The old man was very angry, but he was not very happy.

"This is what you want!!"

Lu Feng pushed a document in front of Li Jie.

Li Jie took the document and started reading it.

The content recorded in the document is the basic information about a terrorist organization headed by a doctor.

This information was sorted out by Lu Feng based on his memory before Li Jie came. Although it is not too detailed, it also records some basic information.

There is not much recorded in it. Li Jie finished reading it quickly. Putting down the document, Li Jie looked at Lu Feng and asked pleadingly.

"Mr. Lu, do you know where these people are now? If you know, please tell me."

Lu Feng waved his hand.

"Don't worry, these people are still hiding in the dark, I haven't found them yet, but I can promise you that within a week, I can guarantee that you will have the opportunity to avenge your wife and children." After all, he was asking for help, Li Jie also knew the importance of it, and did not ask any more questions. Anyway, he had been waiting for more than two years, and he didn't care about this week. So he spoke. "Mr. Lu, as long as you avenge my wife and children, my life will be yours." Lu Feng smiled. "It's not that serious. By the way, I haven't introduced you yet!" Lu Feng pointed to Long Wu, who was sitting aside and had not spoken, and said to Li Jie. "This is Long Wu, the director of the Umbrella Security Company. When you join Umbrella in the future, I hope you can share more pressure for Long Wu." Li Jie looked at Long Wu. "Hello, Mr. Long Wu!!" Long Wu's expression did not change, and he nodded lightly. "You'll be one of us when you join the company. If you don't mind, just call me Ah Wu."

Long Wu is a little younger than Li Jie.

"Brother Ah Wu, just call me Ah Jie."

The three of them chatted casually.

"Sister Qing, how do you feel about Ah Qiu and the others being transferred to your company? Are they working well?!"

After dinner, Lu Feng and Sister Qing came to the rooftop and chatted while watching the night view.

Although Sister Qing often couldn't go home at night because of work, it was impossible for the two of them to play poker every time they had dinner together.

Chatting to enhance the relationship is also a good choice.

"Not bad, those people are quite smart and good at skills. They have helped me deal with many small cases during this period. Why do you suddenly ask about this matter?"

Sister Qing leaned in Lu Feng's arms, enjoying this moment of warmth.

"It's okay, just asking casually. If you encounter difficulties elsewhere, I may be able to help you a little bit. Your man still has some connections now."

"Yes, you are the best!!"

Sister Qing said with a smile.

"But I don't need your connections for the time being. If I need your help one day, I will definitely not be polite."

Sister Qing just said this casually. After all, she is also a senior police officer. There are so many police officers in Hong Kong Island. The main reason is not to dampen the enthusiasm of her man.

Besides, the cases that she can follow up are all major cases. She doesn't want her man to be involved in them.

"Well, by the way, you have been in this position for a few years. When can you be promoted? It is said that there is a brother in the police force. If one day you can be promoted to the first sister of the police force, not only will you set a precedent, but I will also benefit from it."

Lu Feng said with a smile.

Sister Qing leaned over and kissed Lu Feng on the face.

"Okay, I'll talk about it when I really get promoted to the top police officer."

Sister Qing drew circles on Lu Feng's chest.

"It's not that easy to get promoted. I'm already a superintendent. To get promoted to a senior superintendent, it's not enough to solve one or two cases, and there's only one job for each person."

Lu Feng adjusted a comfortable posture, stroked Sister Qing's hair, smelled her hair fragrance, and said.

"I received news that a group of terrorist organizations are preparing to come to Hong Kong Island to commit crimes. I wonder if this matter can help you."

"Hehe, where do so many terrorist organizations come from all day long? It doesn't matter whether I get promoted or not. It's better to have peace in the world."

Sister Qing thought Lu Feng was joking and said with a smile.

But when she looked up at Lu Feng's eyes, she found that Lu Feng's eyes revealed seriousness. Out of the sensitivity of the police, Sister Qing got up from Lu Feng's arms and looked at Lu Feng with an uncertain tone.


"You can't tell the truth!"

Sister Qing did not doubt where Lu Feng heard the news.

With Lu Feng's current net worth, it is not surprising that he has made friends with some people with good backgrounds and strong connections.

Maybe at some point, I heard some gossip from someone’s mouth.

The appearance of the Czar's Jewelry Exhibition made Lu Feng certain that the doctor's group would definitely show up.

Originally, Lu Feng wanted to handle this matter by himself, and then contact Sister Qing to give the credit to Sister Qing.

But after thinking about it later, I felt that this was not safe, so it would be better to let Sister Qing participate.

At the very least, we should let Sister Qing know the news and make arrangements as soon as possible.

If he was really allowed to handle it, Lu Feng would not be like in the original plot, which involved negotiations and was surrounded by the police. The scene was too big.

As for how to deal with it, Lu Feng had already made a plan in his mind.

This time he was ready to kill three birds with one stone.

Facing the inquiry revealed in Sister Qing's eyes, Lu Feng nodded.

"...I did receive such news. I heard that there is a terrorist group codenamed Doctor who is preparing to attack

A few days later, the Tsar Jewelry Exhibition was attacked, and the authenticity has not yet been confirmed. "

Sister Qing thought for a while and remembered that such a thing did exist.

This jewelry exhibition is at the Cointreau Hotel in her area.

Thinking of this, Sister Qing stood up immediately.

"A Feng, I'll go back to the police station. You can go to bed early at night. If you feel really bored, you can go find Sister Ling."

The jewelry exhibition was attended by some political and business celebrities, and even a few foreign consuls. If what Lu Feng said was true, it would be a big deal.

She is going to go to the police station now to arrange an investigation to determine whether the matter is true or false.

But just as Sister Qing was about to leave, she was grabbed by Lu Feng, and Sister Qing fell into Lu Feng's arms again.

Lu Feng patted her back and said angrily.

"Why are you in such a hurry? You haven't confirmed whether the matter is true or not, so you are in such a hurry."

"This time is different. If what you said is true, if something happens at the jewelry exhibition, not only our police force, but also the British Hong Kong government will be in big trouble."

Sister Qing explained patiently.

Lu Feng's eyes flashed with light.

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