Chapter 133 Richard is in a state of distress

"Superintendent Richard, someone is looking for you outside!"

Anna, the beautiful secretary of the Political Department, came over with a charming look.

Richard looked at the bulging uniform of the other party and was a little absent-minded:.

"Miss Anna, I wonder who is looking for me?"

Anna shrugged:

"A handsome Chinese boy!"

Richard's face was full of question marks. A handsome Chinese boy? Did he know such a person?

When he came out, his pupils shrank. It turned out to be him - He Jiaju!

He Jiaju looked at Richard with a smile:

"Richard, you are really out of your league. How dare you ignore our call?"

"Do you think we can't find you if you keep hiding in the police force?"

"Let me tell you, if you kill someone, you must pay for your life, if you owe someone a debt, you must pay for it. This is a matter of course."

"If you don't want to pay back the money, it doesn't matter. There are plenty of debt collection companies in Hong Kong."

"Don't worry, we will never sue you. We are businessmen and we only want money!"

Richard was a little dazed.

How long has it been? Only half a year , right?

He still remembered that half a year ago, the guy in front of him was still shouting and killing when he saw him. He was a typical gangster.

What about now?

What he said all the time was more and more like a big shot from the Golden Club.

By the way, the other party is the secretary of the board of directors of the New Liansheng Group! It

's really unfair that a gangster has transformed into a figure in the upper class! What made

Richard even more upset was that He Jiaju had no fear of the police force.

Ordinary people had to restrain their momentum when they came to the police force, after all, the police station was a law enforcement agency.

But He Jiaju was so good that he felt like he was at home when he came to the police force.

Richard really wondered, how could he be so bold?

Anna even went to bring water to He Jiaju:

"Oh, I think I've seen you."

"Aren't you Mr. Ho who donated 30 million Hong Kong dollars to the West Kowloon Police Station's Crime Unit some time ago?"

Richard's heart skipped a beat!

I understand! He is a big moneymaker!

A big moneymaker who donated 30 million Hong Kong dollars in one go, the police station will definitely worship him.

However, he couldn't say anything because the 30 million Hong Kong dollars were originally his!

Ho Ka-kui thanked Anna:

"That's not my banknote, it's donated by our group."

"The police officers work day and night to fight crime and maintain public order, which has created a satisfactory business environment for our New Liansheng Group."

"Donating to the police station is also our company's obligation to give back to society."

Anna's eyes almost melted.

Richard cursed inwardly,"You're a forkworm!"

He quickly said:

"Anna, I have something to discuss with Mr. He.……"

Anna left reluctantly. If Richard hadn't been here, she would have argued with He Jiaju.

Richard sighed:

"Mr. He, it's not that I want to escape. I just received a big case and I'm concentrating on handling it."

"Don't worry, as long as I solve the case, I will pay you back as soon as possible."

He Jiaju sneered:

"Whether there is a case or not, isn’t it up to you?"

"You are a senior superintendent. This is the first time I have heard of a senior superintendent going out on field duty."

"Do you think our New Liansheng Group has no friends in the police force?"

"In the area where the New Liansheng Group is located, which regional CEO is not a friend of our General Manager Luo?"

"I warn you, don't think about anything else."

"Mr. Luo said that he would not accept the 20 million yuan in banknotes and would donate 20 million yuan to Mr. Yi."

"Then I'll let you guard the pond.……"

Richard was startled and said quickly:

"Mr. Ho, I really have a case!"

Richard was both frustrated and terrified!

Ho Ka-kui was just the head of Suan Bao before. Richard didn't even look at him straight before.

Who did Richard deal with New Union Shing?

Lin Yaochang!

That was the leader of New Union Shing, the boss of Suan Bao.

Or it was Ah Tian, that was Suan Bao's sworn brother. Who was

Ho Ka-kui?

Just a junior!

However, if he didn't distinguish, the junior could really kill him.

Although the Political Department has a special status in the police force.

But in fact, it is still under the jurisdiction of the eldest brother.

If the eldest brother transferred him to guard the pond, could he not go?

If he went to guard the pond, the people of New Union Shing could go to greet him every day.

At that time, he would be worse off than dead!

You said the Golden Club could help him?


Dragons don't associate with snakes!

When you were a senior superintendent, you could barely interact with people.

You are not even a senior superintendent, why would people want to be friends with you?

Isn't this nonsense?

Richard hurriedly said:

"Mr. He, normally a police officer of my rank would not be on field duty. 」"

"But now the situation is special."

"I have to go out on the field."

He Jiaju didn't believe it at all:

"Can you solve the case?"

"Is the professional ability of a police officer in the mission of the Serious Crime Unit of West Kowloon Police Station not better than yours?"

"If you continue to be perfunctory, we will see what happens!"

Richard felt wronged:

"After all, I was promoted from a front-line police officer, and I have the ability to solve cases."

He gritted his teeth and said,

"Well, I was able to get the position of Senior Superintendent because of my nationality and skin color."

"I am not as good as Chief Inspector Shen Yan, but I am still confident in my ability as an ordinary police officer.

Richard carefully observed He Jiaju's expression and finally gritted his teeth and said,

"That’s all!"

"I'll tell you about the case in secret. You can check it out."

"If I am lying, then I have no problem with you coming here every day."

He Jiaju looked at him suspiciously:

"Are you really working on a case?"

Richard said with a wry smile:

"Last night, a major case occurred at the garrison base."

He Jiaju disagreed:

"The garrison base is a military restricted area, what kind of case could happen there?" he said sarcastically.

"Could it be that another drunk garrison soldier hit someone?"

Richard choked and said after a while:


He cursed the garrison inwardly for not living up to expectations!

To be honest, the impression of the garrison is really not as good as that of the Chinese volunteers.

What He Jiaju said happened from time to time.

This led to the fact that the local citizens of Hong Kong had no good impression of the garrison.

What's worse is that the courts in Hong Kong often acquitted these garrisons.

That reputation, it stinks for three miles!

Richard said expressionlessly:

"Last night, all 23 soldiers stationed there were shot dead at the base!"

He Jiaju's pupils shrank.

"What did you say?"

Richard smiled helplessly:

"You heard it right, except for the garrison who were not in the base at the time, all the others were dead!"

"This case is too big. I was ordered to investigate it."

"I really don’t have time!"

He Jiaju immediately stood up:

"OK, let's check it out."

"If you dare to lie to me... I really admire you as a man!"

He left as soon as he said that, without stopping at all!

Richard smiled bitterly:

"Am I crazy enough to use this case to deceive people?!"


The Governor's Office.

The Secretary for Administration carefully informed the Governor:

"The Guangdong government sent a note asking us to give an explanation.

The governor was confused:

"Explain what?"

"We should not interfere with them, right?"

The Secretary for Administration said with a wry smile:

"In the past two years, a large number of British equipment have flowed into Guangdong from Hong Kong."

"The Guangdong Provincial Police Department seized a gang some time ago and found a complete and unopened weapons box."

"The photo clearly shows... this is the weapon of our garrison!"


The governor smashed his beloved bone china teacup to pieces:

"What did you say?"

The Secretary had no choice but to bring the files and photos over.

The Governor's eyes widened:

"It's actually true?!"

The Secretary for Administration smiled bitterly:

"it is true!"

"We consulted an expert, who said that this kind of seal is unique to Hong Kong this year."

"The North cannot copy it even if it wants to."

"Look at the seal and the weapons inside. They do belong to our garrison base."

The governor roared:

"How did the weapons from the garrison base end up in the security office across the street?"


"How could such military weapons be smuggled to the other side?"

"This will lead to a diplomatic incident!"

The Secretary of State pursed his lips and said in the Governor's horrified gaze:

"Lord Governor, the Security Bureau has verified that these weapons were indeed smuggled out.

Lord Governor still roared:

"Is this what I'm asking?"

"What I'm asking is why the garrison's weapons were smuggled?!"

The Secretary of State sighed heavily and said with difficulty,

"According to our multiple certifications, I'm afraid……"

"I'm afraid the garrison base is involved in smuggling."

"They pushed the weapons and ammunition transferred from the British country to the market!"


The governor was so angry that he pushed everything on the table to the ground.

"What a bunch of idiots!"

The Secretary of State was silent!

The Governor calmed down for a while and asked again:

"Tell me, what's going on?"

The Secretary for Administration laughed dryly and replied:

"After identification by several experts from the police station"

"One thing can be confirmed,"

"The arsenal at the garrison base has lost 95% of its ammunition."

"I'm afraid they have already been flown into the Hong Kong market by the garrison troops."

The governor was horrified:

"Do you know what you are talking about?"

"In the armory of a garrison base, 95% of the weapons were actually dumped into Hong Kong?"


"What a bunch of damn idiots!"

"This will greatly threaten our safety!"

"Kate's death is really not a pity"

"If he hadn't died, I would have reported it to the Prime Minister and had the shit beaten out of him."

The Governor was so angry that he didn't care about his manners at all. He cursed wildly with foul language for a quarter of an hour.

The Secretary of State listened with a bitter face.

He didn't think the Governor had lost his manners.


Aren't all the Corrupts like this?

Whose grandfather curses people like this when he's angry, and he curses them in the most ugly way!

Cursing is a strenuous job. After the Governor finished cursing, he was actually out of breath.

The Secretary of State said carefully:

"` 々Lord Governor, how do we report what happened to the Xiangjiang garrison to the British Empire?

Lord Governor said viciously:

"Just report it as it should be reported!"

"Do you still want to whitewash them?!"

The Secretary of State for Political Affairs shook his head desperately.

Only a fool would want to whitewash them.

Just like what the Governor said, Kate's death is not a pity.

Making money is not bad, but the way she eats is too ugly. This is arms, how dare she?!

The Governor heavily paused and said:

"Report this matter back to the country word for word"

"Why should we civilians take the blame for the mess created by the military?

The Chief Secretary understood:

"Yes, Lord Governor.

He was a little embarrassed.

"I am afraid that if this matter is reported to the higher authorities, the cabinet will be furious and there will be no more British soldiers in Hong Kong."

The governor mocked:

"If it’s gone, it’s gone!"

"Do you really expect the British soldiers to protect us?"

"If the North really has any intentions, how many soldiers are you sure it will take to protect us?"

The Secretary of Government Affairs was silent.

The army of the North is known as the best in the world.

They did not call it that, but won it through one victory after another.

After the founding of the country, the North won all foreign wars!

Relying on the invincible army!

The Secretary of Government Affairs asked again:

"What about the note from the Guangdong Provincial Security Department?"

The governor said in a muffled voice:

"Kate deserves to die, but this is a huge scandal for us"

"Even for our own sake, we have to help him cover it up."

"I get angry when I think about it!"

He thought about it and said helplessly,

"Inform the north of the tragedy at the garrison base, and let them be careful of the murderer, and also let them be careful of the British equipment that will flow into the north recently."

The Secretary of State was stunned:


"According to our investigation, Kate has been doing this business for at least two years.……"

He suddenly woke up.

"Yes, yes, it was recently!"

The Secretary of State's face was covered in cold sweat. (Qian Wang Zhao)

I almost made a big mistake!

The guys in the garrison base actually resold arms. Who dared to believe such a thing?

They absolutely could not tell the truth to the north.

The only way was to conceal it!

Kate happened to be killed, so it was just right to put the blame for the loss of arms on the unknown killer.

It was still the governor who reacted quickly, and he almost made a big fool of himself!

The governor asked:

"Who will investigate this case now?"

The Secretary for Administration said hurriedly:

"Originally, Chief Inspector Shen Yan of the Serious Crime Unit of the West Kowloon Police Department was the most qualified."

"He has outstanding abilities and solves cases like a god."

"He became the Chief Inspector because of his outstanding ability to solve cases."

"But, he is not a corrupt Chinese."

"Therefore, we have arranged for Senior Superintendent Richard from the Special Branch to investigate the case!"

The Governor nodded slowly:

"This guy is a good choice"

"Richard is suitable for investigating this case."

"Tell him that this case is the most important case in Hong Kong."

"We cannot allow the murderers who dared to kill the British soldiers to continue to live."

"Even if these sons of bitches deserve to die!"

The governor had no expression on his face.

"You need to tell Richard that this is not a simple murder case."

"The murderer dared to kill the soldiers of the British Empire, and he had no respect for the empire at all."

"In other words, all citizens of the empire are within his target of attack."

He pointed at the Administrative Office, then at himself.

"You, me, and even any imperial citizen in Hong Kong may become his target!"

"At all costs, find the murderer"

"Kill him!"

The Secretary for Administration was horrified:

"Sir, I will pass your wishes on to Richard."

"I will urge him to investigate the case every day!"

This is not an ordinary killer, this is a super maniac who can endanger the lives of the citizens of the empire.

No matter who he is, he is dead!

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