The owner of the car seems to be a Chinese. Not to mention that they can't find us, even if they find us, this is our territory, and even the police may not help them." Vince said indifferently. Only Brian, who was following behind the others, frowned. The reason why their group failed was mainly because of Brian, because he was the undercover in the team sent by the police. These people are in this area, a group of motorcycle gangs led by Dominic.

It was a little after 1pm.

Lu Feng originally wanted to rest for a while, but was woken up by George's phone call.

".々Lu, the information you want has a result. Do you want me to help you deal with it or do you do it yourself?"

"The result is so soon!"

Lu Feng's tone was not particularly excited, but still very calm.

A car is nothing to him, but no matter what, there must be an explanation for the theft of things.

"Here, as long as you have money, you can get everything you want, and with the photo you gave, it's easier to find people."

George said in a very relaxed tone.

"Thank you, give me the information! Stretch!"

"Why, do you want to deal with it yourself, Lu?"

Hearing this, Lu Feng thought for a while and finally changed his mind.

"If it's not too much trouble, you can help me deal with it. You are a local boss. If I deal with it, it may be a bit troublesome."

Lu Feng didn't want to bother with this matter, so he simply handed it over to George.

"As you wish, I will let those guys give you an explanation, but I have also sent you the information. Take a look. Those guys are really capable and seem to be very famous in that area."

"Thank you!!"

Lu Feng said casually.

"Okay, that's it. I'll call you when there is a result!!"

After saying that, George hung up the phone.

"Hey, it turned out to be them!!"

Looking at the information George had someone send over, Lu Feng was surprised.

Because he was so familiar with the group of people in the information.

I didn't expect that it was these guys who stole his car.

Thinking of the neat and tidy methods shot in the surveillance video, it wouldn't be surprising if it was these guys. .

What made Lu Feng a little curious was that these people usually didn't do petty thefts, so how could they steal his car?

But now is not the time to talk about this.

I don't know if George has sent someone to find these people.

Lu Feng still knows the abilities of these guys.

So Lu Feng took out his mobile phone and called George again. After the call was connected, he just said it directly.

"George, I saw the information you sent over. Have you sent anyone over now?"

"Ah, not yet. What's the matter? Don't worry. I said I would help you solve it and I will definitely give you a satisfactory answer."

"Oh, that's not what I meant. I just thought about it. Anyway, I have nothing to do now. Let me handle this matter myself. You still have to arrange the matter of Sanling, which is a big deal. Whether we can make a fortune in a few days depends on this. Don't distract your energy for this little thing."

"Okay, just call me if you need it."

George didn't think much about it. He felt that what Lu Feng said made sense. It was just a matter of a car, which was a matter of a few million.

It was equivalent to what they were going to do next. This matter was simply not presentable.

After hanging up the phone and eating something, Lu Feng and Nicole were affectionate for a while, and then drove out a car from the garage again and went directly to the hospital.

After half a day of rest and drinking some nutritious soup, although Ruan Mei was still very weak, her mental state was much better than in the morning.

After staying in the hospital until around four o'clock in the afternoon, Lu Feng left the hospital.

After all, he had just finished the operation and needed more rest.

And Lu Feng had

Other things to do.

"Give me a cup of coffee and a sandwich!!"

According to the address on the file, Lu Feng came to a coffee shop.

But looking at the decoration in the coffee shop, it is a bit similar to some theme coffee shops in later generations.

And the theme of this coffee shop is cars.

On the walls around the store, car parts can be seen everywhere, which looks messy, but has a rough taste.

At this time, there are only a few customers in the coffee shop, and behind the counter, a woman in a simple T-shirt is busy with her head down.

The air conditioner in the coffee shop doesn't seem to be very cold.

The busy woman heard someone ordering, but she didn't raise her head and answered while busy.

"Please wait!!!"

After a while, the coffee and sandwich were ready. When the woman put the things in front of Lu Feng, she looked up at Lu Feng for the first time.

The reason why the woman did this was mainly because the people who came to their coffee shop were all familiar customers around.

"It's you!?!"

Seeing that it was Lu Feng, Mia was surprised and confused.

She really didn't expect to see Lu Feng here. She originally wanted to wait for a while, find an opportunity or an excuse to call Lu Feng.

Seeing the surprised look of the girl opposite, Lu Feng smiled.

"We meet again!!!"

At that time, Lu Feng didn't recognize Mia on the plane, and he just fell into a cognitive blind spot.

For example, Westerners, except for those who are particularly familiar or impressive around them, actually many people think that Orientals look similar.

On the contrary.

The same is true for Orientals looking at Westerners.

If Lu Feng hadn't seen the information, he really wouldn't have thought that the girl he met on the plane that time was actually Bald Dominic's sister.

"You... Are you here to find me specifically?"

The reason why Mia asked this was mainly because the place where they were located was relatively remote. If you have to say it, it is a bit like the suburbs.

If you are not someone nearby, generally no one will come here.

"Yeah, aren't you welcome!!"

Lu Feng tasted a sip of coffee.

"Good coffee!!"

"Thank you!!"

Lu Feng had his own purpose. Mia was happy to see Lu Feng again, and the two of them chatted very well.

Before they knew it, it was getting dark.

Most of the customers in the coffee shop had left, after all, this was not a restaurant.

Only Mia and Lu Feng were left in the whole shop.

Mia had fallen in love with Lu Feng at first sight, and today the two of them suddenly met again and had a good chat, so Mia became more interested in Lu Feng.

She looked at the sky outside.

She didn't want this meeting to end so early, so she took the initiative to propose.

"Lu, do you want to stay and taste the oriental dishes I made? When I traveled in Southeast Asia, I learned a few dishes from local chefs."

"Really? It's my honor!"

Seeing that Lu Feng agreed, Mia was very happy. She closed the door of the coffee shop directly, took Lu Feng's hand, and walked to the back of the coffee shop.

Behind the coffee shop is where Mia lives.

I plan to take some time to look at it today and code more after get off work in the evening.

Although Western women are open, they still need some subtext.

Mia's invitation is a subtext.

Otherwise, why would she invite a man into her private territory in the middle of the night!!!

Open the back door of the coffee shop, and there will be a staircase. Going up to the upper floor is where Mia usually lives.

Lu Feng looked around. Although it looks messy here, it has a very strong home atmosphere.

"You can sit anywhere. I'll go to prepare dinner!!".

Mia returned to her room immediately, and when she came out again, she changed into a set of home clothes, went to the kitchen, put on an apron, and started to work.

Lu Feng stood at the door of the kitchen, watching Mia busying herself.

But Lu Feng felt something was wrong. How could this be Oriental cuisine? It was completely the food from India.

Let alone anything else, you can even make a South Korean kimchi.

Lu Feng really can't get used to the food from India!!!

It's not that India is in the East, so Mia thinks it is an Oriental country.

In order not to embarrass Mia, Lu Feng couldn't speak directly. What's more, Lu Feng didn't want to wrong his own hello, so he walked to Mia's side and said to Mia who was busy.

"After all, I am an Oriental, and I am best at cooking hometown dishes.

Let me help you!!!"

"No, no, I'll be there soon. Please sit in the living room for a while. I told you I want to let you taste my cooking skills. By the way, there is a bottle of red wine on the locker. If you like, you can drink some."

The reason why Mia insisted so much is that when she traveled in the East, she saw many wives in families preparing meals for their husbands.

She thought that Lu Feng was an Oriental and his family might have such a habit.

Lu Feng ignored Mia's words and took the knife from Mia's hand calmly.

"Let me do it. I'm a little hungry. I'll try your cooking skills next time I have a chance. "

Mia's strength was not as strong as Lu Feng's, and Lu Feng took Mia's original position in a few moves.

Lu Feng was of authentic Dragon Country blood anyway, so it was easy for him to cook two home-cooked dishes.

Looking at the ingredients on the table, although they were not very abundant for Lu Feng, he still made a dish of stewed beef with potatoes and scrambled eggs with tomatoes.

Seeing that there was still some seafood in the refrigerator, Lu Feng made a pot of stew with the ingredients.

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