The next day it’s 9 a.m.

The sun is shining brightly.

The sky is blue.

Wash away thousands of miles of clouds.

Such good weather seems to indicate something.

Ta-ta-ta-ta... there was a crisp sound of leather shoes hitting the floor.

Ye Tianhua walked downstairs with his hands in his pockets.

Coming down behind him was Long Jiu, who had been moistened by a night of spring rain.

At this time, her face was rosy, and she looked more gentle and charming than last night.

Come to the hall

"Hua brother!"

A row of people spoke respectfully to Ye Tianhua.

Ye Tianhua lit a cigarette.

He sat on a chair, crossed his legs, naturally exhaled smoke, and raised his brows.

Little Overlord and Wei Jixiang stepped forward

"Brother Hua, we have sorted out Hongtai's territory. This is the ledger of all places."

The two handed the two bags of ledgers respectfully to Ye Tianhua.

Ye Tianhua sat on the chair and hooked his hands.

Wu Sidao understood and stepped forward with a cane to take the ledgers.

"Is there any movement on the site?"

Ye Tianhua glanced at Little Overlord and Wei Jixiang and spoke.

"not yet."

The little bully replied.


"I received news that the surrounding communities seemed to have some ideas about our territory."

Hearing this, Ye Tianhua raised his eyebrows, looked at Wang Jianjun aside and said

"If anyone dares to reach out to our territory, I will chop off his hand!"


Wang Jianjun nodded.

"Now that we have established a prefix, we must show our authority and power. We must not be timid. Once we are weak, we will be pounced on and torn to pieces!"

"We can only hit until they are afraid and until they dare not even look at us!"

"When you join our Red Flower Club, don’t be afraid of trouble, but be powerful enough! If something big happens, I will take care of you!"


Ye Tianhua said coldly.

After listening to Ye Tianhua's words, everyone was now solemn. They felt a strong domineering force, and their blood was suddenly surging.

Everyone present straightened their bodies, as if a force was injected into their bodies..

They spoke almost in unison.


The voice was very loud and full of energy, echoing in the hall for a long time.

Ye Tianhua nodded.

"Little Overlord, Wei Jixiang, how many people do you have under your command now?"

Little Overlord and Wei Jixiang heard the sound and responded one after another.

"I have about 290 people now, almost 300"

"I have about 230 brothers."

Wei Jixiang has fewer men than the Little Overlord.

They are not many.

Such a number of men is obviously not enough.

Ye Tianhua nodded and continued.

"The two of you will expand all your brothers to more than 500 people."

"People who join my Red Flower Club must be carefully selected"


Little Overlord and Wei Jixiang nodded in response.

"Okay, you go down and do some work."


Little Overlord and Wei Jixiang nodded and walked out.

Ye Tianhua smoked a cigarette and lay on a chair.

Wang Jianjun hooked his hand at the younger brother beside him.

After a while, the younger brother brought a rich Western breakfast to Ye Tianhua.

"Brother Hua, please have a meal."

Ye Tianhua stood up, put on his napkin, picked up the knife and fork, looked at Long Jiu beside him and said softly.

"Let's eat together."

Long Jiu nodded and sat down to enjoy breakfast with Ye Tianhua.

However, just after Ye Tianhua took a few bites, a young man came in and whispered a few words to Wang Jianjun. After hearing this, Wang Jianjun's eyes flashed slightly.

He waved Waving his hand, the younger brother retreated.

Wang Jianjun walked slowly to Ye Tianhua, lowered his body and whispered in Ye Tianhua's ear.

"Brother Hua, together with Guan Zaisen, the leader of Liansheng Kowloon Tong Hall, brought more than 200 people here and want to talk to you."

After hearing this, Ye Tianhua raised his eyebrows, then continued to enjoy breakfast, cut off a piece of steak, put it in his mouth, chewed it, and said coldly

"Let him come up."

Wang Jianjun nodded, then stood up, came to the younger brothers, and whispered a few words.

The younger brothers nodded and turned around and walked out.

………… downstairs.

More than two hundred people gathered downstairs.

The two sides faced each other.

Yelling and yelling.

Twenty or so young men blocked Guan Zisen's men at the door.

"Tamad, will you let us in?"

"If you dare to block here again, I will smash your whole place!"

The boy outside was shouting, and Guan Zisen was sitting in the car, biting a hamburger and drinking Coke, watching all this quietly.

And Jimi Zi was sitting next to him, smoking quietly and waiting.

After a while, a A young boy ran over and spoke

"Boss, they won't let you in"

"what should we do?"

Guan Zisen waved his hand lazily and said

"Not allowed in? Isn’t that easy to handle?"

"What did I bring you people here for?"

Seeing Guan Zisen speak like this, the younger brother nodded quickly and said


The younger brother immediately turned around and shouted to all the younger brothers.

"Brothers, get in here!"

However, when he finished these words, several burly men walked out from inside and spoke loudly to the crowd.

"Our Brother Hua invites your boss to come in and talk."

After hearing these words, the scene suddenly became quiet. Guan Zisen had a smile on his face when he heard the voice, and looked at Jimmy Zi on the side.

The two opened the car door and got out of the car. They walked into the Royal Bath.

All the boys Everyone wanted to follow them in, but they were stopped.

"The space inside is limited and cannot accommodate so many people. Brother Sen, you can only bring a dozen people in."

The younger brother said to Guan Zisen.

Guan Zisen glanced at the younger brother outside and said

"You are all waiting here."

He brought so many people here, nothing would happen at all.

Finally, he took Jimmy and a dozen other boys and followed him up to the second floor.


Second floor.

Guan Zisen walked in wearing sunglasses.

At a glance, he saw Ye Tianhua sitting in the center of the hall enjoying breakfast leisurely.

The large group of boys standing around didn't care at all.

Although the style looks very good, in his eyes Ye Tianhua is just a small role!

There is a huge difference between him and Liansheng Kowloon Tong Hall Master.

As long as he wants, he can crush Ye Tianhua to death at any time!

Guan Zaisen took Jimmy Zai and a dozen other boys to sit opposite Ye Tianhua, with his feet heavily placed on the table.

Ye Tianhua looked at Guan Zisen's feet on the table, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

He slowly put down his knife and fork and wiped his mouth with a napkin

"You are Ye Tianhua, right? Do you know why I came here?"

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