"It will definitely satisfy Mr. Jun!"

Hua Zirong felt a little relieved when he saw Ye Jun agreed.

His mission was completed and his life could be saved.

He subconsciously touched the 100,000 yuan in his pocket.

After this incident, he had to He went to the mainland to hide.

He knew that Ye Jun's departure would be the road to hell.

Once Ye Jun died, the city would be shaken, and he would be involved.

If he was found by the city, he would be dead.!

If you have 100,000 yuan to go to the mainland, then life will not be difficult.

He knows that prices in the mainland are very low, and you should be a rich person with 100,000 yuan.

Although life may not be as rich as in Xiangjiang, you should live a comfortable life. It's not a problem.

He still has relatives there, so it shouldn't be a problem to take refuge with them. After thinking about this, Hua Zai Rongxin settled down

"Let's go!"

Ye Jun glanced at Hua Zirong and spoke coldly.

Hua Zirong nodded, came to his senses, and got into Ye Jun's car.

The two cars started and headed towards Wang Bao's land.

Ye Jun would not know. , his departure will be the last part of his life.


Walled city.

Ye Ding drank tea, put down his cigarette bag and was about to pack up and go to bed.

At this time, a middle-aged man with a long scar on his face quickly walked into the lobby, came to Ye Ding and respectfully said:

"Master Ding, what's wrong, news just came that Wang Bao's place was raided."

After hearing this, Ye Ding's face froze slightly, his eyes slowly turned, and he looked at the strong man with a serious face and said.

"Who did it? What's Wang Bao's situation now?"

"Ye Tianhua, Wang Bao seems to have been killed."

The strong man answered directly without hesitation.

"Ye Tianhua?!"

"This kid is really ruthless!"

Ye Ding sat on the chair, with a sharp light blooming in his eyes.

The grudge between Ye Tianhua and Wang Bao will be tonight, and Ye Tianhua will lead people to kill Wang Bao tonight and wipe out his place!

Such people have a grudge. Retribution must be made, and not overnight.

It is very scary to go crazy.

His grandson Ye Jun provoked Ye Tianhua several times, and took people to Mong Kok tonight, and his grandson Ye Jun also participated.

I am afraid that Ye Tianhua will also attack his grandson!

Thinking of this , Ye Ding glanced at the strong man and said

"Ah Gui, keep an eye on Ah Jun and don’t let him leave the walled city even half a step!"

The strong man Agui looked at Ye Ding's serious face, his face paused slightly, and then he said

"Master Ding, not long ago, I saw Mr. Jun going out, and he seemed to be heading towards Wang Baodian."

"It seems that one of Wang Bao's subordinates, Hua Zai Rong, invited him there."


Hearing the news, Ye Ding's expression suddenly changed, he slapped the table and stood up.

"What did you say!"

"Did Ajun go out, or did he go to Wang Bao's place?!"

"Wang Bao is dead, how could he send his men over to invite him?!"

"All of this was a trap set by Ye Tianhua!"

"Chase him back to me quickly!"

Ye Ding roared like an angry lion at this moment and said.

A Gui looked at Ye Ding who was suddenly furious and was so frightened that his body trembled.

However, he thought about it and said.

"Mr. Ding, I'm afraid I won't be able to catch up. Our place is not far from Wang Bao's land. Master Jun may have already reached the place by now."

After hearing Agui's words, Ye Ding calmed down a little. He lay on the table beside him, his eyes moved rapidly, and he immediately turned his head and said to Agui.

"Agui, please bring some people over immediately, stabilize Ye Tianhua first, and tell him that as long as he lets my grandson go, he can impose any conditions."

"I'll be there soon with my people!"


Ah Gui knew the seriousness of the matter, so he quickly turned around and walked out of the lobby, leading a dozen of his men to rush outside the walled city.

And Ye Ding quickly walked out of the lobby, called a younger brother and ordered him to come immediately

"Gather all the young adults who are currently in the walled city, prepare their cars, and go out with me!"


The younger brother nodded, immediately returned to the room, took out a gong and drum, and started beating along the corridor.

"Lord Ding has ordered that all the young and middle-aged men in the walled city gather outside the walled city!"

Immediately I heard the sound, all the rooms that had turned off the lights and were sleeping lit up.

"problem occurs!"

A young and middle-aged man got up dressed, walked out of the corridor, and ran towards the outside of the walled city.

Suddenly, the entire walled city became busy.

Not long after, hundreds of people gathered outside the walled city.

These are urgent The young and middle-aged men of the city village gathered together.

Ye Ding led several city walled elders to the outside of the city wall, and looked at the hundreds of city walled youths holding poles, bamboo tubes, and swords.

Without any unnecessary nonsense, he spoke loudly.

"Set off!"

Hundreds of young and middle-aged men got on several large trucks.

And Ye Ding and several elders got into cars and headed towards Wang Bao's land.

"Ye Tianhua, don't act recklessly, otherwise I, Ye Ding, will cut you into pieces even if I risk my life!"

Ye Ding was sitting in the car feeling very uneasy.

He is a grandson like Ye Jun. If Ye Tianhua dares to hurt him, he will definitely fight Ye Tianhua to the death!


The other side.

Kowloon District.

Paradise Bar.

Ye Jun's car stopped at the door.

A group of people got off the car

"Why do I smell a trace of blood?"

Ye Jun sniffed his nose lightly, frowned slightly and spoke.

Hua Zirong felt a little uneasy in his heart, so he walked forward and said with a smile.

"Before you left, there were a few blind people who got drunk and caused trouble. They were severely punished and had to be disposed of, so some blood stains remained and there would be some blood smell."

Ye Jun nodded after hearing this. It's not surprising that things like this often happen on the streets.

So he didn't have any doubts.

"Mr. Jun, please come inside. Our boss is waiting for you inside."

Ye Jun nodded, straightened his clothes slightly, and walked into the Paradise Bar with Sang Bo and his younger brothers.

Walking into the bar, Ye Jun originally thought he would see Wang Bao, but sitting on the sofa was him. The hateful figure - Ye Tianhua!

His face changed slightly, and even the face of Sangbo who was following him also changed, and he suddenly felt bad. At this time, more than 20 boys around him came out of the darkness and surrounded them.

Hua Zirong quietly stepped aside.

"Tamad, Hua Zai Rong, how dare you frame us!"

Sangbo spoke sharply to Hua Zirong who had stepped aside. With a fierce look in his eyes, he wanted to chop him into pieces!

Hua Zirong innocently spread his hands and said calmly.

"Brother Sangbo, don’t say that. I was forced to do this too. I’m not allowed to do this."


Ye Jun's face looked very ugly at this time, and he opened his mouth to stop Sangbo.

He knew that it was useless to blame anyone at this time.

At this time, Ye Tianhua was sitting on the sofa, shaking a glass of red wine gently, and glanced at Ye Jun, his face He showed a playful smile and said,

"Mr. Jun, we meet again."

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