Seeing Lu Feng's calm expression, Belfort calmed down from his excitement. He sat on the sofa opposite Lu Feng, picked up the coffee on the table in front of him, drank it in one gulp and said. "If this news is reported through the media, it will definitely bring a devastating blow to Johnson & Johnson in a short time. Maybe we can take this opportunity to short Johnson & Johnson's stock." Lu Feng nodded with satisfaction at Belfort's answer. He had this idea from the beginning. Seeing that Lu Feng was very satisfied with his answer, Belfort put down the coffee cup and asked with interest. "Boss, I just don't understand why you suddenly wanted me to investigate Johnson's pharmaceutical industry. Is there any inside information?"

Lu Feng would not tell Belfort that this was something he saw on the Internet in his previous life. Even if he told him, Belfort would probably not believe it. .

So he told Belfort what happened in the luxury store a few days ago.

"We have a saying in Longguo that there are all kinds of birds in a big forest. I think Johnson, as the world's number one medical device company, must have some unknown things. It's always right to investigate. I just didn't expect the final result of the investigation to be so outrageous."

"It turned out to be John, the second-generation ancestor. He is really too presumptuous. He dared to say such things to his dear boss. He is really a thorough racist. Boss, don't worry, we will definitely teach him a very profound lesson this time."

Belfort seemed to be angry as if he felt the same way.

Lu Feng didn't care whether Belfort was acting or not. He said after thinking for a while.

"If this news gets out, it will indeed cause a big storm. We can't afford these profits. Maybe we can find a few more allies. What do you think?"

Although he didn't want to share this opportunity with others, what Lu Feng said made sense. After all, Johnson Company is backed by the Johnson Family.

And if you want to release these test reports through the media, you still need some support. Although this matter is done in secret, if Johnson Company finds out, it is better to have some strong backing. So Belfort thought about it and spoke.

"What do you think of the two guys you met at the last cocktail party? Those two families have their own voice channels and can definitely help us add fuel to the fire."

Lu Feng knew who Belfort was talking about.

The cocktail party Belfort mentioned was the one where he met Monica. Through Belfort's introduction, Lu Feng also met several heirs of big families. At that time, the few of them chatted quite well, especially the two peers who were about the same age as Lu Feng, who chatted most happily.

On the second day of the cocktail party, Lu Feng asked someone to investigate the information of those people. The families of those guys do have some power in the United States.

Thinking of this, Lu Feng nodded.

"Okay, everything is arranged by you!!!"

"Okay, boss, then I will leave first, look forward to my good news."


The next day.

Belfort acted quickly.

In one night, he made an appointment with the people and even reached a preliminary agreement.

"I really didn't expect that the Johnson family would do such a dirty thing. The justice in my heart has made me unable to tolerate such a thing. For the people of the United States, it is my duty to disclose the dirty behavior of the Johnson family."

George Howard said with indignation.

Belfort made an appointment with two people this time.

One is George Howard, a member of the Howard family of the United States, and even the first heir of the Howard family.

The Howard family can be ranked in the top 10 in the entire United States.

The family's industries involve finance, banking, energy, machinery, mining... Most of the industries involved are mainly industrial.

As for the other one, Fox Hayden, he is the heir of the Hayden family, which ranks seventh in the United States.

The so-called ranking here is actually just that.

Although Westerners do not have the habit of hiding wealth like Orientals, who would put all their wealth in the open for a family like this?

Except for the top few families, in fact, the following basic

Basically, everyone is similar.

As for the Hayden family, the industries involved are also very wide, including light industrial manufacturing, banking and finance, and shipping. Even several major airlines in the United States have shares in the Hayden family.

Another major reason why Belfort chose Fox Hayden is that the Hayden family controls more than 30% of the media channels in the United States, and media communication is the top priority of their plan this time.

In fact, in terms of status, there is still a certain gap between Lu Feng and the heirs of such a big family.

After all, although Lu Feng made less than a few billion from the United States this time, his connections and influence are simply incomparable to others.

But who makes this a country where capital is king? As long as you have the ability to make money, people will treat you as a guest of honor.

The two heirs are willing to make friends with Lu Feng, also out of this consideration.

In fact, since the end of the cocktail party, they have also investigated Lu Feng. Although the information obtained is not much, they can find out a little bit.

Especially this time, the oil futures operation of 480, even those big sharks on Wall Street, many of them did not get accurate information, but the vulture capital was very sophisticated about this operation, which made them think more.

Although both of them are heirs of big families, if nothing unexpected happens, they can inherit the family smoothly.

But who doesn't want to have more favorable partners around them, maybe one time, it will bring huge profits to themselves.

Isn't this the opportunity!!!

After Belfort told them some information, Fox and George were very keen to realize that this was an opportunity,

"Yes, we must stop such mistakes from happening again."

Fox Hayden said immediately.

Although everyone said so righteously, after understanding the whole plan, their faces were flushed with excitement.

If this plan can be implemented, they can completely make a lot of money from the Johnson family, which will greatly strengthen their voice in the family in the future. How could they give up such a good thing?

"For justice, let's drink a toast!!"

Lu Feng was also hypocritical.

"For justice!"

"Long live justice!"

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