Chapter 147: Sir Lee Cuts Off His Arm

"I'm afraid not!"

Richard thought again and again, but still shook his head

"Sir, I'm not making excuses, I really can't"

"The al-Qaeda massacre shocked the world and caused a huge response in my hometown"

"Although those soldiers are useless, they are still corrupt Chinese."

"The orders given to me by the Sixth Division are harsher than those given by the First Brother"

"The case of Johnny Wang needs to be thoroughly investigated. We need some good news to divert attention.".

"The Johnny Wang Group also needs some bigwigs to calm the public down."

"That's what I meant, too."

"If this case is small, maybe I will use some method to erase it."

"Even if Qian Fu and I work together to erase this case, it won't be a problem."

"But now I dare not!"

"There are countless people watching this case, and if there is even a slight mistake, it could mean death."

He said sincerely,

"Sir, I'm not saying this is difficult."

"I mean, this mission is almost impossible."

"For example, the police officers of the West Kowloon Police Station's Crime Squad found an incredible depth of"

"I even think that they only need a pretext to arrest Qian Fu.

Richard's face was filled with fear.

"You don't know that Qian Fu's meeting with Johnny Wang was filmed"

"Not only that, even the conversations between the two and previous phone calls were dug up!"

Sir Li was shocked:

"How could this be?"

Richard smiled bitterly.

"Johnny Wang, this bastard, actually set up his base at St. Walden Hospital"

"There are a lot of people during the day"

"After 10pm, it will be closed and relatively quiet."

"This is also a good opportunity for the West Kowloon Police Station’s Serious Crime Unit to keep an eye on Johnny Wang!"

"Through elimination, they successfully locked down Johnny Wang's phone number."

"Johnny Wang's phone calls with others were all tapped!"

Sir Li's old hand paused.

"In other words, since the West Kowloon Police Department's serious crime team began monitoring, Johnny Wang's actions have not been secret at all?"

Richard smiled bitterly.


"I checked Qian Fu's call records."

"Unfortunately, after the garrison base case 03, Qian Fu called Johnny Wang"

"The two talked for more than ten minutes."

"It was basically Qian Fu's questioning and Johnny Wang's explanation."

Sir Li was startled:

"Johnny Wang is not the murderer of the garrison base?"

Richard nodded:

"Yes, they killed the soldiers at the garrison base."

"But Johnny Wang explained that Kate wanted to discredit him and slander him for sending someone to take away a truckload of arms."

"During the argument, Kate even pulled out a gun to kill him."

"Johnny Wang then fought back"

"I checked the surveillance records of the West Kowloon Police Station's Crime Squad. On the day of the incident, no one from the Johnny Wang Group went out except Johnny Wang."

"What Johnny Wang said is true.

Richard gritted his teeth:

"Kate is a disgrace to the empire!"

Sir Lee didn't care about the true situation of the case at all.

His brows were furrowed, and his hands with age spots tapped the table lightly.

He was thinking about countermeasures.

Qian Fu was an important figure in the Golden Club. He was also another giant besides Su Jingwen of the ICAC.

He knew too many things.

Richard saw that Sir Lee was thinking and didn't dare to disturb him. He just stood aside silently with his hands clasped.

After a long time, Sir Lee asked,

"Is Qian Fuyou under surveillance?"

Richard shook his head:


Sir Lee didn't believe it:

"Johnny Wang gave Qian Fu away on the phone, but he still didn't tell me?"

Richard explained immediately.

"Wrong procedure"

"Qian Fu's status is different. He is the deputy director of the Security Bureau. Even if he has connections with Johnny Wang, if he wants to investigate him, he must get permission from a higher authority."

"The elder brother cannot make the decision"

"Unless the Security Bureau or the Chief Secretary permits"

"The West Kowloon Police Station's Crime Squad is very capable in handling cases, but at the same time, they are also the disciplined model of the police force."

"Without Brother Yi's permission, they would not do this."

After thinking for a while, Richard said:

"Chief Inspector Shen Yan of the Serious Crime Unit of the West Kowloon Police Department is a very measured person."


Sir Li looked over.

Richard explained:

"David from our group was the one who exposed the al-Qaeda massacre."

"He was threatened by the East Star Society and had no choice but to do this. He was also filmed on tape."

"When the West Kowloon Police Station's Serious Crime Unit was investigating, they happened to find this case and had evidence."

"However, they did not report it to any department."

"It was when I went to the Serious Crime Unit of the West Kowloon Police Station to seek help that Mr. Shen gave me these files."

"According to the police, Mr. Shen is very disciplined."

Sir Li's face relaxed:

"How could someone who could reach that position at such a young age not have some cunning and no way of thinking?"

"Just know the rules!"

"You have to learn this from others."

"Don't bully people like this just because they are young. You should respect them."

"Respect between people is mutual"

"People leave a message for you, which is actually a sign of respect for you."

"If you don't give equal respect, you will suffer in the future!"

Richard bowed and accepted the advice.

He felt a little regretful in his heart. If he had heard these words earlier, why did he pretend to be big in front of Shen Yan?

Wouldn't it be enough to show goodwill earlier?

People asked Sir Shen how he could reach such a position at such a young age. Could he be an incompetent person?

Blame yourself!


The biggest bad habit of a person is to always regret and not correct it.

Where are there so many opportunities for you to regret?

Wouldn't it be better for you to do things honestly? Why do you have to do this kind of thing? It's simply unbearable!

Sir Li sighed:

"If Qian Fu is not under surveillance, then you should go to the Golden Club."

Richard bent down:

"What should I do?"

Sir Li said calmly:

"Let him escape!"

Richard was stunned:


Qian Fu is the deputy director of the Security Bureau. Is it possible for him to escape?

Sir Li said coldly:

"If he doesn't want to escape, let him surrender."

"The West Kowloon Police Station's Crime Squad has already found him. What an idiot! Even their conversation was recorded."

"He can't clean it."

"You tell him, he knows how to do it.

Richard smiled bitterly:

"Sir, I am the one handling this case on paper, but in reality it is the Sixth Division that is handling this case."

"Where can he escape to?"

Sir Li said coldly:

"The dead were soldiers from the British country. If he didn't want to take the blame, he had to run away!"

"I'll make arrangements to give him a little help"

"You tell him, this is what I mean."

Richard bowed deeply:



The Golden Club.

One of Qian Fu's favorite places to go after work.

There are the best bars in Hong Kong, as well as the best red wines, and of course like-minded people.

Qian Fu was able to reach his current position because he found the right person.

They have supported each other for ten years and have reached their current high position.

As long as there are another five years, I believe his position will be even higher.

In fact, as long as the Golden Club does not fall, there will be a job for the Secretary for Administration!

Qian Fu was very proud.

He was about to go to his favorite bar counter to have a drink when Richard came up:

"Sir, I am here on the orders of the Lord to talk to you about something.

Qian Fu readily agreed:

"Richard, the Jazz thinks highly of you, you need to work hard to go further"

"I'll arrange it for you."

"As long as you make achievements, you don't have to worry about the threshold for promotion."

"You are old enough, and there is a place for you in the Constitutional Committee."

Richard smiled back:


"Let's chat aside and don't disturb the other adults.

Qian Fu was in a very good mood.

However, as soon as the two of them sat down in the box, Richard said something that surprised him:

"Sir, please leave Hong Kong immediately"

"The police have locked onto you."

Qian Fu looked at Richard strangely:

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

Richard took out a small tape recorder without saying a word, put it in front of him, and pressed the play button.

"Johnny Wang, did you kill Kate?

Qian Fu's expression changed drastically. This was his own voice.

"I had no choice. Kate wanted to kill me, so I couldn't just sit there and wait for death. I had to kill him."

Qian Fu heard his voice rise an octave:

"Are you crazy?! Kate was a lieutenant colonel in the garrison, and you actually killed him?"

Johnny Wang said angrily:

"Who knows what's wrong with him?"

"He called me today and told me he had something to talk to me about, so I went!"

"Kate was quite happy at first, but who would have thought that after just a few cups of tea, he would ask me for money!"

"You know our rules, we pay for the goods first and then deliver them."

"I didn't take his goods, why should I pay him?"

"But he said, I sent him a truckload of black squares today, and then took away a truckload of goods."

"He wants me to pay him back."

"It's so funny"

"How much does a truckload of black squares cost? Am I such a generous person?……"

Richard pressed the stop button.

Qian Fu's eyes flashed fiercely:

"Richard, how dare you tap my phone?"

"You have violated the rules of the Gold Club."

"Even if you are a favorite of Sir Li, I will expel you!"

Richard said calmly:

"Sir, this is not a recording to monitor you."

Qian Fu looked at him suspiciously, and then his face changed drastically:

"Johnny Wang?!"

Richard sighed:

"Sir, this is not the recording I monitored.

Qian Fu's body shook slightly:

"What do you mean?"

Richard smiled bitterly.

"This is the recording of the West Kowloon Police Department's Crime Squad monitoring Johnny Wang."

"Johnny Wang was already in their sights, and they even found his base.

Qian Fu shook his head suddenly.


"Don't talk nonsense!"

"Johnny Wang's base is in the hospital, which was carefully selected by my colleagues and I for them.……"

"How could it be exposed?"

Richard said helplessly:

"It's St. Walden Hospital."

Qian Fu looked at him with a ghostly expression.

Richard smiled bitterly and said:

"The West Kowloon Police Station's Crime Squad located Johnny Wang's base at St. Valentine's Hospital, and then found all of Johnny Wang's phone numbers."

"Straightened up Johnny Wang's chain"

"They didn't arrest anyone right away in order to catch the Johnny Wang criminal gang in one fell swoop."

"Unfortunately, you are also in their sight."

"Even after the tragedy, your meeting with Johnny Wang was recorded on video and audio."


Qian Fu's face turned pale.

"You mean, I'm being monitored too?"

Richard shook his head.

"not at all!"

"You are the deputy director of the Security Bureau. The West 047 Kowloon Police Station Crime Squad has no way to monitor you without authorization.

Qian Fu was furious:

"West Kowloon Police Station Crime Unit, Wong Bing-yiu!"

"Okay, I want him to look good!"

Richard looked at him speechlessly:

"You want him to look good?"

"Why do you want him to look bad?"

Qian Fu said angrily:

"I fired him!"

Richard sighed:

"Sir, I advise you to calm down."

"I am now working with the West Kowloon Police Station’s Serious Crime Unit on a joint case, otherwise I would not be able to obtain this evidence."

Qian Fu grabbed the recorder and tried to find the tape.

"Sir, you don't have to waste your energy."Richard said expressionlessly,"This is a replica, I can't make a master tape!"

Qian Fu's hands froze in mid-air, and he didn't know what to do for a moment.

After a long while, he calmed down:

"Were you sent by the knight?"

Richard told the truth.

"After I knew about this, I met with Jazz immediately."

"The Lord told me to come find you."

Qian Fu suddenly revealed a miserable smile:

"Are you here to deal with me?"

Richard was startled:

"Sir, what are you saying?"

"We are allies of the Gold Club"

"How could the Golden Club abandon its allies so easily?

Qian Fu breathed a sigh of relief:

"What do you mean, Sir?"

Richard said sincerely:

"Sir, you are the deputy director of the Security Bureau, you should also know how big the impact of Johnny Wang's case is."

"The whole world is watching the progress of this case."

"Even if you want to influence this case, it is impossible."

Qian Fu smiled bitterly.

He knew more than Richard.

Richard was just a small policeman, and the senior superintendent of the Political Department was also a small policeman in his eyes.

He knew too well the impact of the Johnny Wang case.

Twenty-three Zujia soldiers were killed, and there was a series of reprimands from the British country.

The cabinet put great pressure on the governor, and then this pressure was passed down layer by layer and added to Richard.

The Johnny Wang case was a top-ranking case.

Not to mention him, even the Security Bureau did not dare to touch this case casually.

Whoever tampered with it would die.

Richard said in a deep voice:

"The Lord asked me to tell you to escape quickly before the police make up their minds!

Qian Fu said miserably:


"The Sixth Division is keeping a close eye on this case, where can I escape to?"

Richard said bluntly:

"You must escape"

"If you escape, you will have a chance of survival; if you don't escape, you will die!"

"Don't think that Hong Kong has abolished the death penalty"

"Johnny Wang massacred a military base"

"Judges are very flexible in their sentencing."

"If you don't run away, you have to turn yourself in.……"

"You don’t have much time left!"

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