The two of them were busy, and the two sides were busy.

Mayor Liu, who was walking in front, kept telling Lu Feng about the prospects of investing in Shenzhen.

Soon the group arrived at the conference room.

Lu Feng saw.

On one wall of the conference room, a huge map had already been hung.

Look at the dividing line above and the mark in the middle of the map.

Lu Feng quickly figured out that this map was a topographic map of Shenzhen.

After everyone was seated, Mayor Liu spoke first.

"Mr. Lu's request has been told to me by Lao Yang. After a day and night of discussion, our leadership team agrees to your request.

However, considering the nature of land use and the area of ​​land, we are going to allocate a piece of land to you in the suburbs."

Mayor Liu nodded to a person who looked like a secretary beside him.

The man understood, picked up the laser pen in his hand, pointed to the map hanging on the wall, and directly selected a point.

"Mr. Lu, what do you think of this piece of land?"

Mayor Liu pointed to the map and said.

Because the map is relatively large, and Lu Feng's eyesight is also very good, even if there is a distance of seven or eight meters, Lu Feng can see the content on the map clearly.

Seeing the location of the land circled by Mayor Liu, Lu Feng's heart moved, because this place is the one Lu Feng wants.

It seems that Deputy Mayor Yang has indeed brought his request.

"I basically have no objection. This coincides with my idea. After the meeting is over, I plan to inspect the site again."

"That's no problem. I'll personally accompany you there after the discussion is over."

In the following time, Lu Feng confirmed some details with Mayor Liu and other departments.

After more than an hour of consultation, the two sides basically reached a cooperation agreement.

Now it's almost enough to just go to the site and take a look.

Feeling that this investment is a sure thing, Mayor Liu can't hide the smile on his face, but in front of his hands, leaders still need to be more stable.

Picking up the teacup in front of him, he slowly took a sip, and then suppressed the excitement in his heart just now.

After putting down the teacup.

Mayor Liu looked at Lu Feng.

"Mr. Lu, I don't know when your investment will be in place and in what way the funds will be injected."

Lu Feng understood what Mayor Liu meant. Although they are now discussing fiercely, as long as the funds are not in place for one day, accidents may occur.

Lu Feng fumbled around the edge of the teacup in front of him and answered.

"Mayor Liu, I don't like to drag my feet. As long as we sign the contract, the 1 billion US dollars will be in place at once, but I have a small request."

Hearing Lu Feng's promise, Mayor Liu's joy was beyond words.

"Mr. Lu, please speak."

"I believe Mayor Liu should also understand that the current exchange rate between US dollars and RMB is 1:8.1535, but I hope that the Shenzhen Municipal Government can exchange my 1 billion US dollars for me at a rate of 1:10."

Hearing Lu Feng's request, Mayor Liu did not refuse immediately.

If according to what Lu Feng said just now, when Lu Feng's 1 billion US dollars comes in and is exchanged into RMB, the Shenzhen Municipal Government will pay an additional 1.8 billion RMB.

It seems that Lu Feng has taken advantage, and their government has suffered a loss.

But this kind of talk should be said from two sides.

The 1 billion US dollars in foreign exchange is what they need.

With this foreign exchange, they have basically completed this year's foreign exchange reserve task.

Another point is that the exchanged funds will be used for investment in Shenzhen, which is also good for them.

It is not unacceptable to say so.

"Mayor Liu, and all leaders, I am really sorry to waste your time. I am going to the bathroom."

Lu Feng seemed very impolite when he said this.

But everyone present knew that the reason why Lu Feng said this was to give them time and space to discuss.

Lu Feng came to the outside of the meeting room, walked to a smoking area, lit a cigarette, and smoked it beautifully.

It took more than ten minutes.

Lu Feng sat back at the conference table.

"Mr. Lu, we can agree to your request, but we also have requirements."

Lu Feng did not speak, but motioned Mayor Liu to continue.


We hope that after the contract is signed, 1 billion US dollars must be in place immediately, and those funds must be used for the development of Shenzhen. "

"Mayor Liu, don't worry. I have promised just now that I will deposit the funds as soon as possible after the contract is signed."

"That's good. Since everything has been discussed, let's go to the land for a field inspection. I also want to provide more jobs for Shenzhen residents as soon as possible."


Six or seven cars drove out of the government compound.

After driving for nearly an hour, the group arrived at a location in the suburbs.

Although this place is already in the suburbs, if another ten or twenty years, the land here will become valuable.

"Mr. Lu, the contract has been signed. I wish us a happy cooperation."

"Happy cooperation!!"

"Mr. Lu, in order to celebrate our cooperation, our government has prepared a dinner party. I hope you can come. ”

Mayor Liu was so polite, how could Lu Feng refuse!

“Then I will be disrespectful!!”

This time when Lu Feng came to Shenzhen, what he wanted to do was indeed completed.

10,000 acres of land was obtained, and it was at a very low price. In addition, the Shenzhen Municipal Government also provided Lu Feng with a 5-year tax exemption policy.

Of course, as a condition, Lu Feng also guaranteed that after the industrial park was built, Lu Feng must provide 8,000 to 10,000 jobs for Shenzhen every year.

This is the most effective thing for both parties, and Lu Feng could not refuse.

“Mr. Lu, let me introduce you. This is the boss of our Royal Court Real Estate Company in Shenzhen, Zhao Shanhe. ”

The reception held by Shenzhen City attracted not only many local enterprises in Shenzhen City, but also many other business owners from nearby Guangdong Province.

These people really have a keen sense of smell. Today, Lu Feng reached an agreement with Shenzhen City, and these people came here just to find the smell.

“Hello, Boss Zhao!!”

“Hello, Boss Lu, I don’t deserve to be called a boss. Compared with you, our Royal Court is just a small-time~making a living.”

“Boss Zhao, you are a little too modest. You must have something extraordinary to let Mayor Liu condescend to introduce you personally. ".

Lu Feng's words not only praised Zhao Shanhe, but also praised Mayor Liu in disguise.

"Haha, I say the two CEOs, don't flatter each other in front of me, the future development of Shenzhen still depends on your help!"

The three people stood in the corner and talked and laughed, and Charlene just put her arm around Lu Feng's shoulders with a faint smile on her lips.

Mayor Liu and Zhao Shanhe also saw the beauty next to Lu Feng, but Lu Feng didn't introduce her, so they didn't ask more.

Just as the three were chatting, a man and a woman came over.

"Excuse me, everyone!"

Mayor Liu saw the person coming and nodded with a smile.

"It turned out to be President Ma. ”

“Mr. Ma!”

Zhao Shanhe also greeted him with a smile.

“I didn’t disturb you!”

The visitor said with a smile.

“No, let me introduce you to the protagonist of our cocktail party today, Mr. Lu Feng from Hong Kong Island. I think you came here to meet Mr. Lu. In that case, you two can chat first.”

Mayor Liu knew the purpose of the visitor, so he simply left for the time being.

“Thank you, Mayor Liu!”

After the others left, the visitor extended his hand to Lu Feng.

“Hello, Mr. Lu, I am Ma Shuai from Guangdong Green City New Coach Group, and this is my wife Li Lijuan. I am very happy to meet you. "

Hearing the self-introduction of the person in front of him, Lu Feng couldn't help but look at him a few more times.

Lu Feng remembered that although Ma Shuai in front of him was the chairman of the Xinshuai Group, strictly speaking, he was just a scapegoat pushed to the front.

And the one who really controlled Green Vine City was actually Gao Mingyuan, who was hidden behind the scenes and was known as the Minister of the Underground Organization of Green Vine City.

Although he thought so in his heart, his hands did not stop moving.

He shook hands with Ma Shuai and greeted Li Lijuan.

"Mr. Ma, Mrs. Ma, hello, this is my female companion Charlene!!"



They greeted each other.

When shaking hands with Li Lijuan just now, Lu Feng's eyes flashed with a hint of surprise, and he didn't know if it was wrong. He always felt that Li Lijuan's fingers were hooked in his palm.

But when he looked over, he didn't see anything unusual.

Maybe he was wrong.

With Ma Shuai's start, several people came over to say hello to Lu Feng.

Get to know each other.

These people are basically the owners of real estate companies in the surrounding provinces and cities, or material wholesalers.

Among these people, in addition to Ma Shuai, the plot character, Lu Feng also knows another one, Uncle Chen Taitai from the Construction Group who came from Jinghai City.

Lu Feng saw at a glance that this old guy was a smiling tiger.

Lu Feng also knew the purpose of these people coming. They just knew that Lu Feng was going to invest in an industrial park of 10,000 acres here, and these people wanted to come and share a piece of the pie.

After all, this involves an investment of nearly 10 billion yuan, and no one will be indifferent to this piece of fat.

Today's cocktail party is just to get to know each other first.

The specific business cooperation negotiations will have to wait for a while, and it is impossible to decide on it in a snap.

Although Lu Feng doesn't like such a scene, he can only pretend to be polite.

"Sorry, I need to go to the bathroom!!"

As the protagonist of this cocktail party, there must be a lot of people coming to toast. Lu Feng couldn't ignore them. Although they were all drinking red wine, they still needed to drink water after drinking too much.

Under the guidance of the waiter, Lu Feng went to the bathroom.

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