Ye Ding put down his long pipe, picked up the tea bowl on the table, blew on it, took a few sips, and spoke with a melancholy expression.

"Speaking of which, your uncle has been away for five years."

"He left the city because of your father's death."

"I swore not to get out, and I would never come back to the walled city."

"Alas, five years have passed and he is finally coming back"

"I can still remember that my father is still here in Xiangjiang Walled City."

Ye Jun stood aside, and he could hear a trace of concern in his grandfather's tone.

He knew the reason why his uncle left the city.

Because his uncle and his father were doing"white flour business" outside, and his father was arrested by the police. After being shot to death, Uncle Ye Jun was extremely sad and angry, and led his people to kill those strips.

However, he was stopped by Grandpa Ye Jun. He also severely reprimanded his uncle Ye Yan!

If he did this, their city would be harmed throughout the whole city. It was difficult for Xiangjiang to gain a foothold in Xiangjiang!

He also blamed Uncle Ye Jun for doing the 'white flour business' without telling him!

Uncle Ye Jun, Ye Yan, was so angry that he left the city.

He went to Siam and vowed to break out of his own world!

Ye Jun knew At that time, his grandfather also put the overall situation first, and he absolutely could not kill the policemen and become enemies of the police!

Otherwise, the consequences would be very serious.

Especially the Xiangjiang police have always regarded the Walled City as a thorn in their side and have always wanted to remove it.

Ye Ding absolutely It was impossible to give excuses and excuses to the police.

He felt very painful after the death of his son.

But for the overall situation of the entire city, he had to hold on, even if his son did not understand.

Sit in the position of the leader of the city , he must bear the burden and cannot destroy the entire city for his own selfishness!

"I heard people say that Uncle Yan has been doing well in Siam in the past few years. He raised a team and became a warlord, separatist power."

After Ye Yan was silent for a moment, he looked at his grandfather Ye Ding and said carefully.

Ye Ding drank tea and glanced at his grandson Ye Jun calmly.

"I don't care how he is doing outside, as long as he can be safe"

"Grandpa is old and has no other wishes. I just hope that you and your uncle can live a safe and healthy life. The money is enough to support our Ye family for several lifetimes. I don’t need you to risk your lives to fight for face."

"But you young people are full of energy and always want to break out of your own world. I may not be able to stop you, but you must remember that everything must be based on ensuring the safety of your own life."

Finally, Ye Ding changed the topic and warned his grandson Ye Jun.

Ye Jun nodded obediently and said

"I understand grandpa"

"Besides, you don’t have to worry about Ye Tianhua’s affairs, just let him be.""He also did not accept the kindness of our city. It is his ability to win the territory of Baguan. Don't bother him in the future."

"Being able to ask Wang Jianjun to serve him shows that he is not a simple person, he is a person."

"You are no match for him."

Hearing the words"You are not his opponent," Ye Jun, who was standing aside, froze slightly.

He couldn't help clenching his fists with both hands, frowning slightly, and terrifying eyes flickering in the depths of his pupils.

Ye Tianhua almost It became his inner demon. His grandfather said that he was no match for Ye Tianhua, which touched the tight heartstrings in his heart.

It made him feel uncomfortable all over.

"I know grandpa."

Although he was very angry inside, he still tried hard to suppress his emotions on the outside and spoke obediently to his grandfather Ye Ding.

"Okay, you go down."

Ye Ding put the tea bowl on the table, glanced at his grandson Ye Jun, picked up the long pipe again and smoked it, waved his hand and said

"Your grandson is gone, you should go to bed early."

Ye Jun nodded, turned around and walked out with Sangbo and his younger brothers.


After walking out of the door, Ye Jun lit up a cigarette with a gloomy expression.

"Ye Tianhua!"

Being deemed inferior to Ye Tianhua by his grandfather, the dormant anger in Ye Jun's heart was rekindled.

"Go out and have some fun!"

Ye Jungang was about to go to his room, but suddenly stopped and walked towards the stairs below.

"Mr. Jun, didn't Lord Ding just say that you wouldn't be allowed to leave the city?"

Sangbo stepped forward and wanted to stop Ye Jun from speaking.

However, Ye Jun said with a fierce expression.

"Sangbo, whose subordinate are you?"

"I'm very angry right now. Can't I go out and vent my anger?"

Looking at Ye Jun's angry and terrifying expression, Sangbo didn't say anything else.

He knew what Ye Jun wanted to do, and he couldn't stop him.

Sangbo slowly stepped aside.

Ye Jun looked at him fiercely. After glancing at Sangbo, he took his younger brother downstairs.

"Bro, what should we do?"

The two boys next to Sangbo looked at Ye Jun coming downstairs and spoke to Sangbo.

Sangbo touched his nose, glanced at the two boys beside him and said

"Of course, follow me!"

"If something happens to Mr. Jun outside, and there is something wrong with him, how will we explain it to Mr. Ding?!"

With that said, Sangbo took his two younger brothers and followed him downstairs.


Arrive outside the walled city.

Ye Jun and several younger brothers were preparing to get into the car.

At this time, a car stopped in front of Ye Jun and others.

Ye Jun and others looked at the stopped car and touched the knives at their waists to be on guard.

However, when he saw the people getting out of the car, Ye Jun's eyes flashed slightly.

He recognized the person.

It is Wang Bao’s confidant—Hua Zirong

"Mr. Jun!"

Hua Zirong came to Ye Jun, nodded and spoke.

His attitude was very low. At first glance, he looked like he was asking for something.

Ye Jun looked at Hua Zirong with interest and said coldly.

"Hua Zirong, why do you come to my city so late?"

"Did Wang Bao ask you to come?"

Hua Zirong hurriedly came to Ye Jun and said with a smile on his face.

"Jun Shao"

"Our boss sent me here to apologize to you."

"My boss drank some wine before and was really depressed. He had some unpleasant troubles with Mr. Jun. As soon as you left the house, my boss felt regretful for his gaffe."

"He asked me to come over and apologize."

Ye Jun heard Hua Zirong's words and snorted coldly.

"He made a gaffe while drunk, but it hurt my young master's feelings!"

"Our boss knows this, and has set up a nice banquet on the table, waiting for you to come over, Mr. Jun. Recently, we have had some top beauties from Russia enter the venue, and they can have a good time with Mr. Jun. Our boss really wants to be with you. You, Master Jun, apologize, and please Master Jun, please do me a favor."

Hua Zirong once again smiled and said to Ye Jun.

Ye Jun looked at Hua Zirong, who spoke sincerely and had a very low posture, his eyes flickered slightly, and finally nodded and said

"Well, since your boss has sincerely recognized his mistake, then I'll go and have a look. I'll start with my ugly words. If you can't satisfy me tonight, don't blame me for not giving you face!" ps: The author had a high fever yesterday. I'm sorry. I wrote and deleted and deleted, so I got less. I will try my best to make up for it today. Please support!!!

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