"Brother Hua, don’t worry, I will definitely get things done."

Brother Wang Bao, whose nervousness gradually eased, looked at Ye Tianhua with a hundred thousand yuan of Hong Kong paper in his hand and said.

Ye Tianhua looked at him calmly and spoke calmly.

"Then I'll wait here for you to bring people over"

"Go for it!"

The younger brother nodded quickly, stuffed the 100,000 Hong Kong note in his pocket, turned around and walked quickly towards the distance, got on a car and left the block.


Kowloon Walled City.

There is a luxuriously decorated room covering an area of ​​150 square meters, located on the top floor of the walled city.

Standing in front of the window you can have an unobstructed view of the scenery outside.

Such an area.

The Kowloon Walled City, with an average living area of ​​just over 30 square meters, is considered very luxurious.

It can definitely be said to be a mansion!


A cup was slammed to the ground, and glass shards were splashed everywhere.

The boys standing in the hall were too frightened to gasp loudly.

"Wang Bao, even Tamad gave me a hard time!"

"Now everyone doesn't give me face, Master Jun. Is our city really in decline?"

Ye Jun's face was gloomy.

He was holding one hand on the wall, one hand on his waist, and his breathing was rising and falling violently. These days, everything is not going well for him.

It seems that everyone can't get along with him!

Even Ye Tianhua, that country bumpkin from the mainland, he Can't handle it!

Now even his 'own' Wang Bao is giving him a hard time and wants to cut off contact with him.

How to make him not angry?!

At this time, the door was opened.

Sangbo, who had a bandage on his head, left with his two younger brothers. Come in.

Observing the atmosphere in the hall and the broken cups on the ground, his eyes flickered. He also heard about what happened tonight and knew that Ye Jun was in a bad mood.

However, he still looked at Ye Jun in front of the window sill. walked over

"Mr. Jun."

When Ye Jun heard the voice, he turned around slightly and looked at Sangbo who had a bandage on his head.


Sangbo nodded.

"I've heard everything. Master Jun's victory or defeat is a common occurrence in military affairs. We can regroup and do it slowly."

"As the saying goes, the real hero is the one who laughs last."

"Just let that Ye Tianhua be proud for two days"

"When we laugh and get the chance to knock him down, we will still be the winners."

Sangbo lit a cigarette, looked at the scenery outside the window, and comforted Ye Jun.

"In this arena, the battle is never about a momentary victory or defeat."

"Only those with strong hearts and those who can bend and stretch can stand to the end and be called heroes."

"Mr. Jun, we are still angry, but we cannot be immersed in it."

After listening to Sang Bo's words, Ye Jun turned his head slightly and looked at Sang Bo, with a look of surprise on his face.

"Sangbo, when did you become so educated?"

"Did these hours in the hospital make you enlightened?"

"It's those doctors who opened your head and stuffed books into your brain."

Ye Jun teased Sang Bo coldly, and Sang Bo just smiled silently.

However, his mood was relieved by being enlightened by Sang Bo.

As he spoke, he also took out a cigarette lighter from his pocket. went up, took a deep drag on the cigarette, looked at the night scene outside the window, and narrowed his eyes slightly.

"What you said is right, the battle in this arena is not about temporary victory or defeat."

"I, Ye Jun, was born in a city. If you don’t believe me, I can’t compete with that country bumpkin from the mainland!"

"I was overdoing it before and didn’t seriously understand everything about Ye Tianhua."

"This led to successive failures"

"I won't make this mistake again!"

Sangbo saw Ye Jun reacting in a timely manner, and he nodded silently.

If he knew his fault and wanted to change it, it means there is still a chance to win!

"Ye Tianhua!"

"Let’s just wait and see!"

"Let's see who among us can have the last laugh!"

Ye Jun's face was slightly cruel, and his sinister eyes exuded a cold and stern light.

At this time, a young man came in, stood at the door and spoke to Ye Jun

"Mr. Jun, Lord Ding wants you to go there."

Ye Jun turned his head slightly and glanced at his younger brother, then slowly said

"Do you know what it is?"

The younger brother shook his head and said

"I just want you to go there, I didn’t say much else."

"Got it, I'll be there right away."

The younger brother nodded, turned around and walked out.

"Old man, if you call me over at this time, I'm afraid he might have heard something."

Ye Jun smoked a cigarette and muttered to himself. Although he was usually arrogant and domineering, he still felt a little scared when facing his grandfather.

Finally, he walked to the table and put the cigarette butt in the ashtray and put it out.

"Sangbo, please accompany me to see the old man."

Sang Bo nodded, and he also threw the cigarette butt into the ashtray and extinguished it.

Then Ye Jun took his suit jacket from the hanger, put it on and walked out.

Sang Bo and a few younger brothers followed him.

Thumb thump thump.... went downstairs one after another.

Soon they arrived at the Walled City Conference Hall on the second floor from the top floor.

In the lobby, Ye Ding was sitting on the main seat, smoking a long pipe in his hand, wearing a Tang suit, sitting at the table It was a steaming bowl of tea.

It was still in the old-fashioned style.

Ye Ding came to the door, looked at Ye Ding in the lobby, sorted out his thoughts, and walked in with Sangbo and his younger brothers.


Ye Jun walked to Ye Ding, bent down and said hello to Ye Ding.

Ye Ding smoked a long dry cigarette, glanced at his precious grandson, and said in a calm tone.

"I heard that you took Wang Bao to attack Ye Tianhua tonight. What happened?"

Hearing his grandfather ask about this matter, Ye Jun's heart skipped a beat.

He was reluctant to mention this matter.

It was so embarrassing!


Ye Jun didn't know how to speak for a moment.

Ye Ding took a few puffs of cigarette, glanced at his grandson again, and said slowly


"Are you embarrassed to mention it?"

Ye Jun was like a child who had made a mistake. He scratched his head and glanced at his grandfather and said.

"Grandpa, do you know?"

Ye Ding snorted lightly and said with a straight face.

"Do you think your grandpa is old and confused? Don't know anything?"

"Which of those things you did do I don’t know about?"

"How many times have I told you not to get involved in things outside. If you don’t have enough money, grandpa can give it to you. After I pass away, the entire city will be your fault."

"If something happens to you outside, how can I explain it to your dead father?"

Hearing what his grandfather Ye Ding said, Ye Jun fell silent.

"Don't go out these two days. Stay in the walled city honestly. Your uncle in Siam will arrive in Hong Kong in the next two days. You should be well prepared."

"Uncle Yan, are you coming back from Siam?"

Ye Jun's face was slightly stunned. He remembered that he had an uncle who was living in Siam. He heard that he had become a warlord, but he didn't know whether it was true or not.

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