"Ye Tianhua?"

"Never heard of this name"

"What's the origin?"

Big D listened to the unfamiliar name, raised his head slightly and looked at Ponytail and said.

Jimmy Zai heard Ye Tianhua's arrival, his eyes flickered slightly.

There was a look of surprise on his face.

Brother Hua is here?

He didn't know that Ye Tianhua suddenly came at this time What is the reason for coming here?

But Ye Tianhua's arrival will give him some confidence.

Facing Big D, he doesn't have that much confidence.

But Ye Tianhua's arrival and supporting him from behind, maybe things can be negotiated

"not sure"

"But he said he has something to talk to you about"

"And said, you will definitely be interested."

Ponytail stood there and responded calmly.

"Let him in!"

Big D raised his eyebrows and said directly to the ponytail.

"Do you want to avoid it?"

Then Big D looked at Jimmy Tsai and said.

Jimmy Tsai stood quietly aside and slowly said

"No, I know Brother Hua"

"you know?"

Big D's eyebrows moved, obviously a little surprised.

"The current Baguan territory was taken over by Brother Hua. Jimmy looked at Big D calmly and said.

Hearing this, Big D's eyes flashed slightly, and then he looked at Jimmy and said.

"Is that where Guan Zisen died?"

Jimmy Tsai nodded without saying anything.

Big D glanced at Jimmy Tsai thoughtfully, smoking a cigar and silently seeming to be thinking about something.

Not long after, the door was pushed open.

Ponytail led someone in.

"Brother D, people are here."

Ye Tianhua, who was wearing a black suit, walked in, followed by the fair-skinned and beautiful Long Jiu and Chen Jinnan, who was wearing a white suit.

Ye Tianhua looked at Big D sitting on the boss's chair, which looked exactly like the image in the movie.

"Hua brother!"

Jimmy Tsai came over and spoke respectfully to Ye Tianhua.

Ye Tianhua was a little surprised when he looked at Jimmy Tsai.

"Are you here too?"

Jimmy Tsai immediately explained.

"I came here to find Brother D because I want Brother D to support me in ascending to the throne."

Ye Tianhua glanced at the stacks of Hong Kong papers in the black box on the table and roughly understood.

He nodded, waved his hand and asked Jimmy to stand aside.

When Big D saw someone coming in, he looked Ye Tianhua up and down, and finally slowly speak to the ground

"Ye Tianhua?"

"I heard that after Bakuan died, you took over his territory."

"I don’t know which prefix you are talking about. Why are you here to talk about it?"

Big D sat on the chair with a nonchalant expression, holding a cigar in his hand and taking a few puffs.

Ye Tianhua looked at Big D with a smile on his face, and he slowly walked to the desk.

Jiminzi moved a chair from the side and placed it behind Ye Tianhua. Ye Tianhua sat down, naturally lit a cigarette, and slowly exhaled it. The thick smoke lingered on his face.

"I, Ye Tianhua, don’t need to hang myself under any prefix."

"I made my own prefix, called Red Flower Club!"


"Did you create a prefix yourself? Red Flower Club?"

When Big D heard Ye Tianhua's answer, his face was stunned, and then he grinned and said

"Occupying a small piece of land, you dare to set up your own prefix?"

"I don't know whether to call you courageous or crazy?"

"Boy, don’t you know what kind of strength it takes to carry a character in Xiangjiang?"

At the end of the sentence, Big D's smile slowly faded, and he stared at Ye Tianhua with a cold tone and spoke.

Ye Tianhua took a puff of cigarette very calmly, looked at Big D and said

"Am I crazy? Can I resist even one word? You will see later if you look at it."

"I came here today to discuss cooperation with Brother D."


"Talk about cooperation?"

"What qualifications do you have to discuss cooperation with me?"

Big D lay on the chair and said to Ye Tianhua with some contempt.

"Not qualified?"

"Brother D, have you received the news that Hongtai was destroyed?"

Ye Tianhua said with no emotion on his face.

"I heard, what happened?"

Big D said calmly while sitting on the chair.

Ye Tianhua suddenly showed a smile on his face and said slowly

"Then aren't you curious about who killed it?"

Listening to this, Big D's face changed. He observed Ye Tianhua's expression, slowly sat up straight, and stared at Ye Tianhua.

"You wouldn’t say that you destroyed Hongtai, right?"

"Yes, Hongtai was killed by Brother Hua, and Hongtai’s bullies and Wei Jixiang have now become members of the Red Flower Club."

"Not many people know about this yet."

Jimmy Tsai suddenly said from the side. When

Big D heard this, his eyes flickered slightly, obviously a little surprised and surprised. He didn't expect that the person who killed Hongtai turned out to be a little-known kid in the world. He could do it overnight. He occupied the Baguan territory and destroyed Hongtai. There were not many such characters in the entire Xiangjiang.

The Ye Tianhua in front of him did not seem to be a simple person.

At this time, he put away his contempt for Ye Tianhua. Heart.

Big D looked at Ye Tianhua, suddenly a smile appeared on his face and said

"It turns out, brother, you hide it deeply"

"There are different opinions about the destruction of Hongtai, and no one can guess who did it."

"Many people think that Hongtai started an internal strife."

"It turns out it was written by you, Brother Ye."

"Now many people want to take over Hongtai's territory, but I'm afraid they are going to make a mistake."

At this time, Big D spoke to Ye Tianhua very kindly, with a smile on his face, and his attitude changed very quickly.

Now Ye Tianhua can be said to be the leader of a society.

Although he is only the leader of a small society, his identity is not the same as before. I think the boss of Mong Kok Street can be compared.

Seeing Big D's attitude change, Ye Tianhua didn't have any unnecessary mood swings and just smiled.

"I wonder what cooperation Brother Ye came to talk to me about this time?"

Big D adjusted his sitting posture, took a puff of cigar and spoke seriously to Ye Tianhua.

"I heard that He Lian Sheng will run for a new round of seats."

"I came here this time to help Big D get his seat."

Ye Tianhua saw that the formal topic had entered, so he said directly

"Help me run for the seat?"

After hearing this, Big D's face was stunned, his eyes flickered slightly, and he looked at Ye Tianhua with some surprise.

Ye Tianhua nodded calmly.

Big D frowned slightly and stared at Ye Tianhua quietly.

"Brother Ye, you are not a member of me and Liansheng, and you have no voting rights. How can you help me?"

After hearing this, Ye Tianhua looked at Big D and smiled slightly and said

"There are many ways to help people, and you don’t necessarily have to have the right to vote."

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