After the conversation, the two sides finally got married.

Lu Feng put down his glass and continued.

"Don't blame me for being blunt. There is no such thing as a free lunch. You should understand this. I am helping you now, and I am waiting for you to help me in the future. Now I don't know whether you will accept this deal or not."

Lei Meizhen didn't think for long, and even felt a little disappointed.

"Do I have any choice? Since I accepted the money you gave me, I have no choice, right?"

"Smart, I like smart women. I just said that there is no such thing as a free lunch. All choices are just weighing the pros and cons."

Lu Feng picked up the glass again and toasted Lei Meizhen.

"Then I wish us a happy cooperation in the future!!"

Lei Meizhen said nothing, directly picked up the wine glass, clinked it with Lu Feng, and drank it all in one gulp.

"Mr. Lu, I wonder if you are still okay. If you are, then I will leave first."

Lei Meizhen picked up the shoulder bag beside her and stood up to leave.

Of course.

Lei Meizhen did not forget the note. No matter what happened in the future, she would still report this information.

As for whether Lu Feng lied to her, Lei Meizhen had never thought about it.

Because lying to her was basically meaningless.

Lei Meizhen opened her shoulder bag and prepared to put the note in the bag, but just when she reached into the shoulder bag and took it back again.

A square packaging box was accidentally taken out of the shoulder bag by her and fell directly to the ground.

Lei Meizhen saw the things that fell on the ground, her whole body stiffened, and her face flushed.

Lu Feng also saw that thing. When Lu Feng saw what it was, he couldn't hide the weirdness on his face.

Because the thing that fell on the ground is commonly known as the "Chisun Burp Set".

Lu Feng really didn't expect that Lei Meizhen would bring such a thing in her bag when she came to see him.

Could it be!!

Lu Feng thought about it for a while and guessed why.

Maybe when he called Lei Meizhen yesterday, Lei Meizhen thought that he called her over for this kind of thing!!!

In fact, it was true.

Lei Meizhen didn't dare to look up at Lu Feng now, for fear that she would find out that she was strange. She quickly bent down to pick up the thing that fell on the ground and put it in her bag in a hurry.

"Mr. Lu... Mr. Lu, I... I'm leaving first!!!"

"Wait a minute!!"

Lu Feng didn't have that idea at first, but now seeing Lei Meizhen's preparation, Lu Feng felt that sometimes people don't need to be too hypocritical.

Lei Meizhen stopped.

Lu Feng stood up, came to Lei Meizhen, put his arm around her waist, and whispered in her ear.

"Since we are ready, it would be a pity if we don't try it!!"

Lu Feng gave her a princess hug and walked into the bedroom.

Lei Meizhen buried her head in Lu Feng's arms.

The night was getting deeper.

The breeze gently blew through the dense grass.

The alternation of hot and cold made the grass full of dew.

The next day at noon.

The hotel staff came to clean the room.

When they came to the bedroom, they saw a big hole in the bed sheet on the bedroom bed, as if it had been cut by scissors.

Seeing this, the hotel waiter who came to clean the room originally wanted to pick up the intercom hanging on his waist and report the situation here to the front desk.

But thinking of the special instructions given to her by the lobby manager when she came here just now, she stopped her hand.

When she came up just now, the lobby manager of the hotel said to her. .

No matter what you see in this room, just pretend you didn't see it and do your job well.

"Where did you get this information from? Is it accurate!"

After listening to Lei Meizhen's report, the leader of the action team was not happy at first, but raised his own doubts.

The Zhongxinyi police have been investigating for a long time. Although they know that they are doing something illegal, the police can't do anything about them for the time being.

Even when facing those scumbags, the fucking law still needs evidence to send those guys to jail.

If you can't catch the people and the evidence, then the final result will still be those little brothers who take the blame, which is not very useful.

Another reason why the leader of the action team raised doubts is that Lei Meizhen's ability is not in the action team.

There is nothing particularly outstanding.

Now she suddenly came to tell him that she had the specific information about Zhongxinyi's next transaction, which made him feel suspicious.

It's not that I doubt Lei Meizhen is a black police or something like that, but I simply doubt Lei Meizhen's ability.

I know my own situation well. Regarding the attitude of the team leader, Lei Meizhen did not say anything nonsense, but explained directly.

"I can guarantee the accuracy of the information. This information was notified to me by my informant. He is now in Zhongxinyi. The information about the transaction was also accidentally said by him when he heard his boss drunk."

Hearing Lei Meizhen's explanation, the leader of the action team did not ask any more questions.

Every line has its own rules.

As a police force, there are also its own unspoken rules.

Although informants are different from undercovers sent by the police, they are also working for the police after all, so they still need to pay attention to identity protection.

This is also for the safety of the informant's life.

But then again, regardless of whether the information is true or false, since there is this information, then action must be taken.

As for whether it is true or not, we will know it after verification.

The action team leader nodded.

"I understand, you go down and get busy first."

After saying that, he thought about it and continued.

"You provided the information, and you will participate in the action."

"Yes, sir!!"

Lei Meizhen left the office with some strange steps.

The informant she mentioned just now was just to find a reason for the information. This was discussed with Lu Feng in the hotel.

She sat down in front of her seat, and couldn't help but recall what happened last night and when she got up this morning.

She didn't use any of the things she brought yesterday.

It can't be said that they were not used. To be precise, none of them were used.

In Lu Feng's words, that thing affects the touch.

Thinking of this, Lei Meizhen picked up the shoulder bag hanging on the chair, opened the bag, and saw a bunch of brand new keys lying in the bag.

Thinking about it, Lei Meizhen felt that she was crazy. Under Lu Feng's continuous and precise attacks, she actually agreed to Lu Feng in a daze to be his lover from now on.

This bunch of keys is the key to a villa, a gift from Lu Feng.

In order to avoid attracting the attention of the ICAC, the house is still under Lu Feng's name, but she can use it at will.

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