The two of them were very happy.

"Stop talking nonsense and do what I say. Remember, don't attract other people's attention. Maybe you can make a fortune with this opportunity."

Hearing that there was money to be made, Belfort stopped talking nonsense and quickly agreed.

"As you wish!!".

Facing the ball flower, Lu Feng couldn't help it. Monica opened her mouth silently, just like a goldfish that had lost water for a long time.

After resting for a long time, Monica recovered a little spirit.

"Dear, you are so brave. I love you so much."

Lu Feng looked at Monica with a smile.

"Since you love me so much, can we continue?"

Hearing that Lu Feng wanted to continue, Monica was so scared that her face turned pale and her head shook like a rattle.

" don't need it anymore, my knight, I can't bear your whip anymore."

Looking at Monica's frightened look, Lu Feng smiled triumphantly.

In the second half of the night.

Johnson hugged his female companion and staggered out of the bar, followed by two tall bodyguards.

Maybe they haven't encountered any emergency for a long time, the two bodyguards also seemed to be more casual.

What they didn't realize was that in a shadow in the distance, there were several pairs of eyes with cold expressions looking in their direction.

Seeing that the time was almost right, the leader nodded to the people behind him, and everyone came out tacitly.

Although it was already late at night, this was a bar after all, so there were still some people coming and going. They didn't notice the few people approaching slowly. Maybe they noticed them, but they didn't take it seriously. Most of the people coming out of the bar were drunk.

When the group was about four or five meters away from John Johnson, the two bodyguards finally found something wrong.

Because they had seen that the few people came in a surrounded manner, and each of them was wearing a black cap and a mask.

In the middle of the night, with such a look, doesn't it mean that there is a problem?

Just when the two bodyguards made a move, the people who surrounded them immediately took action.

Although the two bodyguards were strong, they were no match for those people and were knocked to the ground in a few seconds.

Hearing the movement around him, the drunk John was a little confused. He didn't understand what was going on, but just spoke subconsciously.

"Who are you? Do you know who I am?"

Hearing this, the leader of the group wearing masks ignored it.

From John's subconscious behavior, it can be seen that he should say this sentence often.

Just after dealing with the two bodyguards, when several people surrounded him, John finally realized that something was wrong and sobered up a little.

"You...what do you want to do!"

But the answer to him was a fist like a hammer, and only a bang was heard, which sounded next to the car.

It was about a minute.

The group of people wearing masks seemed to have never appeared. Only a drunken woman, two fainted bodyguards, and John Johnson who was unconscious were left at the scene.

If John Johnson's chest was not still rising and falling, others would probably think he was a dead person.

"Master, the matter is done!"

After comforting Monica who had fallen asleep, Lu Feng held the mobile phone in his hand, listened to the report from the receiver, and smiled slightly.

"Got it. You guys should hide first and don't come out for the time being."

"Yes, Master!!"

After hanging up the phone, Lu Feng took Monica into his arms, turned off the bedside lamp, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

That's right.

The people who attacked John Johnson tonight were sent by him.

Although Lu Feng would not kill because of a word, he would not be able to live with it if he didn't teach them a lesson.

As for the people who took action, they were the group of people that Lu Feng had specially sent before he came to the United States. They belonged to Di Ting.

That group of people was divided into two parts by Lu Feng.

One part was in the open, and the other part was in the dark. The ones in the dark were basically Di Ting's base in the United States in the future...

In the next two or three days, Lu Feng waited for the result of Belfort, and Monica also found an excuse.

All left.

Even with the bodies of Western women, they can't bear Lu Feng's frequency.

Of course.

This is one of the reasons. Another reason is that the crew of Giuseppe is almost ready, and Monica has to go back to film.

Although she can change her personality a little for Lu Feng, she doesn't want to be a vase.

Monica knows very well that if she is just a vase, even if she is favored by this man, it will only be temporary.

She wants to make herself more perfect to attract more attention from this man.

This time, the filming location of the beautiful legend of Sicily is in Italy.

In order to make Monica remember deeply, Lu Feng showed all his firepower. Anyway, Lu Feng remembered that Monica was limping when she walked.

When he was free, Lu Feng also took the time to visit Ruan Mei.

After all, it is a heart surgery, which has certain requirements for physical fitness, so Ruan Mei must be under the comprehensive monitoring of the hospital now, and when the time is right, the surgery will be performed immediately.

"My dear boss, I really don't know if you are a messenger sent by God. You even know such a secret thing. If you hadn't called me to tell me, I really wouldn't have thought that Johnson had such a big loophole.

It's not just me. Even the entire United States has not seen relevant reports in the newspaper. I don't know whether no one has ever discovered it or it has been suppressed by Johnson."

A few days later, Belfort came to Lu Feng's residence with a lot of information. As soon as he entered the house, he became anxious.

Taking the information handed over by Belfort, Lu Feng flipped through it casually.

These are all some test reports, all of which are about the composition analysis of some drugs of Johnson, and there are even a few documents about several drugs that Johnson has just launched.

Although these drugs do have a great effect on certain diseases, or certain defects of the human body, some of the ingredients in them are seriously exceeded, and long-term use will bring great side effects to the human body.

If all this information is leaked, it will be a big blow to Johnson Company.

Lu Feng put down the test reports and said to Belfort with a smile.

"Tell me what you think!"

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