Chapter 148: Go? Where to go?

"Do I have to leave?"

Qian Fu was particularly unwilling.

He was still young, only 45 years old this year.

In other industries, 45 years old would have been the sunset.

But he was in politics!

The 45-year-old Deputy Director of the Security Bureau had a bright future!

Qian Fu not only wanted to be the Director of Security, he also wanted to be the Secretary for Administration, or in another 20 years, even the position of the number one brother in Hong Kong was not impossible!

He firmly believed that with the help of the Golden Club behind him, there would be absolutely no problem.

Qian Fu really didn't want to leave.

Richard was silent for a long time before he said:

"Sir, I'm telling you the truth, the lord has been very good to you!"

Qian Fu looked at him puzzled:

"Why do you bring up the Sir?"

Richard said calmly:

"I have told you what the lord told me to do."

"The following are my own thoughts.

Qian Fu was upset, but the senior superintendent of the Special Branch was in front of him, and he thought he could give him some useful advice:

"You tell me!"

Richard said slowly:

"The Jazz once said that the members of our Golden Club come from all walks of life and are all top people in their respective industries."

"Their desires are different."

"The Golden Club was able to unite everyone and last for so many years."

"It all depends on the same belief - to control your own destiny and make a fortune!"

Qian Fu nodded:

"That's right!"

In fact, it is true. The Gold Club is a huge interest group.

The core of interest is wealth.

Of course, because there are so many people in the Gold Club, it is hard to guarantee that no one wants to do something else through the Gold Club.

As long as it does not violate the purpose of the Gold Club, it is okay for members to do anything privately.

Therefore, there are many small interest groups in the Gold Club.

Qian Fu enjoyed this benefit. Otherwise, even if he was outstanding, he would not stand out in a short time and become the deputy director of the Security Bureau at the age of 45.

Richard said sincerely:

"You know the power of our Golden Club better than I do."

"You clearly know how huge this force is.

Qian Fu became more and more annoyed:

"As long as we unite, we can accomplish almost anything we want to do."

He knew that, so he was irritated.

He didn't want to leave this huge platform.

He wanted to climb up!

Richard suddenly lowered his voice:

"Your current situation has actually threatened the survival of the Golden Club.

Qian Fu was suddenly shocked and cold sweat broke out.

"Your position is too high"

"It's so high that even if I work hard for five or ten years, I may not be able to reach it."

"You know too many secrets of the Gold Club."

"Put yourself in their shoes. If you were Sir Li or Commissioner Su Jingwen, what decision would they make?"

Qian Fu felt hot all over and his mouth was dry.

A great fear suddenly rose in his heart.

He couldn't help but loosen his tie, as if he was suffocated by an invisible pressure!

This was because he was scared.

Richard told him a cruel fact.

If he didn't leave, some people in the Golden Club would definitely be unable to sleep or eat.

Only if he left, the Golden Club could continue to exist.

Qian Fu was an extremely smart person.

He actually thought more.


This is actually not safe.

If he were Su Jingwen alive, the order given to Richard would not be this.

It must be - cut the grass and root it out!

Only the dead will not keep secrets!

Qian Fu's cold sweat flowed down crazily. He wiped the cold sweat and said in a hoarse voice:

"You are right, Sir Lee really treats me well."

"If I change someone, I might disappear!"

Richard smiled.

"Sir Lee has a big heart, he won't do anything else."

"Sir, I must give you a piece of advice."

"Sir Li will not let you die, but the Golden Club is not decided by Sir Li alone."

Qian Fu nodded viciously.

The Golden Club has been able to maintain for so many years and can still grow bigger and stronger.

Who does it rely on?

Not only Sir Li, but also the elites from all walks of life who keep joining.

In this era, only by sticking together can you win.

The short mules in the clubs know the principle of sticking together for warmth, let alone the elites of the Golden Club.

However, these people do not have such a broad mind as Sir Li.

Maybe, they will unite to petition Sir Li - let Qian Fu die without a burial place.

Thinking of this, Qian Fu broke out in a cold sweat.

He couldn't help but look at Richard.

The look was full of fear.

Richard shook his head and said:

"Sir, I am not here to kill anyone. I am under the command of Sir Lee.〃〃 "

"That was not my personal advice."

"You can leave when you want, stay when you want"

"The Jazz gave me a second sentence"

"If you want to stay……"

Qian Fu asked quickly:


Richard sighed:

"Then go and turn yourself in, maybe you will get a lighter sentence!"

Qian Fu growled:


"This case has such a huge impact, how can I turn myself in?"

"That's walking into a trap!"

Qian Fu struggled for a while, then sat down dejectedly!

"Forget it, I'm leaving today!"

Richard whispered:

"If you want to leave, don't go through the formal channels."

Qian Fu was stunned.

Richard concealed nothing from him:

"I'm going to the Security Bureau to discuss how to deal with you."

"If you go through the proper channels, even if Interpol can't find you, the UK can find you."

Qian Fu said with a wry smile:

"The only way is to sneak across the border!"

Richard nodded slightly:

"It's better to do so, it's safer."

Qian Fu nodded slightly:

"OK, I'll go find it today.……"

Richard interrupted him:

"Go as fast as you can. The sooner the better."

"You don't have to tell me where you're going."

"This is good for us."

"Have a good trip!"

After saying that, Richard stood up, gestured to Qian Fu, paid the bill and left.

Qian Fu sighed heavily, was stunned for a while, and left quickly!

On the other side, Shen Yan returned to the police station to listen to the reports of Yuan Haoyun and Yang Jinrong.

"You guys did a great job"

"Qian Fu is still the deputy director of the Security Bureau."

"Without the approval from the higher-ups, there is no way to move him."

Yuan Haoyun said angrily:

"I was afraid that Qian Fu would get the news and run away!"

Shen Yan laughed:

"In that case, wouldn't it be better to let him escape?"

The two were shocked.

Shen Yan said leisurely:

"The bloody incident at the garrison base will not be over until Qian Fu is brought to justice"

"Then, every time someone would bring up what happened back then."

Yuan Haoyun and Yang Jinrong's eyes lit up.

Shen Yan laughed:

"Okay, go do your thing."

The two of them laughed and left.

Shen Yan thought for a moment:

"I don't know where Qian Fu is."

He summoned the small map in his mind and was stunned.

"Huh? Richard and Qian Fu are together?"


Tuen Mun Pier.

Qian Fu smoked one cigarette after another.

He recalled his life with melancholy.

He was full of reluctance.

Really reluctance!

He still wanted to be the boss of Hong Kong!

As long as the Golden Club can develop steadily, the position of Governor of Hong Kong cannot be said to be a sure thing, but it is almost there.

What a pity!

Such a thing happened. The position of the Security Bureau is far away from him, and the position of Governor of Hong Kong is also far away from him.

Thinking of this, Qian Fu's heart was broken!

"Do you want to shoot the garrison?"

"Chop Johnny Wang into pieces again?"

Qian Fu thought this was what he was thinking, so he answered without thinking.

"Is it more than that simple?"

"I must tear them into pieces and use cement to fill the sea!"



Qian Fu turned around and saw an incredibly handsome young man smiling at him.


Qian Fu took a step or two back and almost fell into the sea.

His hair stood on end, his heart was beating very fast, and he shouted in disbelief:

"Sir Shen?!"

The person who came was Shen Yan

"The scenery at night is so beautiful!"

Qian Fu looked up at the sky, which was pitch black.

What a beautiful scenery.

Shen Yan said faintly:

"It's a good day to do evil things."


Qian Fu was scared and said tremblingly:

""Sir Shen, what do you mean?"

Shen Yan laughed:

"Qian Sheng, why are you running here so late at night instead of going home?

Qian Fu couldn't help but probe:

"Mr. Shen, I don't need to report to you where I want to go, right?"

Shen Yan smiled happily:

"Of course, you are the deputy director of the Security Bureau, the boss of my boss's boss."

"There's really no need to tell me where you want to go."

Qian Fu became more and more confused:

"Then how did you know I was here?"

Shen Yan took out a Marlboro and threw one to Qian Fu:

"I said it was a coincidence, do you believe it, Mr. Qian?"

Qian Fu became more and more silent.

He didn't dare to believe it.

He didn't dare not to believe it!

Qian Fu was the deputy director of the Security Bureau, and he knew who was on the other side best.

Shen Yan, Chief Inspector of the Serious Crime Unit of the West Kowloon Headquarters.

He was called the super detective of the boss Fujiang.

Everyone who had been his boss was quickly promoted.

His boss, Lu Qichang, was already a superintendent and was transferred to the commander of the Serious Crime Unit of the New Territories Headquarters.

His boss, Superintendent Chen, was already a senior superintendent and was transferred to the deputy commander of the Hong Kong Island Headquarters.

His boss, Huang Bingyao, was said to be about to join the Deputy Commissioner of Police.

Qian Fu could clearly say, This is not something that is said to have been reported by the Police Department regarding Huang Bingyao's job adjustment.

Shen Yan has a very strong professional level, outstanding leadership ability, and unique relationships with other regions. His comprehensive ability is super outstanding.

If he were not too young, the eldest brother would even have him take over Huang Bingyao's job.

Qian Fu really didn't dare to move in front of Shen Yan.

He didn't dare to believe that Shen Yan appeared here by chance, and he didn't dare not believe that the other party didn't appear here by chance.

Qian Fu's heart was in chaos for a while.

What frightened him even more was Shen Yan's words at the beginning.

"` 々Mr. Shen, why are you here so late at night?"

Shen Yan shrugged:

"I'm a policeman, how can I have time to rest?"

Qian Fu's pupils suddenly shrank:

"Are you here to handle a case?"

Shen Yan said with a smile:

"Yes and no!"

Qian Fu suddenly smiled bitterly:

"You've been staring at me for a long time."

Shen Yan shrugged:

"Not long"

"Actually, I'm not looking at you."

"You are the deputy director of the Security Bureau."

"I never doubted the Security Bureau"

"If my superiors are suspicious, then what will become of Hong Kong's security system?"

"I'm staring at Sir Li!"


Qian Fu's face was filled with shock.

This was even scarier than being stared at himself!

Shen Yan didn't mind letting Qian Fu know more:

"I am not the ICAC. I have no interest in investigating everything, nor do I have any interest in finding some big cases to attract people's attention."

"If possible, my biggest wish is to investigate the case well."

"Unfortunately... there are always people who make me unhappy"

"Every year, there are always a large number of casualties reported by Hong Kong police."

"If a colleague dies in a direct fight with criminals, then nothing will happen. The worst that can happen is that he is not as skilled as the other person."

"It's a pity……"

"We are constrained"

"The undercover information was leaked, the gang that was finally defeated revived, and the drugs that were finally confiscated were circulated in the market again."

"Is it a coincidence?"

"The last thing the police believe in is coincidence"

"Then, we slowly looked for……"

"Then Sir Lee showed up……"

Qian Fu managed to calm down:

"How much do you know?"

Shen Yan shrugged:

"We don't know much about the soldiers."

"Sir Lee, Qian Fu, Su Jingwen... Richard……"

One name after another came out of Shen Yan's mouth.

"If it weren't for Johnny Wang's case, we wouldn't have been able to link the Golden Club to you."

Qian Fu's heart kept sinking.

The Golden Club was good at everything, and the most important thing was that it was secretive.

In this situation, what was the point of being secretive!

As long as it was targeted by the giant police department, even the size of the Golden Club would be uncomfortable.

Qian Fu suddenly asked:

"How did you find me?"

Shen Yan said nonchalantly:

"Johnny woof!"

"I had been watching Johnny Wang for a long time, and happened to hear your conversation with him.

Qian Fu corrected:

"I mean tonight."

He asked himself if he had revealed any clues.

He was more careful than anyone else.

Richard's reminder hit him hard.

He knew that if this matter spread in the Golden Club, he didn't know how many people would ask him to keep silent.

Dead people are the least likely to speak.

Qian Fu was very grateful to Sir Li and Richard for their reminder.

He contacted a snakehead in person, but he didn't tell anyone.

Sir Li didn't know his destination, and Richard didn't know his whereabouts. He asked himself if he had done his best.

Why can Shen Yan always keep an eye on him?

Shen Yan pointed to his eyes and smiled:

"Mr. Qian, you may never really understand the power of the police force"

"We are looking for someone, no matter where he goes or what he does, he can't escape."

Shen Yan would never tell him that he has been monitoring him from a God's perspective.

After checking the whereabouts of Richard and Qian Fu on a whim this afternoon, he found Qian Fu's abnormality.

Who he met and what he did were all monitored by Shen Yan's"three-dimensional map".

Qian Fu wanted to fly, but he was wrong.

Qian Fu pondered for a long time and asked after a long time:

"Where are you taking me?"

Shi Bao walked out of the boat slowly:"Your information cannot be leaked, you'd better not stay in Hong Kong!"

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