Chapter 134: Look ten steps ahead before you take one step!

Guangdong Provincial Security Department.

Shi Bao seemed to be deaf:

"Director, what else do you want to say?"

"Are all the people in the British garrison base dead?".


"Shen Yan and I didn't plan to kill anyone."

"We just want some ammunition."

"They were still fine when we left!"

"Shen Yan told me personally that he didn't put a lot of sleeping pills in there, and they woke up half an hour after we left at most."

"The tragedy at the garrison base is none of our business."

The director said unhappily:

"Of course it wasn't you who did this!"

"The report from Xiangjiang was very clear. The garrison was killed in the middle of the night."

"Ninety-five percent of the weapons in an armory were moved away."

"They want us to be careful about the arms that have recently entered the market."

Shi Bao waved his hands repeatedly:


"Isn't this nonsense?"

"When we went there, we clearly discovered that only 30% of the weapons in the armory were"

"It's totally empty.……"

Shi Bao was startled, and suddenly said,

"I see, they are trying to shift the blame to that lieutenant colonel."

"According to Shen Yan's intelligence, the garrison itself is the main force in selling arms."

"Previously, they suspected that the arms that flowed into Hong Kong came from our side."

"But our intelligence has turned the tables on them"

"These guys had no choice but to pin the blame of the lost munitions on the unknown murderer."

"The ghosts are really dark!"

The director nodded slightly and agreed:

"Our experts also made the same judgment!"

Shi Bao said angrily:

"That is to say, what we have done should not be made public, otherwise, I will definitely expose their lies."

The director was not annoyed:

"Don't forget why I sent you to Xiangjiang before."

Shi Bao suddenly said:

"Break the deadlock!"

Previously, Hong Kong had notified the Guangdong government that they suspected that the firearms that had flowed into Hong Kong in the past two years came from the Guangdong government.

Shi Bao was ordered to go to Hong Kong to check.

If they had not gone to Hong Kong, they would have to bear this inexplicable slander and would have been passive in foreign affairs.

However, this trip to Hong Kong successfully brought back British equipment and defeated the other side.

The stalemate has been broken and they have gained the upper hand.

The original goal has been achieved.

This is why the director is not angry.

Shi Bao sighed:

"Shen Yan understands the garrison"

"When I first made the plan, I was wondering if this guy was crazy."

"How could he think of robbing the garrison?"

"But after all the actions, the two of us actually accomplished our goal so easily."

The director was very curious:

"Tell me in detail about your course of action."

Shi Bao then explained the original plan and the variables involved in its execution.

The director was amazed:

"It seems that Shen Yan has already locked onto the garrison and found out that they are selling arms in private."

"Otherwise, I wouldn't use this excuse to enter the garrison base."

"You know, no matter how lax the garrison is, it is still a military restricted area."

"Shen Yan's psychological quality is also first-class"

"No wonder he could become the Chief Inspector of the Serious Crime Unit of the West Kowloon Police Department at such a young age."

Shi Bao said quickly:

"Shen Yan is a monster!"

After thinking for a while, he said seriously,

"This guy is a true genius!"

"Learn anything quickly"

"I tried his skills, and he was at a disadvantage at the beginning."

"However, when he was fighting with me, he absorbed my experience and made a visible breakthrough."

"In the end, I managed to tie with him."

"I have a feeling that if the fight continues, I will most likely be the loser!"

The director was surprised:


"You are not his opponent?"

Shi Bao admitted honestly:


The director's eyes were full of brilliance:

"Very interesting!"

"This Chief Inspector Shen Yan seems a little hard to understand.

Shi Bao was stunned:

"Isn’t this too exaggerated?"

"I admit that he is very courageous and crazy, but isn't it a bit too much to say that he is hard to see through?"

"He is only in his twenties this year, right?"

The director smiled and said:

"Yes, Shen Yan is indeed young."

"But you have to know that age is never an obstacle for some geniuses."

"The old man's generation all set their ambitions when they were teenagers and put them into action."

"The third commander became a regiment leader while he was still a teenager, commanding tens of thousands of people!"

"This has nothing to do with age, people have the ability"

"Shen Yan has this potential"

"We have investigated his intelligence before, isn't it still jaw-dropping?"

"At a young age, he became the Chief Inspector of the Serious Crime Unit of the West Kowloon Police Department."

"But don't forget that he has yellow skin like us, and he doesn't have the extra bonus of being a British national."

"In addition, he is the invisible richest man in Hong Kong"

"The amount of money flowing in every month is so impressive that even our governor is impressed"

"Is this something that ordinary people can do?"

"But after our investigation, we found that the other party was just doing it casually when he was a policeman to solve the case."

Shi Bao's mouth twitched.

Yes, these incredible achievements were done casually by Shen Yan.

Huang Bingyao is a backbone of the local faction. He regularly exchanges intelligence from Hong Kong with the Guangdong Provincial Police Department.

The Golden Club case headed by Sir Li will naturally not be missed.

And the role played by Shen Yan in it was also told to the director in detail.

"Little Leopard, if you want to go one step further and reach my position, then you have to open up your horizons."

"Don't just focus on one case."

"That will limit your thinking."

"You need to learn more from Shen Yan."

Shi Bao asked curiously:

"How can I learn from him?"

The director's eyes gleamed:

"You really have to learn from him."

"Shen Yan's layout is at the level of a master."

Shi Bao said in surprise:

"So high?"

The director nodded slightly:

"If ordinary people encountered the case of the Gold Club, they would be able to find someone like Shen Yan who attacked them in the stock market."

"If we do this, I'm afraid we've closed the net."

"Shen Yan is different, he has a big picture"

"He used the characteristics of the Golden Club to stretch the line to catch big fish and comb the entire Xiangjiang River!"


Shi Bao took a breath of cold air:

"This guy……"

The director calmly pondered:

"If I were Shen Yan, I would definitely let Richard and the Golden Club take the lead and keep looking for the restless societies in the world."

"The foreigners actually don't want to care about the society, but Shen Yan is different. He wants to uproot the society."

"It doesn't matter if the foreigners don't want to move, the Golden Club forces them to move"

"Shen Yan took advantage of this and continued to push the foreigners to take action."

"Even if the foreigners don't move, they will have to deal with the Golden Club once it moves."

"Shen Yan is very good at taking advantage of changes in the situation"

"How did you think the garrison's death came about?"

Shi Bao suddenly had an idea and said in horror:

"He designed it?!"

The director smiled and said:

"if not?!"

"You two went to entertain the troops in the name of Johnny Wang, got them drunk, and swaggered away with a truckload of ammunition."

"After Lieutenant Colonel Kate sobered up, he must have given Johnny Wang an explanation."

"Given Johnny Wang's ferocious nature, he must have no explanation."


Shi Bao murmured:

"Isn't this guy too cruel?"

The director snorted coldly:

"Kate damn it"

"Normal means cannot kill."

"We all know what the laws are in Hong Kong."

"But with the knife of Johnny Wang……"

Shi Bao said fiercely:

"Good death!"

The director looked at Shi Bao with a look of disdain:

"Do you know that Shen Yan will definitely make a big fuss about this case?"

"You have to learn from him."

"If Shen Yan wasn’t from Hong Kong, I would have wanted him to take over my job!"

"Go and read the files right away!"

Shi Bao was confused. What happened to the director? Why did he suddenly dislike me?


On the top floor of Xinliansheng Building,

Ni Yongxiao hurried over:

"Ah Luo, what are you looking for me for so urgently?"

Luo Zhiming asked:

"Ah Xiao, are you still meddling in underworld affairs?"

"Have you contacted your former subordinates?"

Ni Yongxiao shook his head:

"I have been cleaned up, how dare I contact my former subordinates?"

"Who would join a gang if they were decent?"

"I don’t know how busy the business is every day. Wouldn’t it be good to make more money?"

"If I join a club again, Ah Ren will be the first one to not forgive me"

"I finally became his neighbor, and I still want to maintain a good relationship with him. I will never join a gang."

Luo Zhiming breathed a sigh of relief:

"That's good."

Ni Yongxiao looked at him suspiciously:

"Did something happen?"

Luo Zhiming said softly:

"Something happened"

"Ka Kui went to the police station today to collect debts from Richard, who was investigating a huge case."

"Therefore, there is no time to make money."

Ni Yongxiao disagrees:

"How big is it?"

Luo Zhiming said word by word:

"All the British soldiers stationed at the base have died. Is that a big deal?"

Ni Yongxiao gasped:

"Which hero did this?"

Luo Zhiming shook his head:

"have no idea!"

"However, he may not be a hero, but a violent bandit."

Ni Yongxiao was puzzled:

"Such a big case will naturally be investigated by the police, so we don’t have to worry about it."

Luo Zhiming said seriously:

"We are doing a legitimate business and we really don't have to worry. What I am worried about is the underworld."

"The person who was able to commit this crime is not a small force."

"The police will definitely clean up the underworld"

"You and I are both people who have just transformed"

"Even if our business is big, we can’t guarantee that we won’t be targeted by some people."

Ni Yongxiao was stunned:

"Will the police send undercover agents around us?"

"Don't be so cautious?"

Luo Zhiming shrugged.

"Brother Yan wouldn't do that, but I don't know if other police stations wouldn't do that."

"Just like Hongxing's Feilong, he has retired for many years, but he is still suspected by others."

Ni Yongxiao became interested:

"If there really is an undercover police officer, I will use him!"

Luo Zhiming was speechless:

"What kind of bad taste do you have?"

Ni Yongxiao waved his hand:

"This isn't some bad taste."

"All those who can be sent as undercover agents are elites."

"You see, I don't hang out in any clubs now, my schedule is very regular, and I have almost no enemies."

"If someone comes to be an undercover agent, who do you think it would be?"

Luo Zhiming thought for a moment and replied:

"The highly educated police cadets may be from the Business Investigation Division."


Ni Yongxiao clapped his hands.

"Putting aside their identities, are there no problems with their abilities?"

Luo Zhiming nodded in agreement.

If they didn't have the ability, they wouldn't even be able to contact Ni Yongxiao, let alone collect evidence of Ni Yongxiao's crimes!

Ni Yongxiao smiled:

"You see, this is the key"

"I don't hang out with gangs, I don't break the law, I just run my company normally"

"If the police sent an undercover agent, would I be afraid?"

Luo Zhiming laughed:

"If you have never done anything wrong in your life, you will not be startled by ghosts knocking on your door at midnight!"

Ni Yongxiao smiled and said:

"Being open and honest still has its benefits"

"Putting aside the identity of the police, the people who come here must be talented"

"Since he is a talent, wouldn’t it be a waste if we don’t use him well?"

"If I knew that the other party was an undercover police officer, I would not only use him, but also use him in a high-ranking position.

"You still say you don't have bad taste, but if you do this, how can someone return to the police force?"

Ni Yongxiao laughed:

"I care about this?"

"He can make me money, so I have to reward him"

"It is his freedom to choose what he wants.

Luo Zhiming said with a smile:

"What if the other party really left?"

Ni Yongxiao said casually:

"Of course we should part ways amicably!"

"After all, we are not real gangsters."

"I will also donate some money to the police station where he works to maintain a good relationship with him."

Luo Zhiming finally felt relieved:

"Ah Xiao, your method is really powerful!"

While the two were discussing, He Jiaju pushed the door open and said:

"Brother Luo, Mr. Ni, Mr. Shen has issued an order."

Luo Zhiming and Ni Yongxiao looked at each other and asked in unison:

"What did Brother Yan say?"

He Jiaju said:

"The officers from the Crime Squad of West Kowloon Police Headquarters visited many community groups today."

"Hung Hing, Dongxing, Hung Tai, Number Gang, Hexingsheng, Heliansheng, Zhongqing Society……"

"Warn them solemnly"

"During this period, we should be more restrained."

"No matter which gang dares to use guns, we will drive them out of Hong Kong!"

Ni Yongxiao frowned and said:


"A simple warning is meaningless, those dwarf mules won't listen."

Luo Zhiming agreed.

"The short mules in the society are short-sighted."

"There is today but no tomorrow"

"Carpe diem"

"If you don’t teach them a real lesson, they won’t listen."

Ho Ka-kui added:

"A group of police officers said that if anyone dared to step forward, they would go to the club every day to investigate."

"There is no time limit!"

Luo Zhiming clapped his hands and said:

"This is a cruel move"

"But it is still not enough."

He Jiaju said:

"Brother Yan said, if you want to know why the police have this ban, go find out what happened to the garrison!"

Luo Zhiming and Ni Yongxiao were both stunned.

Shen Yan, is this trying to expose the death of the garrison!

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