In a short time, this game became popular in the school.

Everyone was arguing about which pet was the most powerful.

Which pet's skills were really useful.

How they defeated which opponent.

Everyone talked about it with relish.

So much so that those who didn't have Wanying GAMEboy console felt that they were out of date.

They asked their parents to buy this game console.

This game became popular instantly.

In just one week, 10 million copies were sold.

Each machine and the game cost 800 Hong Kong dollars.

The total profit was 8 billion Hong Kong dollars, equivalent to 1 billion US dollars.

Moreover, this data is still increasing.

Lu Yun knew that this"Pokemon" could sell at least 60 million copies, bringing him a profit of 6 billion US dollars.

At night, Zhongshan Xiong was fighting with his Sakura Country wife in bed.

The assistant's phone kept calling.

Zhongshan Xiong ignored it and continued to do his work.

Then he wrapped himself in his pajamas and called back.

"Hello, Ueno-kun, what's going on?"

���"Mr. Nakayama, the Pokémon game from Wanying is a big hit! In just one week, 10 million copies have been sold. And it's still selling. It's very popular."

Assistant Ueno hurriedly reported.

"What? This is too exaggerated."

Zhongshan Xiong was very shocked. He felt that this game was very ordinary.

Moreover, in order to enhance the convenience, the picture quality was also lost. He originally predicted that it could only sell 300,000 copies.

Who knew that now, in just one week, it has directly sold 10 million copies.

Conservatively estimated, at least 60 million copies can be sold before the next product comes out.

This is a very terrifying sales volume, which can directly reach the top sales in the history of games.

Zhongshan Xiong was not wrong.

This game did reach the top sales in history.

However, it was not only 60 million copies.

It was a full 100 million copies.

In the end, no game broke its sales record in the next 20 years.

The game of Pokémon is very popular.

Now every day, a large number of game consoles are sold, making a lot of money for themselves.

Lu Yun was very happy.

For this reason, he held another cocktail party to celebrate the launch of Pokémon.

This cocktail party was held in Wanying Public Brain Company.

Many celebrities in the entertainment industry and business tycoons came to participate.

The cocktail party was very lively.

Baochuan Wang smiled and raised champagne to Lu Yun:

"Ah Yun, I never thought that! It has only been a short time since you came up with another masterpiece that has caused a sensation around the world! No matter which country I ship goods to, I see many people holding your newly invented portable game console in the streets and alleys."

"Haha, Mr. Bao, you are too kind. It is just a small thing, just for fun."

Lu Yun clinked glasses with him and drank.

"Ah Yun, I've played your game too. There are so many pets in it, and each pet has different skills. How did you develop it? I believe it must have cost a lot of money to develop it!" asked the landlord puzzledly.

"Mr. Li, you are thoughtful. You don't have to worry about this. I don't have to pay for the research and development funds myself. The parents of the Gordon family invested in me for free, without any interest. This is very cool."

Lu Yun was also very happy to use these interest-free funds for research and development.

Moreover, if there is a loss, it will be the other party's, and if there is a profit, it is yours. Of course, it is cool.

"What? Gordon family? Is it the century-old family, the Gordon family of the United States?"

Landlord Li asked in surprise

"Of course, who else would it be?"

Lu Yun said with a smile

"Oh my God! You even know the head of the Gordon family? Your network of contacts is too wide."

Landlord Li knew that the Gordon family was one of the top ten families in the world.

It was amazing that Lu Yun could know these people.

What made him even more incredible was that the other party was willing to provide Lu Yun with funds free of charge, which was simply too awesome.

You know, in the business world, funds are very important. If you are in real estate, you can't buy land and build houses without funds.

If you are engaged in research and development, you can't do it without funds.

No matter what, funds are very important in the business world. If you want to borrow money from banks and other places, it is a problem whether you have the qualifications.

What's more, they all charge commissions.

And now, Lu Yun actually said that someone provided him with funds for free, which is simply too perverted.

"It's no big deal. Not only the Gordon family, but also the Morgan family and the Rockefeller family, some of them have provided me with funds. Otherwise, my company wouldn't have recruited so many talents and worked overtime to do research and development!"

Lu Yun smiled and said.

These funds do not require commissions, so it's naturally painful to spend them.

Just increase your efforts to do research and development.

Sure enough, the speed of research and development is fast.

Every few months, new products will be launched.

"The Morgan family? The Rockefeller family?"

Homeowner Li was completely dumbfounded.

Lu Yun knew more than one of the top ten families in the world!

"Well, that's a piece of cake. There are people investing money in the top ten families. There are also some families that are not in the top ten, but their power is not small. Many families in the top 20 and top 30 have people investing money.

As for the families outside the top 30, although they also want to invest money, I think it's troublesome to keep accounts for funds below 1 billion US dollars, so I didn't accept their funds.

After all, the funds invested by the top 30 families are more than enough."

Lu Yun said nonchalantly.

What? The top ten families in the world have people investing money in your research and development?

There are also many families in the top 20 and top 30 who invest money in your research and development?

Not only that, but you think the money from the families outside the 30 is not enough and you don't accept it?

This is too hard for Mr. Li to accept.

You know, he is in real estate.

If he has enough funds, he can buy, buy, and wait for the property to appreciate.

It can be said that the larger the funds, the more money he makes.

He dreams of getting more funds!

And Lu Yun here thinks that the one-time investment is too little, so he didn't accept it....

What the hell is going on here!

So, the money invested by the top 30 family members is more than 1 billion US dollars each.

Lu Yun's R&D funds are in the tens of billions of US dollars!

It's too generous.

No wonder he recruited people and spared no effort in R&D.

"Well, it’s mainly because I think it’s too troublesome to keep accounts, and I have enough funds."

Lu Yun took a sip of wine and said calmly.

The few of them chatted for a while.

Lu Yun went to the side to eat.

"Haimei, do you really want to go over there? I feel a little scared."

Luo Huijuan looked at the handsome man not far away and said to her friend Zhou Haimei.

Luo Huijuan and Zhou Haimei knew each other before at TVB.

Luo Huijuan had some works before, but they were never very popular.

Now she sees her sister Zhou Haimei doing well in Qiankun Pictures.

She is also very envious, as her contract with TVB just expired.

She did not choose to renew the contract and planned to go to Qiankun Pictures first.

It's a pity that when she really met Lu Yun, she was a little nervous. After all, Lu Yun's aura was too strong.

"What are you afraid of, Ajuan? Our boss doesn't eat people...

No, even if he does, he doesn't eat people like a tiger eats meat, but eats them... very comfortably and happily!

You don't have to worry about it!"

Zhou Haimei originally wanted to say that Lu Yun doesn't eat people, so you don't have to be afraid.

But think about it, Brother Yun sometimes really eats people, especially when he eats himself.

However, it's not a terrible thing for him to eat comfortably, but a happy thing.


Luo Huijuan was skeptical.

"Really? Let's go! I'll introduce you to her."

Zhou Haimei brought Luo Huijuan to Lu Yun.

He introduced her,"Brother Yun, this is a friend of yours from TVB, Luo Huijuan. She has always admired you and wants to work at our Qiankun Films. I wonder if Brother Yun agrees."

Lu Yun took a look and found her very beautiful.

No wonder, this is the only woman that Zhou Xingxing admits he wants to marry.

She is neither fat nor thin, and has a perfect figure.

She has delicate facial features and a unique temperament, which makes her very attractive.

""Brother Yun, hello."

Luo Huijuan said to Lu Yun with a smile.

"Sure, I just recently came up with a TV series and I'm in need of a female lead. Come to my room tonight and I'll discuss the plot with you."

Lu Yun nodded and said,

""Okay, okay!"

Luo Huijuan was a little nervous.

She didn't expect that she would become the heroine just after joining Qiankun Film Company.

Moreover, she had no experience in that area.

And she understood what Lu Yun meant.

She was a little shy, but also a little expectant.

Soon, it was night.

Luo Huijuan knocked on Lu Yun's room door.

"Brother Yun, here I come!"

""Well, you're here? Come in!"

Lu Yun opened the door.

Luo Huijuan walked in and closed the door again.

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