When Liu Jianming arrived at the Ni family's house, he found it had become a ruin.

He saw several policemen registering the bodies while chatting:

"Oh my god, Ni Kun got his comeuppance this time. He died a miserable death. I heard that he was shot dozens of times in the body, and even on his face, there were more than a dozen big bloody holes. He was completely unrecognizable."

"Isn't it? This guy should have been punished long ago! The Ni family is such a big flour merchant, how many families have been separated! And when we went to catch him in the past, he was so arrogant!"

"It was only because someone always took the blame for him that he was able to live freely until today. Now, retribution has come! Old and new scores are being settled together, and he has been beaten beyond recognition!"

""Two brothers, what are you talking about? Is Ni Kun really dead?"

Liu Jianming walked over and asked.

"Who are you?" the two policemen asked in confusion.

"I am Liu Jianming from the anti-gang group."

Liu Jianming took out his police ID.

"Oh, it was my senior brother, of course, he died a tragic death, dozens of bullets, his face was unrecognizable."

The policeman replied

"Why did the police station take such a big action this time? Did they bomb the Ni family like this?"

Liu Jianming asked in confusion.

"It wasn't the police who did it, it was Han Chen who did it. You know, everyone knows it recently, Ni Kun slept with Han Chen's wife, of course Han Chen was angry, and sent someone to kill Ni Kun."

The police explained.

When Liu Jianming heard about Ni Kun and Mary, he was very annoyed, he clenched his fists.

But he quickly calmed down and asked:"Han Chen? Is he really that strong? I heard that he only has a hundred gunmen! Can he really kill Ni Kun?"

"Senior brother, I think you should not underestimate him. Although Han Chen only has about a hundred people, he has powerful firearms."

"Oh? Really? What powerful firearm does he have?"

"Look at this wall, it's all blown down! I heard that he has RPG-29, the latest type of fuel-air explosive bomb, which is very powerful! With this thing, one hundred people killed Ni Kun's five hundred people, isn't that normal?"

Another policeman added:"Indeed, there was. I saw it when the master was collecting evidence. They carried two RPG-29s to the evidence truck. There were also more than a dozen M16"

"You know, generally speaking, the clubs in Hong Kong Island only have the Big Black Star and a shotgun. Now that Han Chen has taken out this kind of firearm, Ni Kun is certainly no match!"

"Oh, I see. Go ahead and do your work. I won't bother you any more.〃¨ 〃¨ "

Liu Jianming knew the general situation and walked around the place casually.

Then he left and went to the hotel where Mary was.

In the room, Mary saw Liu Jianming coming back and asked anxiously,"How is Ah Ming? Is Ni Kun dead?"

"He is dead, but I didn't kill him. He was already dead when I went there!"

Liu Jianming answered truthfully.

"Really? How could this happen? Do you know who killed him?"

Mary asked doubtfully.

"Sister Mary, please stop lying to me here! Brother Chen has such a powerful firearm, why do you still need me to help you kill Ni Kun?"

Liu Jianming said with some jealousy

"What? Ah Ming, why don't I understand what you said? Did Ah Chen kill Ni Kun?"

Mary asked in confusion.

"If not him, who else could it be?"

Liu Jianming said

"What? He can kill Ni Kun? What happened? Tell me about it?"

Mary was also shocked. She didn't know her husband's strength. How could he beat Ni Kun?

Liu Jianming told Mary all the information he got at the Ni family villa.

After hearing this, Mary fell into deep thought.

Others didn't know, but she knew that Han Chen couldn't possibly own RPG-29 and M16.

So, who helped Han Chen?

Mary suddenly thought of the company that exposed her and Ni Kun's affairs?

Qiankun Film Co., Ltd.

Could it be that Lu Yun was the one who helped Han Chen behind the scenes?

If it was Lu Yun, then everything could be explained.

After all, Lu Yun is the leader of Hongxing and is very powerful.

It is said that last year on Wandao Island, more than a dozen people killed more than 200 gunmen of Zhou Chaoxian.

That must be someone with big firearms.

"Ding Dong, Ding Dong!"

At this time, the doorbell of the suite rang.

Liu Jianming came to open the door.

"What are you doing here? What's going on?"

"Ah Ming? Who is here?"

Mary came over and saw that it was Lu Yun, the leader of Hongxing.

Speaking of Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here

"Sister Mary, this guy is dangerous, you go quickly, I'll hold him back!"

Liu Jianming said.

Lu Yun felt that Liu Jianming was really a super invincible licker. If I really wanted to kill them.

He actually sacrificed his life to let Mary go first.

What? Did you think it was a movie, snatching the love saint?

"Ah Ming, don't worry, let them in!"

Mary was more rational. She knew that Lu Yun could kill Situ Haonan among a thousand people, so now they couldn't escape.

Moreover, the person who helped Han Chen kill Ni Kun was probably Lu Yun, so he shouldn't have any bad intentions.

Lu Yun walked in.

"Sister Mary is still sensible! What? Do you know why I came here this time?"

Lu Yun asked

"I don't know what you are doing here.

"I want you, sister Mary, to join our Hongxing."

Lu Yun knew that although Han Chen went abroad as a scapegoat, there was still a certain risk that he might be brought back by the police.

Although this risk was small, it did not mean that it did not exist.

If he really came back one day and found that Mary was in his hands, he would be obedient.

Although Han Chen said that he had nothing to do with Mary, he actually knew that Mary had done everything for him over the years.

He also loved Mary deeply, but as a man, he had to let Mary go.

Perhaps the two of them living separately was the right way to deal with it.

However, it did not mean that they did not love each other anymore.

"¨「 ¨「 Why should I join Hongxing?"

Mary asked

"To be honest, you also know that Han Chen can't destroy the Ni family alone. In fact, I helped him, and I also know where Han Chen is hiding.

If I want, he will die immediately."

Lu Yun took a puff of cigar

"I understand. You want Han Chen to be a scapegoat, so you keep him.

And you are worried that he might be caught by the police. Although the chance of this happening is very small, it does not mean that it does not exist. So, you want me to join Hongxing and threaten me with my life, so that Han Chen will not talk nonsense."

Mary finally understood.

"Sister Mary is really smart.

Lu Yun nodded and said

"OK, I can join Hongxing."

Mary nodded.

Lu Yun could actually kill Han Chen, but if someone in the police force suspected that he was involved in the battle of the Ni family, no one would take the blame, but his risk would be a little greater.

So, if she didn't agree to him, he might really kill Ah Chen.

Therefore, Mary had to agree to join Hongxing, which was equivalent to being a hostage to prevent Ah Chen from doing anything wrong.

And if she was caught (for money) (for money), she would just have to admit that she did it!

"Sister Mary, don't agree to him. He is the leader of Hongxing and a bad guy. If you follow him, it will only hurt you."

Liu Jianming saw that Mary had just left Han Chen and joined Lu Yun's club, but she was unwilling to live an ordinary life with him, which made him very angry.

"Liu Jianming, this is my own decision, it has nothing to do with you.

Mary said coldly

"Mary, before you join our Hongxing, you need a token of allegiance."

When Lu Yun said this, he looked at Liu Jianming softly.

If he wanted to keep Mary firmly by his side and ensure that she would not betray him, then of course he needed a���Liu Jianming panicked and was about to pull out a gun from his waist:"Sister Mary, don't believe me.……"

At this moment, Luo Tianhong had already moved. He raised his eight-sided Han sword, and Liu Jianming's right wrist flew out along with the revolver he was holding.

Luo Tianhong made another horizontal slash, and Liu Jianming's legs became weak and he half-knelt on the ground.

"I understand, Brother Yun!"

Mary picked up the ashtray on the table and smashed it on Liu Jianming's head.

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