The police said that the robbers had been killed, but the situation was not good.

"Mr. Consul, although the robbers have been killed by us, there may be other unknown dangers here. I will ask someone to send you away first."

"Okay. Thank you for your hard work!"

"It should be!!"

The next thing was much simpler. The police began to check everyone's identity one by one. As long as there was no problem, someone would send them downstairs.

Just when Sister Qing and the others attacked, passers-by who heard the gunshots outside had already called the police.

The Kowloon District Police Station dispatched a large number of police forces in time.

Sister Qing was very busy now, and Lu Feng did not come forward to say hello, but followed behind everyone and accepted the police's questioning.

Lu Feng felt someone holding his arm, and turned around to see Joyce.

Mainly because of the series of events that had just happened, which had a great impact on Joyce, and Lu Feng's efforts to turn the tide just now, Joyce felt that she was very safe only by staying with Lu Feng.

Sister Qing, who was arranging people to send the consul and his wife out, also noticed the situation on Lu Feng's side inadvertently. She didn't say anything, but her eyes glared at him fiercely.

"He's always flirting with women!!"

Sister Qing thought to herself.

Just as Sister Qing was about to send the consul and his wife away, a slightly fat man with the epaulettes of a chief superintendent on his shoulders came in with a group of people.

Seeing that the scene had been controlled, the chief superintendent breathed a sigh of relief.

Especially when he saw the consul and his wife standing next to Sister Qing, he ran over in a hurry.

Another round of courtesy, thank you.

The Chief Superintendent is the head of the entire Kowloon Police District. He was just resting at home and wanted to have a romantic trip between an old couple.

Just when he had been planning for a long time and was about to go to the battlefield to kill the enemy, a call from the police station frightened his young superintendent and made him shrink and weaken.

Thinking of his wife's suspicious eyes, he even wanted to commit suicide.

But compared to this, the call from the police station was more important. .

More than a dozen celebrities and politicians, including a foreign consul, were controlled by a group of terrorists in the Cointreau Hotel.

This happened in his jurisdiction. If it was not controlled in time, his role as the chief would be over.

He didn't care about his wife's resentful eyes, put on his police uniform, called the police station to inform the remaining staff, and drove directly to the Cointreau Hotel.

Fortunately, on the way here, he received news 26 that his madam had controlled the situation in time and even eliminated the group of terrorists.

When he first learned about this situation, he was still a little bit unconvinced. Finally, after repeated confirmation, he was relieved.

However, if he didn't see it with his own eyes, his heart would still be hanging there.

Fortunately, after he arrived, the situation he saw made him completely relieved.

After getting a more detailed action report from Sister Qing, the Chief Superintendent looked in the direction of Lu Feng, greeted a few people, and then walked over with a smile.

He stretched out his hand from a distance.

"Mr. Lu, I have heard colleagues in the bureau mention you a long time ago. Thank you very much today. If it weren't for you and your people to control the situation in time, even if our colleagues arrived in time, it would take a lot of effort, and there might be casualties."

The Chief Superintendent had indeed heard of the name Lu Feng, especially Lu Feng had been to the police station several times. Although he had not seen him in person, he had heard colleagues talk about him.

After all, Sister Qing was also a senior official in their police station. Not only was she beautiful, but she was also a superintendent. Many people in the police station liked her.

How could no one talk about it when they suddenly learned that she already had a boyfriend!!

Faced with the enthusiasm of the Chief Superintendent, Lu Feng also smiled and extended his hand.

"Chief Superintendent, you are too polite. The matter can be resolved quickly thanks to your police's quick action. If you hadn't discovered the problem in time and responded quickly, this group of terrorists might have succeeded."

Talking to smart people is so simple.

Hearing Lu Feng's words, the smile on the face of the Chief Superintendent became even stronger, and he looked at Lu Feng with more satisfaction.

He had just learned that if Lu Feng hadn't acted in time, it would be unknown in which direction this matter would have developed today.

The final result is that the people of Hong Kong Island will definitely question the police's

ability, the upper level will also put pressure on them.

Now that Lu Feng said this, it shows that their police force has the ability to act and execute. At least their police station has explained to the higher-ups.

Lu Feng doesn't care about such credit, anyway, he is not a member of the system, but the chief superintendent cares.

"Madam Qing, you stay to control the situation at the scene, I will arrange for someone to send the consul and his wife back."

The chief superintendent showed a meaningful smile on his face.

The chief superintendent's words seemed to be stealing the credit from Sister Qing, but only Lu Feng and Sister Qing knew what the chief superintendent meant by this sentence.

Facing the ridicule of her superior, Sister Qing blushed rarely.

Only Madam Hu, who was fully armed and had been standing aside and had not spoken until now, seemed to have seen something.

Her eyes were always scanning Sister Qing and Lu Feng, especially Wang, who had been looking at Joyce, who was still holding Lu Feng's arm, several times, and her eyes became more and more intriguing.

After the chief police officer left, Sister Qing's face became serious and she said to Lu Feng.

"Come with me, I will record your statement myself."

After that, she looked at Joyce beside Lu Feng and said to a policeman not far away.

"You come and make a statement for this lady."

Joyce then let go of her hand holding Lu Feng's arm and walked to the other side under the guidance of the police.

After Sister Qing gave the order, she walked out of the exhibition hall without looking back.

Lu Feng raised his eyebrows and followed her.

After Lu Feng and Sister Qing left, several women who were still controlling the scene came to Madam Hu intentionally or unintentionally and looked at the backs of Lu Feng and Sister Qing leaving.

"Wow, is this a Shura Field!!"

"When the mistress meets the wife, it's like a collision between Mars and Earth. Should we go and see it!!"

"You know what, that man is pretty handsome. I'm a little tempted when I see him!"

"Don't be a fangirl. If Madam Qing finds out, you'll be in trouble!!"

Although the women of the Tyrant Flower have become mature after several missions, their gossiping nature has not changed.

Hearing the chatter of the female team members around her, Madam Hu looked around and found that no one else noticed this side, so she warned them.

"Don't be so gossipy all day long. Your work is done."

Madam Hu scolded them, and several female team members scattered.

"Okay, why do you have to come to this exhibition? You know it's dangerous, but you still come here. You just want to pick up girls, and you've already done it."

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