Seeing Uncle Deng looking towards him, Long Gen slowly put down the tea cup in his hand.

After thinking for a moment, he slowly said

"I think Asen’s death is not that simple and needs to be investigated."

As soon as Long Gen said this, Chuan Bao waved his hands and then said

"What else are you investigating? Didn’t those guys in Asen say it was Hongxing Shesen who did it? They have all seen it with their own eyes. Do you doubt that they are lying?"

"Damn it, please let Long Gen speak clearly."

"There must be a reason for him to say that."

Mao Tao, who was sitting opposite, stretched out his hand to stop Chuanbao from speaking.

Chuanbao picked up the tea and waved his hand casually.

"Well, if you have anything to say, just tell me. I want to hear what kind of flowers you can tell me."

"Long Gen, if you have anything to say, just say it and let everyone listen."

Finally, Uncle Deng looked at Long Gen again and said.

Long Gen thought for a while, lit a cigarette, the smoke was lingering, and then slowly said

"Actually, I don’t have anything to say."

"I just feel that Asen’s death is not that simple"

"Hongxingshe has no grievances against him and is unlikely to kill him."

"I have sent people to investigate, and we will talk about it after we find out the truth."

Listening to Long Gen's words, Deng Bo nodded.

"Since you have doubts, it's better to be cautious about this matter"

"After all, this is related to the harmony between us and Hongxing Society"

"Speaking of which, our two families have been living together peacefully for so many years. If the relationship becomes stalemate because of a misunderstanding, then the gains outweigh the losses."

"What do you all think?"

As he said that, Uncle Deng looked at everyone sitting there.

A group of elders spread their hands and said that they would wait until the truth was found out.

Big D and other hall leaders also said that there was no problem.

After all, Uncle Deng opened the door. They all have to give face to each other.

Deng Bo's claim to be the Supreme Emperor of Liansheng is not just talk.

His influence is very great.

Very few people can go against his wishes.

Although he has a relationship with Lian Sheng, as long as Deng Bo speaks out matter, then you can basically make a decision.

"Since everyone has no objections, let this matter be shelved for the time being."

"Now the position of Kowloon Tong Hall Master is vacant. Long Gen, are there any suitable candidates below?"

Uncle Deng looked at Long Gen again.

Everyone present also looked at Long Gen.

Long Gen smoked a cigarette, and after thinking carefully for a moment, he slowly said

"At present, the only people under Kowloon Tong who are qualified to be in the position are Tang Hu and Jimmy Zai."

"But I personally prefer Tang Hu."

Long Gen said what he meant.

Uncle Deng nodded after hearing this.

"Call the two of them to the hall tomorrow, and we will all make a decision."

"Okay, that's it for today"

"When you go back, please control the people under your command and don't conflict with the people of Hongxing Society for the time being."

Finally, Uncle Deng stood up and explained.


Everyone stood up and nodded in response.


He Liansheng and other senior executives left the teahouse one after another.


Big D goes downstairs and gets in the car.

Sitting in the car, he lit a cigarette

"That old ghost Lung Gen wants to promote his confidant and wants to firmly control the entrance of Kowloon Tong."

"Brother D, what should we do?"

Big D's confidant Ma Wei, who was sitting in the passenger seat, turned his head and looked at Big D and said

"The old guy seemed to be getting closer to Lin Huaile recently."

Big D smoked a cigarette and said disdainfully.

"So what if it's close?"

"That old guy is also a money-hungry person."

"But now it’s hard for us to offend him."


"So we won’t get involved in the Kowloon Tong incident this time?"

Mawei then asked.

Big D glanced at Mawei, said nothing, waved his hand and said


Seeing that Big D was unwilling to answer, Mawei was sensible and didn't ask any more questions. He ordered his younger brother to drive.

The vehicle started and he stepped on the accelerator and left the place.


The night quickly darkened.

Suddenly it started to rain.

The road was wet.

Neon lights reflect on the ground and complement each other.

Ye Tianhua walked out of the Royal Bath, and the tall and beautiful Long Jiu held an umbrella for him.

Chen Jinnan, with a cold face, accompanied him.

Followed by more than a dozen young soldiers wearing suits, all holding big black umbrellas.

Ye Tianhua looked at the people hurriedly coming and going on the street, then got into the extended Mercedes parked on the roadside, and Long Jiu sat in with him.

Chen Jinnan was sitting in the passenger seat.

The other boys got into the vehicles at the front and rear. After a while, the convoy left the Royal Bath and drove towards the distance.


This time Ye Tianhua was going to meet someone with Lian Sheng.

That’s Big D!

He wants to win Big D's support.

Only in this way can Jimmy Tsai take over


【It is detected that the host has penetrated the power into Heliansheng】

【Post task now】

【Support Jimmy, a member of the Red Flower Club, to the position of leader of Heliansheng Hall】

【After completing the mission, the reward is: 30 million Hong Kong paper, an elite summoning card, 200 dead soldiers, and mastery of the twelve-way tan leg skill. Ye Tianhua, who was sitting in the car, raised his eyebrows when he heard the task issued by the system.

The task issued by the system was exactly what he wanted.

Hearing about the rich rewards, Ye Tianhua became even more motivated for this trip.


Ten minutes later.

The motorcade stopped at the Empire Entertainment Club in Tsuen Wan.

Ye Tianhua got off the car.

Long Jiu held an umbrella for him.

Ye Tianhua looked up at the entertainment club whose building decoration resembled the White House, with a smile on his face.

"Quite impressive"

"He is worthy of being the leader of the most influential hall in Heliansheng."

With a sigh, Ye Tianhua led a group of people in.

………… at this time.

Big D, who is in the club office, is receiving a guest.

Big D was smoking a cigar, lying on the boss's chair, looking at the HK$200,000 paper in the box on the table, and then at Jimmy Tsai standing in front of him.

He took a drag on his cigar, slowly exhaled the smoke and said

"You want me to support your rise to power?"

Jimmy Tsai nodded quietly.

"If you want me to support your rise to power, I will offend that old ghost Long Gen."

"This 200,000 is not enough"

"Take it back"

"That old ghost Long Gen supports his close men, and you have no chance at all if you want to rise to the top."

Jimmy Zai frowned when he heard Big D's words, and then said

"If it's not enough, I can add more"

"add? How much can you add? 1000000? Can you take it out?"

Big D said with a somewhat disdainful tone.

Jimmie was choked by Big D's words. He really couldn't come up with 1 million.

However, just when he didn't know how to convince Big D, Big D's confidants Mawei pushed the door open, glanced at Jimmie, came to Big D and said

"Brother D, there is a man named Ye Tianhua outside who wants to see you."

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