Chapter 135: There are capable people in the Political Department

"Sir, we have checked and this should be a spur-of-the-moment murder."

Richard's face was extremely grim.

"What did you say?"

"Twenty-three people died at the garrison base, and you told me that the murderer was impulsive?!"

The superintendent of the Political Department swallowed his saliva. Under Richard's murderous gaze, he felt that it was a bit unreliable.

However, solving the case requires rescue.

The current evidence all points to this absurd conclusion.

"We restored the timeline at that time and after on-site simulation, we came to the following conclusions:——"

"Lieutenant Colonel Kate welcomed the murderer into his office."

"He had a close relationship with the murderer."

"In view of the large amount of arms disappearing from the armory, we can even draw a conclusion that the two murderers are most likely his partners in the arms smuggling business."

"The two were even entertained in Lieutenant Colonel Kate's office."

"Based on the evidence left at the scene, we can infer that they even drank two cups of tea.

The superintendent looked at Richard cautiously, fearing that he would say something provocative.

Richard's face was gloomy:

"No need to sugarcoat that idiot Kate"

"He's a jerk who eats his own food."

"Too greedy"

"They even dare to sell arms. They really don't know whether to live or die."

"Does he really think this is a gay country and he can handle it at will?"

"He didn't even think about it. Anyone who dared to risk his life in the arms business with him, could he be a good person?"

Richard was very angry! He wished Kate would come back to life so that he could shoot her again.

What a fucking idiot.

It's fine if you just take a salary without doing anything, but you even dare to sell arms. Sooner or later, you will be cheated to death!

"Tell me, what conclusions have you drawn?"

"Does the suspect have a target?"

After two days of intensive investigation, it is very troublesome to find the suspect.

Richard knew that his request was difficult.

But he had to do it.

The pressure from the top was too great!

The Guangdong Provincial Police Department has issued a serious protest, asking the garrison to give a reasonable explanation.

They have uncovered a warehouse of an arms group.

A large number of arms were seized, some of which were not even unpacked.

Unfortunately, these arms slipped out of the arsenal of the garrison base intact. What's more incredible is that none of the boxes were even sealed!

It's nonsense!

As long as you see those arms boxes, anyone knows where these arms came from.

Thinking of this, Richard became even more angry.

He had more resentment towards Kate.

The top had no choice but to report the killing of 23 garrison soldiers to the north, and by the way, blamed the robbers for the loss of the arsenal.

This is a huge scandal.

I don't know how much the north laughs at the country of corruption!

Richard was furious.

Kate... deserves to die.

To his surprise, the police superintendent of the political department actually gave a target:

"……We found two people in the database of the police system using the fingerprints we collected from the scene."


Richard's eyes widened.

"What the hell did you say?"

"Found the person?"


The police superintendent of the Special Branch also found it incredible:

"I really found it"

"Johnny Wang and his top horse Xiaohan."


Richard's eyes widened:

"What the hell did you say?"

"Who is it?"

The Special Branch Superintendent did not understand Richard's surprise and repeated,

"Johnny Wang and Xiaohan."

He explained,

"I checked the system logs."

"These two people have been under surveillance by the West Kowloon Police Station's Serious Crime Unit."

"Police officers from the Crime Squad of the West Kowloon Police Station have been tracking down the whereabouts of the two."

"Sir, their work is very detailed. They were the ones who transmitted Johnny Wang and Xiao Han's fingerprints to the police system."

It turned out to be Johnny Wang!"

Richard's mind was a little confused.

How could it be him?

Why was it him?

The superintendent of the Political Department said in a serious tone,

"If it's these two people, then everything can be explained."

"According to the files of the West Kowloon Police Station's Crime Squad, Johnny Wang was an arms dealer who suddenly appeared."

"Since they appeared, Hong Kong has suddenly had many advanced weapons."

"The police initially suspected that the smuggling was coming from the other side."

"After all, in the Annan War, the other side seized a large number of advanced weapons."

Richard said angrily:

"Are the police force all idiots?"

"The people behind Annan are the big bears in the north. How can the weapons they provide be the same as our equipment?"

The police superintendent of the Political Department smiled bitterly:

"Everyone knows this is impossible, but Sir, you have to have the right mindset."

Richard spat fiercely.

He was a little disappointed with the current British country.

Everything must be correct.

The only exception is investigating a case, which requires evidence.

"Fortunately, I don't plan to go back to the UK. With the Jazz, no matter who is in charge in Hong Kong, the Golden Club can control its own destiny."

"But why the hell is it Johnny Wang?"

Richard almost went crazy.

He had personally recruited Johnny Wang.

How could the superintendent of the Political Department know Richard's psychology?

He was still describing how he solved the case.

"After we found Johnny Wang and Xiao Han from the system, we called the West Kowloon Police Station's Serious Crime Unit to check their intelligence on Johnny Wang."

"Then there were new discoveries.

Richard had a bad feeling:

"What did you find?" said the Special Branch Superintendent:

"On the night of the garrison base incident, the West Kowloon Police Station's Serious Crime Unit accidentally found the whereabouts of Johnny Wang and Xiao Han. In order not to alert the enemy, they used a segmented tracking method to track them."

"But strangely, for a while, they lost track of him!"

Richard pouted:

"It's useless!"

The superintendent of the Political Department glanced at him and continued:

"The area where we lost track of him was near the military restricted area."


Richard's eyes widened.

The superintendent of the Political Department stated the facts:

"The police officers of the Serious Crime Unit of the West Kowloon Police Department are not allowed to enter the military restricted area, but Johnny Wang ran into the restricted area. There is nothing we can do about it."

"If it were us, we would also lose it."

"About half an hour later, Johnny Wang and Xiaohan appeared again."

"The time... is right"

"The murderer at the garrison base is Johnny Wang."

Richard almost went crazy:

"Why didn't the West Kowloon Police Department's Crime Squad report it earlier?

The police superintendent of the Political Department was puzzled:

"Who to report to?"

"How do they report?

Richard said angrily:

"How common are the homicides at military bases?"

"Their information can help us identify the murderer directly!"

The police superintendent of the Special Branch looked at him with a puzzled look:

"The Serious Crime Unit of the West Kowloon Police Station... doesn't know about this case, and they don't even know we are in charge of this case... How can they report it?"


Richard just wanted to curse, but he was helpless.

All 23 soldiers of the Xiangjiang garrison base were killed, including a lieutenant colonel.

This was a shocking case, the first case of the Political Department.

The first case supervised by the Hong Kong government, the Chief Secretary, the Security Bureau, the boss and even the Constitutional Commission.

But this big case is also a big scandal and must be kept secret!

As for the police force alone, apart from a few big men at the Constitutional Commission, only the case officers of the Political Department knew about this matter.

Then, the problem came.

If you don't report the case to the Serious Crime Unit of the West Kowloon General Department, how would they know that the arms smuggling case they are investigating is related to such a big case?

Richard had no reason to find fault.

He was angry just now because he hated the whole family.

Richard suffered too much at the hands of New Union Sheng.

Since he became a policeman, he has never been beaten again.

Since joining the Golden Club, even the police officers have not said a harsh word to him.

But Luo Zhiming of New Union Sheng beat him three times, and once he almost used cement to fill the sea!

What a shame!

Richard couldn't vent his anger.

He had a problem with the West Kowloon Police Station's Serious Crime Squad, not because he knew Luo Zhiming's true identity, nor did he know that Shen Yan was behind all this. It was purely because Ho Ka-kui, following Luo Zhiming's orders, donated 30 million silver notes to the West Kowloon Police Station's Serious Crime Squad!

That was all his"hard-earned money".

Richard thought he could vent his anger by venting his anger on the West Kowloon Police Station's Serious Crime Squad. The words of the Special Branch Superintendent left him speechless in an instant.

Why should the West Kowloon Police Station's Serious Crime Squad cooperate with you?

Yes, you are indeed a senior superintendent of the Special Branch, a front-line criminal investigation officer of the West Kowloon Police Station, and no one has a higher police rank than him except Mr. Huang.

So what?

The police rank of the Special Branch, everyone knows it.

There are really few people in the Hong Kong Police Force who listen to them.

The Superintendent of the Special Branch is not partial to the West Kowloon Police Station's Serious Crime Squad. If there is a chance, he will also show his superior side.

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The problem is... he is not in the right!

If he uses this excuse to cause trouble in the Serious Crime Unit of the West Kowloon Police Headquarters, does he really think they don't have a boss?

Wong Bing-yiu will scold him profusely.

Richard can only bear it.

The police force is one of the six disciplined forces in Hong Kong after all!

Richard's embarrassment is equivalent to the embarrassment of the Political Department.

This result is not what the superintendent of the Political Department wants to see.

The Chinese are face-conscious, and those foreigners are even more face-conscious.

In fact, they are better at face-saving than the Chinese.

Even if they are troublemakers, they still have to put on a cloak of fairness or justice or angels, which is disgusting.

In China, there is a name for such people,"hypocrites"!

They are very good at using morality to kidnap people.

Even if they are not qualified to preach at all.

The superintendent of the Political Department is a shrewd person. He knows very well the embarrassing position of the Political Department in the police force, so he had to remind him.

Richard took a few deep breaths, and his red cheeks slowly returned to whiteness:

"Can you prove the chain of evidence?"

The superintendent of the Political Department nodded solemnly:

"No difficulty at all"

"We immediately checked the files of the Serious Crime Unit of the West Kowloon Police Station"

"Incredibly, they also have video recordings.

Richard was slightly startled and looked at the other party suspiciously:


The Special Branch Superintendent shrugged:

"The West Kowloon Police Department's Crime Squad has a lot of funds to handle cases. Chief Inspector Shen Yan has a creative move - he equipped each team that goes out on a mission with a set of miniature cameras."

...... 0 0

"That's Okamoto's product, and each one costs 20,000 silver coins."

Richard felt uncomfortable again, because all that money was spent!

"Why do you do these things? Isn't there any profit transfer behind it?"

The superintendent of the Political Department was speechless:

"This is a small-scale purchase, and the money spent is from the case handling funds of the other party."

"But in my opinion, this is really a breakthrough"

"We record all the interrogations of suspects. This is to prevent the suspects from changing their confessions or to protect the evidence that they can use against us."

"If this can be done during interrogations, why can't it be done during field operations?"

"The West Kowloon Police Department's Crime Squad gave this mini video recorder a name - Law Enforcement Device"

"This is a very good thing."

Richard was stunned:

"Body camera?"

The police superintendent of the Special Branch exclaimed:

"Chief Inspector Shen Yan is indeed a genius who can be promoted to deputy commander of a region at such a young age. If he were a British, he might be able to do the job of director."

"This creative approach can solve many problems"

"For example, the case of the military station"

"We can use the law enforcement device���Time, lock in Johnny Wang"

"We can even speculate on the specific events that took place in the case."

"Johnny Wang can't explain it clearly."

He shrugged.

"We don't even need to create a chain of evidence. The chain of evidence we have is enough to convict Johnny Wang!"

Richard suddenly relaxed:

"So, from a purely case-handling perspective, this case is considered solved?"

The superintendent of the Political Department nodded vigorously:

"Of course, the case was solved!"

"What remains is to bring Johnny Wang to justice, but that is another matter.

Richard smiled:

"It seems that we can relax now.

The Superintendent of the Administrative Department laughed strangely:

"Maybe we can even look forward to a promotion and a pay raise!"

Richard clapped his hands:

"In this case, I will report this good news to the Constitutional Committee."

"Tonight, I can finally have a good sleep!"

At this moment, his phone rang. It was his brother calling.

Richard was in a very happy mood:

"Sir, I was just about to call you!"

Unexpectedly, Brother Yi was in a bad mood and he yelled:

"You actually called me, look what stupid thing you did?"

"I handed this case over to you, and this is what you did to me?"

"Idiot, is your case team a run-down house?"

"Now everyone in Hong Kong knows what happened in the garrison base."

"We originally wanted to cover the lid, but because of you, the matter became a big deal, even a three-year-old would know"

"Idiot, you have three days to understand the case."

"Otherwise, you're on your own!"

Richard was confused and terrified. What the hell was going on?

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