"Tell me."

Big D looked at Ye Tianhua quietly with a smile on his face.

He felt that Ye Tianhua must have something in mind when he spoke like this.

"Brother D, if you want to win the seat, it is nothing more than the votes of those elders."

"I have money, I also have people"

"If you can afford the solution, use money; if it doesn't work, let them live in another world."

Ye Tianhua spoke quietly, directly and clearly.

After hearing this, Big D smoked and narrowed his eyes slightly, looking at Ye Tianhua with a smile on his face.

"So, Brother Ye is prepared?"

"Those old guys have a huge appetite and are not easy to deal with."

"If they are not fed, it may be difficult to secure their position."

Ye Tianhua didn't say anything, just clapped his hands.

Immediately, two boys walked in from outside the door.

They were carrying two black leather boxes, stacked them directly on the table and opened them.

Both boxes were filled with thick stacks of cash. A new thousand-yuan banknote.

Big D looked at the box full of banknotes, with a cigar in his mouth, and his eyes lit up slightly.

He moved his face closer to look at it carefully

"There are 5 million in this, which is enough for you to deal with those old guys."

"10 veterans of Heliansheng"

"If one person gets one million, even 5 votes are enough votes."

Big D stood up slowly, looked at the banknotes on the table, smiled and nodded.

"One million per person is indeed very safe, but 5 votes is only half the vote."

"Still can't win steadily."

Ye Tianhua took a deep drag on the cigarette, then put the cigarette butt on the table and extinguished it, and slowly said

"5 votes is enough, because one person will not be able to see the sun tomorrow"

"That is, if you can get 5 votes among 9 people, you will definitely win."

"Brother Ye, what do you mean by this?"

"Who can't see the sun tomorrow?"

Big D had a cigar in his mouth and frowned slightly as he looked at Ye Tianhua.

Ye Tianhua glanced at Big D and smiled.

"Having said that, I won’t hide it anymore."

"I killed Guan Zisen!"

Hearing what Ye Tianhua said, Big D was shocked, but he didn't have much reaction.

Because Guan Zisen's death or death has nothing to do with him.

Although they are from the same club, what does it matter?

Big D D smoked a cigar and glanced at Jimmie standing behind Ye Tianhua. He seemed to understand something.

"Speaking of which, Brother D should know who will disappear tonight."

Big D had a smile on his face and sat back on his seat.

"It seems that old ghost Long Gen chose to support the wrong person in power."

"You came here today to cooperate with me and help me get promoted to Lian Sheng. In return, you want me to support Jimmy Zai to get promoted, right?"

"If I'm not wrong, Jimmy is now a member of your Red Flower Club?"

Ye Tianhua sat on the chair and smiled without comment.

Everything has been said, and there is nothing to hide.

"Brother D, what do you think of this collaboration?"

Big D looked at Ye Tianhua quietly for a few seconds, then grinned and said

"Brother Ye, since everyone is so sincere, this cooperation will naturally be good."

"Wish our cooperation good luck!"

With that said, Big D stood up and stretched out his hand. Ye Tianhua also stood up, stretched out his hand and held it with Big D.

"Go get a bottle of good wine. I want to have a good drink with Brother Ye."

Finally Big D spoke to Mawei on the side.

Mawei nodded and turned around and walked out.

After a while, he walked in with a bottle of Remy Martin XO and two glasses.

Big D poured two glasses of wine and handed one to Ye Tianhua. Two people clink glasses

"Happy cooperation!"

Ye Tianhua and Big D drank down the wine in their hands.

………… the other side. and Lian Sheng.

Jiu Long Tang.

An apartment for the elderly.

There was a copper stove hot pot in the living room, and Long Gen called his confidant Tang Hu over for dinner.

The two of them were sitting at the table eating hot pot

"Tomorrow, the gang will hold a meeting, and you and Jimmy will be asked to go there."

"Deciding on the next candidate for Kowloon Tong Hall Master"

"I've already said hello to several uncles"

"They will all support you in your rise to power."

Long Gen was eating hot pot and drinking wine and spoke to Tang Hu beside him.

"Thank you Uncle Long Gen for your promotion."

"As long as I take over, I will serve you well. After Tang

Hu heard this, he quickly expressed his loyalty to Long Gen.

Long Gen glanced at Tang Hu, waved his hand, and then said

"I don’t want you to serve anything, as long as you take good care of the entrance of Kowloon Tong, I will be happy"

"This Tangkou was supported by my hands back then. I don’t want it to decline."


"Don't worry, Uncle Long Gen. After I take over, I will definitely support Kowloon Tong and ensure that it flourishes and becomes the strongest hall in Heliansheng!"

Long Gen looked at Tang Hu, who was patting his chest and looking energetic, and smiled.

"Come, drink."

Long Gen picked up the wine glass and the two clinked it.

He drank the beer in the glass and Tang Hu continued to fill it up for him.

Long Gen stuffed a piece of mutton into his mouth and chewed it, and then spoke to Tang Hu

"After you take over, you must kill that Jimmy!"

"Keeping this person is a threat"


Tang Hu looked at Long Gen with some confusion.

Although he and Jimmy Zai were in a competitive relationship, they would not kill each other.

And there was no enmity between the two of them.

Long Gen glanced at Tang Hu, He said calmly

"Because I feel that Asen’s death has something to do with him"

"No way? There is currently no evidence to prove that Jimmy Tsai betrayed Brother Sen."

Tang Hu said in disbelief.

"The person was either killed by Hongxingshe, or Jimmy Zai lied and betrayed Asen."

"Compared to Hongxingshe, I don’t trust Jimmie and the others even more."

"Because Hongxing Society had no reason to attack Asen, and not long ago, the boss of Ciyunshan Hall of Hongxing Society, B, called me and tried his best to explain to me that they were not the ones who killed Asen."

"They said that all this was a trap set by that man named Ye Tianhua in Mong Kok!"

Hearing this, Tang Hu's brows moved slightly.

"So, Jimmy Zai really lied, and Brother Sen's death was related to him?

"In addition, Brother Sen was most likely killed by Ye Tianhua from Mong Kok?"

Long Gen drank a glass of wine, his eyes were slightly cold, and he said calmly.

"It's not so clear now. If it is really found out that Ye Tianhua was responsible for Ah Sen's death,"

"Ah Hu, after you take over tomorrow, you will lead people to level the bathing street in Mong Kok for me!"

"I want to take that Ye Tianhua’s head as a memorial to Asen!"

"I understand Uncle Long Gen!"

Tang Hu nodded heavily.

However, just as they were eating, drinking and chatting, there was a knock on the door.

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