"With Liansheng, Guanzisen, and Brother Sen?"

Ye Tianhua threw the napkin on the table, lit a cigarette, lay back on the chair and looked at Guan Zisen

"If you want to show your face, you can call me Brother Sen. If you don’t want to show your face, you can call me Guanzi Sen."

Guan Zisen also lit up a cigarette as he spoke, tilting his head to look at Ye Tianhua.

A light smile appeared on Ye Tianhua's face.

"So Brother Sen came to me with great fanfare this time, what's the point?"

"Are you asking this question knowingly? Don’t you know what you have done?"

Guan Zisen touched his hair lazily and said.

"Brother Sen, don't play tricks here. If you have anything to do, just talk about it directly."

After listening to Ye Tianhua's words, he slowly sat up straight and spoke to Ye Tianhua seriously.

"You have become a traitor, cheating and relying on the Walled City to win the territory of Mong Kok. You are not grateful, but you want to monopolize it for yourself. You have no moral principles at all."

"I came here today to talk to you about this matter on behalf of Mr. Jun."


"So, Master Jun invited you here?"

Ye Tianhua smoked a cigarette and narrowed his eyes slightly to look at Guan Zisen.

"This matter should be out of your hands, right?"

"Or are you saying that you have received the benefits from Mr. Jun?"

As soon as these words came out, Guan Zisen's face turned sinister as if someone had stepped on his foot.

"how? Can't I take care of this?!"

He slapped the table and stood up, pointed at Ye Tianhua and said fiercely.

"Boy, don't think that just because you occupy a small territory, you can be arrogant with me here!"

"You are just a country bumpkin who just came from the mainland to make a living!"

"I came here today to sit down and talk to you to give you face!"

"Today, you have to hand over this territory even if you don’t want to!"

"Otherwise, just wait and lie on the coffin board with me! Seeing how arrogant Guan Zisen was, Wang Jianjun and others showed cold murderous intent on their faces.

Ye Tianhua turned pale after hearing this, and suddenly picked up the ashtray on the table and hit Guan Zisen's head hard.

Blood flowed. Splashing.

Guan Zaisen covered his head and screamed in pain, and fell down.

Jimmy Zai and a dozen other boys saw their faces changed drastically when they saw such an unexpected situation.

They just wanted to make a move, but the knife hadn't been taken out yet.

Wang Jianjun and others quickly gathered around and put the knives on their necks.

They looked nervous, and none of them dared to act rashly.

The sharp blades were put on their necks, making them feel like they had fallen into an ice cellar.

"Please be honest with me all!"

Wang Jianjun's eyes swept over their bodies like a knife blade, making them feel an inexplicable tingling sensation.

Ye Tianhua held a blood-stained glass ashtray in his hand and walked slowly to Guan Zisen.

"Tamad, how dare you threaten me!"

"Who do you think he is?!"

"And the leader of Liansheng Hall?"

"If you offend me, Ye Tianhua, I will send you on your way!"

Ye Tianhua looked down at Guan Zisen coldly, with murderous intent in his eyes.

Then he leaned down and waved the heavy ashtray in his hand towards Guan Zisen.


Guan Zisen's screams spread throughout the hall. Jimmy Zi and the other boys did not dare to look at such a scene, so they all turned their heads away.

After a minute, the shouting stopped and there was no movement at all.

At this time, Ye Tianhua stopped his men's movements.

Looking at Guan Zisen, whose flesh and blood were blurred and no longer human, Ye Tianhua stood up slowly and threw aside the glass ashtray full of blood and minced meat.

His body was spattered with blood, and his face was stained with blood. He lit a cigarette without caring. At this time, Wang Jianjun stepped forward and handed over a white handkerchief.

Ye Tianhua took the handkerchief, wiped it on his face, threw the handkerchief on Guan Zisen's body, and then slowly returned to the chair.

He exhaled a burst of smoke, raised his brows, and glanced at Jimmy Zai looking at Guan Zaisen's body on the ground with a very painful expression on his face.

The other boys were trembling with fear.

They saw with their own eyes that Ye Tianhua beat their boss to death!

It's so cruel!

Their boss is dead, and I'm afraid they won't end well!

Thinking of this, their bodies trembled slightly unconsciously.

Let them fight with knives, and if they get hot-headed, they may rush forward without any scruples.

But the feeling of being pinched in someone's hand and slowly waiting to die made them very frightened both physically and mentally.

"Now I give you a choice!"

Just when they felt fear in their hearts, Ye Tianhua's cold voice sounded.

Guan Zaisen, including Jimmy Zai, all looked towards Ye Tianhua

"Now that your boss is dead, if you don’t want to go with your boss."

At this point, Ye Tianhua paused and glanced at them.

The Guanzisen boys felt like they were being tightly grasped in their hearts.

They were waiting for Ye Tianhua's next words.

"Then you have only one way to choose, and that is to join my Red Flower Club!"

"As long as you join our Red Flower Club and you are one of our own, then I will naturally let you live!"

"Destiny is in your own hands"

"The choice is up to you!"

After saying that, Ye Tianhua looked at Jimmie and the others quietly.

As soon as Ye Tianhua said these words, more than a dozen of the younger brothers looked embarrassed. It was obvious that they all had difficulties.

Betrayal and joint victory, the risks they took were not small, no matter it was Reality and heart are both a big test!

"You'd better think about it carefully. We, Brother Hua, have given you a choice. You only have one chance. If you miss it, you will never have another chance to think about it!"

Wang Jianjun walked up at this time, staring coldly at Jimmy Zai and Guan Zaisen and the other boys.

Jimmy Zai was struggling in his heart. He also had a beautiful girlfriend waiting for him at home. He couldn't die here!

But join If the other party talks about it, He Liansheng will probably not let him go, and it will be very dangerous then!

But if you can't pass this level today, don't talk about the future!

Finally, Jimmy Tsai thought quickly, and finally raised his head and looked at the person sitting opposite Ye Tianhua said with a solemn expression.

"If we agree to you, then we won’t be able to explain it to our brothers outside."

"Our boss died here. If we go out like this, we will be hacked to death!"

Hearing this, Ye Tianhua raised his eyebrows, stood up slowly, came to Jimmy Zai and said

"Don't worry, I will take care of all this."

"As long as you agree to join my Red Flower Club, I guarantee that you will be safe!"

"In addition, if you are interested, I will help you sit on the Lian Sheng Kowloon Tong Hall!"

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