan of the Mao Bear Country? ”

A fully formed aircraft carrier formation and mushroom shells definitely did not come out of thin air, and even more so handed over to an Asia-Pacific person.

Among the great powers, even the Eagle Sauce Country did not dare to sell their aircraft carriers.

Not to mention a full aircraft carrier formation with nuclear submarines.

This is in the capital enemy, unless the eagle sauce country has a brain disease, will sell this threatening weapon.

And with the current strength of various countries, in addition to their eagle sauce, only the Mao Bear Country can do all this.

Director of the Eagle Sauce Intelligence Bureau: “At present, there is no evidence that Mao Xiong Country is responsible. ”

“And there is no way to hide such a thing as an aircraft carrier, but we in the hairy bear did not find any clues.”

Xiaobu said coldly: “What if it is the military base of the Maoxiong Country overseas?” ”

The director of the Intelligence Bureau nodded: “This possibility is not excluded.” ”

Little 890 Bu said meaningfully: “What kind of dragon country’s territory, are there any rare resources?” ”

The director of the intelligence bureau understood in seconds: “The territory of this dragon country is a colony of John Niu before, and no rare mineral resources have been found except for some uncivilized indigenous and conventional resources!” ”

Xiao Bu was a little regretful when he heard this, and said with a smile: “In this way, then don’t worry about it, let John Niu solve it himself.” ”

“Now that the Cold War has reached its most critical moment, it is most important to pay close attention to the movements of the hairy bear.”

The intelligence chief did not leave, but said in a deep voice: “Your Excellency, my words are not finished!” ”

Xiaobu: “?? ”

The intelligence chief’s face was a little solemn: “This aircraft carrier formation of the Dragon Country, the direction of going to sea is our Eagle Sauce Country!” ”

Xiao Bu was stunned for a moment: “What do you mean?” ”

The intelligence chief took a deep breath and said, “According to our intelligence investigation, the other party wants to throw mushroom bombs in our Eagle Sauce Country!” ”

Xiao Bu’s eyes widened instantly, a little unbelievable: “What did you say?” ”

The intelligence chief looked at Xiao Bu with a solemn face, and showed with an attitude that he was not joking.

Xiao Bu’s face turned gloomy: “Fak, is this Dragon Kingdom crazy?” Dare to provoke our Eagle Sauce Country? ”

“Think you can do whatever you want with an aircraft carrier formation?”

The intelligence chief said in a deep voice: “The opponent’s aircraft carrier formation, the advanced level (AIFH) and armed forces are no less than ours. ”

“And according to the intelligence we got from Xiangjiang, the other party also has three generations of Zhan Ji, the known number is ten, but it is not ruled out that there are still secretly!”

Xiao Bu breathed sluggishly: “The next time you speak, can you finish it all at once?” ”

Nima, even if the aircraft carrier formation and mushroom shells are fully formed, even the three generations of Zhan Ji have it?

In this case, if the other party really has any rare minerals, he directly ordered to attack just now.

Doesn’t that make him unable to get down the steps?

Intelligence Director: “The other party has positively stated that the Xiangjiang matter is John’s fault first, and a large amount of evidence has been sent to my office through various methods!” ”

“They said that if John Niu dared to invade the territory of the Dragon Kingdom, they would use mushroom bullets to attack the whole world indiscriminately.”

“Including but not limited to our Eagle Sauce Country and Hairy Bear Country!”

Saying that, he put the document in his hand on the table of Xiaobu.

Xiao Bu looked at the documents on the table, his face gloomy.

After a long time, he gritted his teeth and said: “Fak, you dare to threaten us!!” ”

The intelligence chief looked solemn: “Following the old saying of the Great Xia Dynasty, the other party is now barefoot and not afraid to wear shoes.” ”

“They have nothing but a deserted island, not even ordinary people, so the other side has nothing to fear.”

“The most important thing is that if the other party throws a mushroom bomb to the Mao Bear Country, in the next second, the world will usher in a real nuclear peace era!!”

Xiao Bu’s face was gloomy, as ugly as eating Xiang.

At the same time, the country of hairy bears, Bactria, Gallic chickens, John cows, Hans cats:

The great powers all received the news in various ways.

Full aircraft carrier formation, the most advanced war ji at present, mushroom bombs with indiscriminate attack (read the violent novel, just go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

There was a worldwide uproar…

John Bull: “How dare he!!” How dare he? ”

“Your Majesty, the country of Mao Xiong is calling!”

“Mao Xiong Country said that once Mao Xiong is attacked by mushroom bombs, it will drop one-third of the mushroom bombs on our John Niu and completely neutralize us!”

“Your Majesty the Empress, the Eagle Sauce Country is calling!!”

“Eagle sauce country said that the international situation is tense now, and I hope that we John Cow will focus on big oranges!”

“Your Majesty the Empress, Hans Cat is calling!”

One by one, news came from the cabinet, and Empress John Bull almost didn’t vomit blood.

The great powers have never treated them equally…

Now because of the threat of the power of a dwarf mule, he actually directly united to put pressure on her John?

Her aircraft carrier was specially dispatched.

Are you letting me retire now?

Am I John Cow faceless?

How do you mess around in this ball in the future?

But she knew better that the great powers were not afraid of this dragon country.

It’s afraid that the country of hairy bears will go crazy!

After all, everyone knows that the mushroom bomb reserves and power of the Mao Bear Country are the most in the world!

Why the Cold War now?

Why do all countries dare not act rashly, it is afraid that they will be in a hurry, and the Mao Xiong Country will go crazy directly.

The empress gritted her teeth and said word by word: “Call the aircraft carrier formation and change the voyage to Xiangjiang!!! ”

The empress wanted to vomit blood, and she had never imagined that her own John Bull, one of the great powers, would be threatened by someone she had never seen before.

Also had to compromise!!

This is a great shame for John Bull!

Daxia is still in that majestic office.

“Unexpectedly, we still underestimated him!!” The old man sitting at the top said with a faint sigh.

The other heads of the office also had solemn faces: “The aircraft carrier formation is full, he hides so deeply…”

“If we had really broken the contract at that time, the consequences would have been unimaginable!”

“Yes, no wonder he promised us so cheerfully at that time, are we now considered to be aiding and abetting abuse?”

“I’m afraid that the great powers could not have imagined that he had kidnapped the whole world with a mushroom bomb…”

“Dragon Kingdom: Dragon Kingdom? ”

“What if the great powers knew he only had one mushroom bomb?”

“No, Chen Yaozu this person is too deeply hidden, no one knows what kind of hole cards he has, not to mention, since he dares to do this, I am afraid that he really plans to break the cauldron once the war starts, Daxia is still developing, we can’t gamble, we can’t let the hard work of our ancestors go to waste.”

There was a lot of discussion in the room.

“Let’s get ready!” Finally, it was the old man who was the first to interrupt the discussion.

There was an instant silence in the conference room.

The old man slowly stood up: “The great powers will not allow him to launch mushroom bombs, because once the current situation is broken, they can’t afford it, and they don’t want to bear the retaliation of the completely crazy old hairy people!” ”

“So you say prepare for war?” In the conference room, someone couldn’t help but ask.

“Xiangjiang!” The old man said in a deep voice.

“John Niu will give up retaliation against Chen Yaozu, but Xiangjiang, they will definitely come!”

“First, it’s because of the importance of Xiangjiang.”

“Second, the face they lost in the hands of Chen Yaozu, if nothing else, wants to be recovered in the hands of our Daxia.”

“After all, it’s the great powers, they all want face!”

An old man full of iron and blood said coldly: “Want to come to our territory to find the field? Then I don’t mind letting them taste the bitter fruit again! ”

“Also tell the world that Daxia is not the original Daxia!!”

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