The two of them were busy, but the two of them were busy.

Jimmy sat down in front of He Meiting with a respectful attitude.

"Sister Meiting, you called me here so anxiously, is there something wrong?"

He Meiting waved her hand and smiled at Jimmy.

"Jimmy, how is the business of the hall recently? Are you still busy?"

Compared to joining the club, Jimmy still prefers to do business. For him, doing business is much simpler than joining the club.

So when He Meiting mentioned this, his interest was obviously much higher than before.

"Not bad, the customer flow of several hotels is normal, and they are basically repeat customers.

The supermarket had a big promotion some time ago, which also attracted a lot of customers.

There are also bars, KTVs... "

Speaking of doing business, Jimmy talked about it very clearly.

He Meiting just smiled and watched.

But in her heart, she was thinking that her man was really good at judging people, and Jimmy was really a material for doing business.

After handing over the business of the hall to him, the profit every month was at least 30% more than before, and several new stores were opened this month.

Thinking of her man's instructions, she was a little reluctant to let him go.

But no matter how reluctant she was, there was nothing she could do. Who let Lu Feng, that guy, be her man? She was completely exploited by him.

"Sister Meiting, Sister Meiting, do you listen to me!!"

Thinking about it, He Meiting's mind began to empty.

After Jimmy finished his report, he didn't hear He Meiting's response. He looked up and saw that He Meiting's eyes were empty. He didn't know what she was thinking.

He Meiting came back to her senses when she heard someone calling her.

"Oh, not bad. You have done very well during this period. It seems that you do have a talent for business. In this case, come with me to a place tomorrow and I will introduce someone to you."

Jimmy wanted to ask He Meiting who she would take him to see tomorrow, but after thinking about it, he finally didn't speak.

"Yes, Sister Meiting!"

"Okay, it's getting late, you should go back first."

After Jimmy left, He Meiting couldn't wait to call Lu Feng.

Sitting in the study.

Lu Feng looked at the stack of information in his hand and was carefully screening it.

The information here was sent by Di Ting. They were all related information about some Hong Kong criminal gangs that Di Ting had inquired about during this period.

What Lu Feng is looking for now is some intelligence that happened in Sister Qing's jurisdiction or near her jurisdiction. After all, in Hong Kong Island, solving cases still focuses on the jurisdiction.

When handling cases across jurisdictions, although others may not say anything on the surface at the time, you may not know if someone will make things difficult for you after the case is over, because you are stealing the credit of others in disguise.

After browsing for nearly half an hour, Lu Feng only picked out a few small cases, all of which were dispensable and useless. It seems that he needs to continue to inquire about them.

Sister Qing's current position, if she wants to be promoted, small fights will not work at all.

Lu Feng also learned that there is a relatively large criminal gang in Sister Qing's jurisdiction, which is the criminal gang headed by Wang Bao, the gang he met on the street when he sent He Min home last time.

Perhaps because Wang Bao is more cautious, Di Ting has not yet found out the detailed criminal information. Some small crimes in the city are of no use at all and cannot achieve a one-shot kill.

After all, Sister Qing is a police officer, and she still needs evidence to do things.


When Lu Feng saw one of the intelligence, he couldn't help but let out a surprised sound.

Because this intelligence is about a society called Zhong Xin Yi.

The boss of Zhong Xin Yi is Lian Haolong.

This society specializes in the white flour business.

This also reminded Lu Feng of a nail he had planted before. If he hadn't seen this information, he would have almost forgotten it.

Maybe I should contact him.

Thinking of this.

Lu Feng took out his phone directly, turned to one of the numbers, and dialed it.

After waiting for a while.

The call was finally connected, and a female voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Who is it!!"

"Madam, hello, it's been a long time since we last met!!"

Lu Feng's tone was a little picky.

"Who are you!!"

The person on the other end of the phone immediately became alert...

"Madam, you are a forgetful person. You have paid off the gambling debt last time. Those guys haven't come to harass you again, right!"

"It's you!!"

After returning from the mission, Lei Meizhen, who had just taken a shower and walked out of the bathroom, stopped wiping her hair and her body became stiff.

Because she was addicted to gambling and borrowed high-interest loans, she was forced by the debt collectors and had no choice but to compromise with certain people.

A man who met her by chance gave her a sum of money without asking for anything in return, so that she could pay off her gambling debts.

At the beginning.

Lei Meizhen couldn't sleep well every day, and even at work, she was always distracted, and her boss scolded her several times for this.

She was afraid that the man would suddenly call her and ask her to do something she didn't want to do.

But Lei Meizhen also knew that some money was not so easy to get. Since she got the money, she had to make a choice.

But after waiting for several months, Lei Meizhen didn't receive a single call.

From that time on, Lei Meizhen vowed to give up the bad habit of gambling.

Everything seemed to be back on track, and gradually she almost forgot about it.

A phone call today dragged Lei Meizhen's thoughts back to a few months ago.

"Yes, it's me. It seems that Madam hasn't forgotten it. That's good. I wonder if Madam has time tomorrow. How about we meet each other?"

Lu Feng invited.

Lei Meizhen's hand holding the phone slightly exerted force, and her knuckles turned white. After a moment of silence, she let out a long breath.

"Okay, where shall we meet!!"

Lei Meizhen knew very well that some things must be returned, and she couldn't hide even if she wanted to, so she might as well face it calmly.

Although Lu Feng didn't see Lei Meizhen's expression, he heard the slightly heavy breathing coming from the phone, and Lu Feng seemed to feel something and said with a slight chuckle.

"Don't be so nervous, maybe our meeting this time is a good thing for you."

After telling Lei Meizhen the meeting place, Lu Feng hung up the phone.

The next day.

Chunfeng Tea House.

He Meiting rushed over with Jimmy.

He walked to the door of one of the boxes, nodded to the female bodyguard standing at the door, and pushed the door open and walked in. .

In the box, someone had already been sitting there waiting.

"Come on, sit down!!"

Lu Feng pointed to the seat next to him and said to He Meiting.

He Meiting walked to Lu Feng with a sweet smile and sat down directly.

Lu Feng looked up at Jimmy who walked in with He Meiting and said.

"Jimmy, right? You sit down too!"

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