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"Wait a moment!"

Just as Li Ju was about to go down, he was stopped by the richest man Li.

"What's wrong, Dad, do you have anything else to explain?"

Richest man Li looked at his son.

"You'd better go there in person to show our sincerity."

The richest man Li thought for a while and then continued.

"If it really doesn't work, forget it."

The reason why the richest man Li said this was not that he didn’t want Ariva Group, but his idea was to thoroughly adjust the situation first.

Check Lu Feng’s background.

See if there is anyone or power behind him.

Lu Feng picked up the newspaper and took a look. No wonder Sister Qing was so excited.

The copy that Sister Qing brought over was from the well-known Economic News in Hong Kong Island. The front page of the report was the report about Longteng Company's acquisition of Ariva Group.

There is not only a text description on it, but also a slightly blurry photo.

Lu Feng just looked at it. The background of this photo was at the entrance of a teahouse.

If you were an outsider, you might not care too much, but Sister Qing was different.

Although Sister Qing rarely interferes with Lu Feng's affairs, she also knows that the company Lu Feng founded is called Longteng, and Lu Feng has never concealed this matter at all.

Not only are the names of the companies the same, but even the name Lu Feng is the same. Even though the photos are a bit blurry, the two of them are so familiar that they can probably even tell where there is a mole on their body. Not to mention the photos.

Sister Qing always thought that Lu Feng was running an ordinary company.

Sister Qing knew that Lu Feng was in the game arcade business and also opened a security company, although the security company had little business. .

She even wanted to help Lu Feng introduce business once, but Lu Feng refused.

But she never thought that her man would acquire a group company with a market value of nearly 10 billion so quietly.

To be honest, when she first heard the news, it had a huge impact on her.

"Sister Qing, please don't get excited. The person in this photo is indeed me."

"It's really you. How do you have so much money? That's the Yang family! A wealthy family that has existed on Hong Kong Island for decades."

Sister Qing's face was excited at first, but then her expression changed.

"Tell me honestly, did you do anything illegal? Otherwise, where would you have gotten so much money at once?" "

Lu Feng took Sister Qing's hand and pulled her into his arms. He held the commanding heights with one hand and said angrily.

"Where are you thinking, am I such a person? Originally, I wanted to tell you after a while. Now that you know, I will take this opportunity to tell you everything today!!"

Lu Feng had never thought of hiding it, but the time had not come yet, and sometimes he couldn't remember it.

Deep in Lu Feng's character, he also has a happy-go-lucky nature.

In the following time, Lu Feng told Sister Qing everything bit by bit.


There are some secret things that Lu Feng will definitely not be able to tell, such as Tingting, a small mercenary group hidden in Southeast Asia, and the security company on the Crazy Lion side.

After listening to Lu Feng's story, Sister Qing opened her mouth in surprise.

She really didn't expect that her man would be so powerful.

Knowing that Lu Feng had not done anything illegal, Sister Qing finally felt relieved and couldn't help but kiss Lu Feng hard on the face.

"A Feng, how did you do it? Is this still the A Feng I know?"

"Who else could it be if it weren't for me? There are so many great things about me!"

Said Lu Feng raised his eyebrows.

Sister Qing knew from Lu Feng's eyes what he wanted to express, and couldn't help but spit on Lu Feng.

“Irregular all day long!!”

A few jokes.

Lu Feng's expression suddenly became serious. Since today's talk has come to this point, there are some things that should be explained to Sister Qing.

Lu Feng opened the desk drawer and pulled out a piece of A4 paper with a series of names written on it.

“Check it out!!”

Sister Qing's confused result was an A4 paper.

"What's this?"

Lu Feng did not answer directly, but raised his chin to indicate.

“You read it first and then you say it!!”

Sister Qing looked at the series of names recorded on the piece of paper, and the more she looked at it, the more confused she became.

"This seems to be a person's name, you

Why are you showing me this?"

Sister Qing didn't seem to care much.

Lu Feng reminded her.

"Don't you think the names on it look familiar?"

After Lu Feng's reminder, Sister Qing looked at it again carefully.

When Sister Qing saw a few of the names, her brows subconsciously frowned, and a thoughtful look flashed in her eyes.

"Hey, I seem to have seen these names somewhere, but I can't remember them for a while."

Seeing Sister Qing's performance, Lu Feng couldn't help but remind her again.

"I heard that your police station cracked a drug trafficking case a few days ago, which was cracked by several patrol officers. ”

After hearing Lu Feng’s reminder, Sister Qing showed a look of sudden enlightenment.

“.~ No wonder, I said these names sounded familiar. I remember in the internal bulletin, these people accidentally ran into someone doing a transaction, and finally a fierce gunfight broke out, killing both the buyer and the seller... Could it be...?”

Sister Qing turned her head and looked at Lu Feng.

“Ah Feng, you wouldn’t...”

Seeing the look in Sister Qing’s eyes, Lu Feng knew that she must have thought wrong again. Lu Feng couldn’t help but pat Sister Qing’s softness.

“I just told you that I didn’t do anything illegal. Why don’t you learn from it? Do I have to punish you well so that you can remember it? ”

“Then why are you showing me this!”

“You are my woman, I won’t hide it from you, these people are my people, including this drug deal, I heard the news by accident, and I specially arranged them to disrupt it, I want these people to accumulate some credit.”

Lu Feng said half-truthfully.

Sister Qing’s pupils contracted.

“Your people? You planted people in the police force, what do you want to do?”

Lu Feng held the woman in his arms tightly.

“You are also a senior member of the police force, I think there are some things you should know, it’s only a few years away from that critical time node, those foreigners will always leave here, the current environment is more chaotic, if you want to live safely in Hong Kong Island, you must have your own trump card.

Although I don’t do anything illegal, I also have my own network of relationships.


Lu Feng said, looking at Sister Qing and continued.

You have been in the position of Superintendent for many years. If you don’t have any great achievements, it will definitely not be easy to get promoted.

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