Da da da da da da~

Tian Yangsheng fired a burst of bullets, turning Ni Kun into a sieve.

Han Chen came over, took out his pistol, and shot Ni Kun a few more times.

"You fucked my wife! You fucked my wife!"

Bang, bang, bang!

Ni Kun was beaten beyond recognition, and Han Chen's anger subsided.

"Ah Zhi! Go upstairs and take a look!"

Tian Yangsheng ordered.

He knew what Brother Yun meant. He wanted to do things thoroughly.

The whole family should be on the road in good order.

"Okay, Brother Sheng."

Tian Yangzhi led a team of people upstairs.

Ni Hong hid in the room. She heard someone coming up the stairs and was very scared.

However, she was a member of the Ni family and had developed a ruthless nature since childhood.

She took out the gun she had hidden and hid behind the door.

If anyone dared to come over, she would shoot at the first opportunity.

Tian Yangzhi had been trained since childhood and had experienced many actual battles.

The instructor once said that the most taboo in indoor combat was to ignore the back of the door.

It was best to kick the door first before entering.

Tian Yangzhi did just that.

He kicked the door open.

The door did not make a banging sound like it hit the wall, but a soft sound.

It bounced back very hard.

There must be someone hiding behind the door.

Tian Yangzhi fired and shot.

There were more than a dozen holes in the door. 12

Ni Hong, who was hiding behind, screamed miserably.

At the same time, Tian Yangsheng's men did the same thing, and the doors of the rooms were opened one by one.

The nanny, Filipino maid, workers, etc. inside were all killed.

Then, Tian Yangzhi brought his people down.

"Han Chen, your revenge has been taken, so you should flee abroad!

Remember, if you are caught by the Hong Kong police, or if you tell anyone that this matter is related to Brother Yun, you will be dead! If you flee abroad, you still have a chance to survive."

Tian Yangsheng ordered

""Okay! I'll leave right away!"

Han Chen nodded seriously, and then ran outside immediately.

His short legs were very cute when he ran on the road, supporting his small body to his car.

While driving to the suburbs, he called the black boat driver.

He had to leave here quickly.

If he was caught by the police, he would be dead.

Although there is no death penalty in Hong Kong Island.

However, he believed that Lu Yun would not let him go.

The strength shown by Lu Yun surprised him too much. The

Ni family villa, which his gunmen could not break into at all, was directly destroyed by his team of RPGs, so that his men could rush in.

Facing the gunmen of the Ni family who resisted stubbornly inside.

All his men were killed.

And what about Lu Yun's men?

Come over, take out the M16, and shoot crazily. Killing those people is as easy as cutting cabbage.

Damn, this firepower really made Han Chen dumbfounded.

He was very glad that he was not Lu Yun's enemy.

Otherwise, several of them would not be enough for him to die.

He planned to escape to Ouzhou A country that has no extradition treaty with Hong Kong Island.

In this way, even if the Hong Kong Island government knows that I did it, they will not be able to arrest me.

I can stay there all my life and still survive.

If I come out, in addition to the risk of being caught by the government, there is also the danger of being silenced by Lu Yun.

After all, he knows Lu Yun's strength. If he really wants to kill me, I will definitely not be able to escape.

The reason why he didn't kill me now is because I am still valuable.

Therefore, he plans to stay in that city that has no extradition treaty with Hong Kong Island for the rest of my life.

In the Ni family villa.

Tian Yangsheng and others began to erase the traces of their presence.

They were going to set up here. Han Chen's men came with the latest weapons.

What RPG-29, M16, were all brought by Han Chen's men.

Therefore, about a hundred of Han Chen's men died.

And all of Ni Kun's 500 men died.

After doing all this, Tian Yangsheng and others left here as if they had never been here.

"Hurry up, why haven't you arrived yet? The gunfire has stopped."

In the police car, Huang Qifa looked at his watch and said anxiously

"Mr. Huang, this is the fastest speed, everyone is going 100 mph.

This is in a busy residential area, driving too fast can easily cause a car accident."

The subordinate reminded

""Okay, okay, just focus on driving."

Huang Qifa said somewhat unhappily.

Not long after, a convoy finally arrived at the gate of the Ni family's villa.

At first, Huang Qifa thought he had come to the wrong place.

Where is the wall of the Ni family's villa?

Why is there no wall?

Until he looked around and found that the villa in the middle was the Ni family's villa.

This is too exaggerated. The wall of the Ni family's villa is so long, how could it collapse in one day?

In Huang Qifa's impression, the firearms of Hong Kong Island societies are generally black stars and spray guns, and at most grenades.

And if you want to blow up such a long wall.

It would take hundreds of grenades!

Who the hell is crazy to throw so many grenades?

When Huang Qifa continued to walk inside, he found that there was a corpse on the ground with an RPG-29 on his shoulder.

"Oh my god! Why is there such a thing on his shoulder?"

Huang Qifa was shocked. He had seen the RPG-29, the latest development of Luosha Country, in the military newspaper of the police station. This kind of thing should only be equipped by Luosha Country's army!

How come the gangs in Hong Kong Island also have it?

This was too shocking for him, and even a chill went down his spine.

If the gangs in Hong Kong Island were equipped with such a thing, it would be dangerous for him to fight against them, and he might lose his life at any time.

"Whose subordinate is this person?"

Huang Qifa asked

""Sir, I think he looks like Dilu, Han Chen's subordinate!"

A police officer reminded.

Because Dilu's face was covered with blood, Huang Qifa didn't see it when he was surprised.

Now after a closer look, it was indeed Dilu, Han Chen's subordinate.

In other words, it was Han Chen who attacked the Ni family's villa.

Thinking of the video he had seen recently when he was slacking off in the office, the reason why Han Chen attacked the Ni family became clear.

"Han Chen is really good! He even dared to beat his boss! Everyone, take a look, is there Han Chen's body?" Huang

Qifa gave the order.

Half an hour later, the police counted the scene.

There were 534 people in the Ni family, all dead.

Including Ni Kun, Ni Yongxiao, Ni Zhi, and Ni Hong. The Ni family is 113 dead this time! And 113 of Han Chen's men died. No one saw Han Chen's body. In other words, this battle was won by Han Chen's side.

"Mr. Huang, I think there may be outsiders helping Han Chen. Otherwise, how could Han Chen, with more than 100 people, defeat Ni Kun, with more than 500 people?"

A policeman raised his doubts.

"Are you stupid? Although Ni Kun has many people, his men all use Black Star. And Han Chen has a group of men with M16, and two of them have RPG-29. With such strong firepower, it is not surprising to win."

Huang Qifa analyzed.

The police nodded. After all, even they have not seen the power of this latest anti-tank gun of Luosha country!

Maybe one shot can kill dozens of people in the Ni family, and a few shots can seriously injure the vitality of the Ni family.

Although Han Chen's number is not as large as that of the Ni family.

However, with such a big killer, maybe he really won and escaped!

"Inform all the brothers to patrol the docks. Don't let Han Chen escape!"

Huang Qifa knew that Han Chen was not a fool. He had made such a big fuss. If he stayed in Hong Kong Island now, he would be looking for death. He must be looking for a dock to escape!

He must be caught as soon as possible!

The police officers did not dare to neglect it. They immediately put on red and blue lights, beeping, beeping, and speeding up to rush to one dock after another in Hong Kong Island.

Especially those docks that are remote and uninhabited are most likely to be smuggled by black ships.

Unfortunately, although Han Chen has short legs, he actually runs very fast.

He has boarded the black ship and then escaped.

The police searched all night and found nothing.

This time Huang Qifa mobilized a large number of police forces. Although he found the crime scene, he did not catch a thief. It can be said that it was in vain.

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