The two of them were very happy.

As the lover of this man, perhaps this is a very suitable identity for her.

She got what she wanted and also experienced the pleasure of women.

Came to the restaurant.

There were also people coming to eat in groups of three or two.

When the two walked into the restaurant, they met Mrs. Minying again by chance.

But Mrs. Minying seemed to have had breakfast and was walking out of the restaurant.

This time Minying was not alone, there was a middle-aged man beside her.

Judging from the appearance of the two people, this man might be the chairman of Taishan Group.

Minying didn't expect to meet Lu Feng and Nicole in the restaurant early in the morning, and subconsciously froze for a moment.

Nicole nodded to Minying with a smile.

"Mrs. Minying, good morning!!!"

"Ms. Nicole, good morning!!"

Nicole originally wanted to say hello to the man next to Minying, but the man just glanced at Nicole lightly, especially stayed on Lu Feng for a while, and then left indifferently, clearly not wanting to have any intersection with the two of them.

Minying gave Lu Feng and the others an apologetic smile and quickly followed.

Lu Feng understood this attitude.

This is the character of Xiao Xiba.

The current South Korean country is called the Four Asian Tigers.

In fact, except for their American dad, they look down on others.

Moreover, Lu Feng has no international reputation, just a little bit of fame in Hong Kong Island. Perhaps for that guy, stopping to gather is a waste of time.

From this, we can also see that guy's arrogance.

Lu Feng is not so angry for such a guy.


When Minying passed by him, Lu Feng's nostrils moved involuntarily and he frowned slightly.

He looked at Minying's back thoughtfully.

"How rude!!"

Nicole muttered.

Lu Feng just smiled, took Nicole's hand, walked into the restaurant, and sat down near the window.

The window here can be opened.

After opening, you can feel the sea breeze blowing gently.

"Dear, do you think I am beautiful, or Mrs. Minying just now is beautiful...

Nicole's question made Lu Feng stunned for a while.

"Why are you asking me this question? Of course you are beautiful!!!"

"Huh, I saw you looking so engrossed just now, I thought you said Mrs. Minying was beautiful. "

Lu Feng scratched Nicole's nose with amusement.

Sure enough.

Women all over the world are the same.

No matter whether they are from the East or the West, all women will be jealous, but they just express it in different ways.

"She's already married, so what does her beauty have to do with me? "

Lu Feng said this, but he was thinking about something else.

The reason why he stared at Minying's back just now was that when Minying passed by him just now, he smelled a faint smell of blood.

It turns out that it is not a strange thing for such a thing to happen to a woman.

After all, women have those days every month.

But Lu Feng's sense of smell has been enhanced by the system. He clearly noticed that the bloody smell came from Minying's back, as if she was injured.

As the wife of the chairman of a large group, what kind of injury would she have on her back to emit a bloody smell.

This is what makes Lu Feng curious.

"Don't think I don't know you men, don't you like that tune the most? There are many married people in our entertainment industry who have cheated. It's no big deal. ”

“You are getting more and more ridiculous. Okay, you should eat quickly. After that, we will go to see the sea view together!!”

The next time is purely for fun.

If you are interested, you can talk about business. It is entirely up to your personal wishes.

During this period.

George called Lu Feng.

He told Lu Feng that they had found a suitable partner and had arranged to have lunch together at noon. They would discuss the details later.

A prison visiting room in an inland city.

A middle-aged man was facing a woman opposite him, explaining something gently, and the expression on his face seemed very relieved.

Those imprisoned in prison cannot be simply distinguished as good people and bad people. It can only be said that these people have made mistakes.


It was during the time he was imprisoned that he thought about something clearly, so he behaved like this.

"Little sister, I will keep this bracelet for you as a thought."

The middle-aged man dropped a crystal-clear bracelet made of unknown material in front of the woman.

The woman took the bracelet, a look of sadness on her face.

After a few minutes. .

The visiting time was over, and the woman walked out of the prison with the lawyer who came with him.

"Ms. Luo, I'll leave first. If you need anything, please contact me anytime!!"

The lawyer said hello and left first.

After the lawyer left, the sad expression on the woman's face instantly faded, and a hint of fierceness flashed in her pupils.

It can be seen that the woman just now was just acting in front of the man.

The woman took out her cell phone and dialed a number.

"Help me check on my eldest brother. I want to go through it in detail!!"

After explaining, the woman hung up the phone.

He turned his head and glanced at the prison, with a vicious expression on his face.

The reason why the woman is like this is entirely because of her elder brother's partial arrangement.

The Luo family has such a big family business, and now that the eldest brother is in jail, he probably won't be able to get out in this life.

From the arrangement just now, the woman knew that she would get nothing at all.

How does this keep her from being angry?

If her eldest brother's arrangement was a little more fair, she could still convince herself.

That being the case.

Then don't blame her.

But before that, she had one more thing to do.

Finding the person who put her eldest brother in jail and killing him was the only thing she did for her eldest brother.

Lu Feng's room door opened.

A group of people came out of it. In addition to George and Fox, there were two other strangers.

These two people were the helpers who came over to George.

One is the second-in-line heir of an established European family, Hua Wen Borg.

The family's main industry involves finance and banking.

Of course, other industries will also be involved, but these are the basics of their family.

As for the other one, it is the heir to the consortium from Great Britain, Russell Westminster.

It can be seen from this surname that Russell comes from a noble family.

The reason why George chose Russell was because Sanling Group had a lot of cooperation with Great Britain, and Russell could play a big role in it.

They had been discussing in the room for more than an hour just now and reached an agreement with each other to establish the Sanling Group in the island country.

Although they are still on board, all the preliminary arrangements have been made.

Just wait until you get off the boat and you can take action.

"Would you like to go have a drink together? Let's celebrate in advance!!"

George suggested.

"Of course, with such a happy thing, how can we not have a drink!!"

Hua Wen said with a smile.

It is said that birds of a feather flock together and people flock together.

Hua Wen’s character is somewhat similar to George!!!

" Walk!!!"

How many people came to a bar together like this?

The bar is open-air, next to a large swimming pool.

Even though the temperature is quite low now, there are still many people swimming in swimsuits.

The swimming pool has a constant temperature system to keep the water temperature at a comfortable level for the human body.

Swimming inside and looking at the sea view outside is indeed a good choice.

"Dear, let's go together!!"

Nicole, who was wearing a swimsuit and a towel, walked to Lu Feng's side, leaned into Lu Feng's arms and said coquettishly.

Seeing this scene, George and the others laughed.

"Lu, if that's the case, then we won't disturb your good deeds, and we will go find the target."

A few jokes.

Several people put down the cups in their hands and left the bar, each looking for a goal to enjoy themselves.

Lu Feng felt helpless when he saw Nicole's clingy look.

It is said that women in the West are more independent, but Lu Feng thinks it depends on the person.

"Okay, you go ahead and I'll change my clothes!!"

Nicole stood up on her tiptoes and kissed Lu Feng on the face, her face full of happiness.

"Then I'll wait for you!!"

Lu Feng patted Nicole on the shoulder, got up and walked to his room.

Every room in the cruise ship has relatively complete facilities, such as swimsuits and trunks, etc., all prepared in the cupboard.

Just when Lu Feng was walking towards the corner of the room corridor, his footsteps suddenly stopped.

Look down.

He found a mobile phone lying in the corner.

Lu Feng bent down and picked it up, holding it in his hand

He looked around.

It was obviously a woman's mobile phone.

Lu Feng pressed the button on it, and the screen showed South Korean characters.

The figure of Mrs. Minying instantly appeared in his mind.

But then he shook his head.

How could such a coincidence happen in the world?

Maybe this phone was lost by another South Korean woman.

Lu Feng put the phone in his pocket and continued to walk towards his room.

He planned to wait until he changed his clothes and came out, and then give it to a waiter to find the owner.

Anyway, it was all easy.

At the moment when Lu Feng put the phone in his pocket, at the other end of the corridor, a woman with a somewhat anxious face came out, always looking around, as if looking for something.

When the woman pulled the hairline by her ear, she raised her head and saw Lu Feng putting the phone in his pocket.

Seeing this, the woman breathed a sigh of relief and showed an anxious look.

Because you have seen clearly that the mobile phone is exactly what she is looking for.

And she knows the man who is walking in with his back to her. She just saw you in the restaurant this morning.

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