Chapter 28: Turns out to be a little jerk

The next day, in the meeting room of Group C, the four-member team started their day's work.

Chen Yongren introduced the situation,

"According to my informant, there are almost no clubs around St. Edin's School."

"This school is totally different from other schools."

"Most of the students come from wealthy families."

"If we recruit new members here, it will be easy for the society to get into trouble."

Lu Qichang commented,

"They are pretty smart."

"A dragon gives birth to a dragon, a phoenix gives birth to a phoenix, a mouse's son will dig holes"

"Those young masters and young ladies from wealthy families are either absolute elites or dandies, but no matter how low their standards are, they will never be interested in the society."

"If we really recruit these people into the club, the club will be the one in trouble."

"The parents of those children will not let the club go."

He sneered.

"What is a society?"

"That's just another thug of the rich."

"The society relies on the rich.

Chen Yongren was particularly surprised when he heard this.

"Sir Lu, what do you mean by that?"

Lu Qichang was even more shocked.

"You don't understand?"

Chen Yongren shook his head blankly.

Shen Yan sighed,

""Aren has been an undercover agent for a year and a half, working at the bottom of society, so how could he know all this?" he explained.

"Except for those involved in arms, flour and smuggling, all other Hong Kong gangs rely on the wealthy in Hong Kong to make a living."

"This is true for any community in Hong Kong."

"Just to give an example,"

"Do you really think that the territories and venues of various societies are all public property of the societies?"

"If they had this ability, they would have already taken control of Hong Kong's economic lifeline."

"Those places don't belong to the club, they belong to the boss."

"The boss just gave it to them to help maintain law and order."

"These people, to put it nicely, are the big brothers who look after the place."

"It's actually like a security guard."

"What they earn is the security fee given by the boss!"


Chen Yongren took a breath.

Shen Yan said again,

"Even some people who are engaged in the business of killing people have bosses behind them."

"For example, the most aggressive and ruthless Hong Kong gang, Zhongyixin, also has the support of the boss behind them."

"Without the boss, they are nothing!"

Chen Yongren was shocked. He looked at Lu Qichang and Luo Ji, and they both nodded at the same time.

Lu Qichang sighed:

"Ah Yan said it clearly"

"This is the case with the societies in Hong Kong."

Shen Yan added,

"Based on this judgment, even if there are clubs around St. Edin, they are not serious clubs."

"Let the two of you investigate to rule out any unexpected circumstances."

"After all, a society is a society. Who knows if any big society would dare to take such a risk."

Chen Yongren admired Shen Yan very much.

"Yes, that's the same thing the informant gave me."

"The clubs around St. Edin's are just a small group within the Number Gang."

Everyone nodded at the same time.

The Number Gang is a very special club, and its system is almost different from any other club.

In traditional clubs, once a powerful person emerges, it is difficult for this powerful person to take over unless others abdicate.

This is the traditional one carrot one job.

This system certainly maintains the authority of the club leader, but it also hides huge hidden dangers.

When a powerful person is not satisfied with his position, then it will be troublesome.

There may be a rebellion from below, which will be a huge blow to the club.

The Number Gang is completely different.

A powerful person emerges from the club?

It doesn't matter!

Just open a new group under the club.

There is no need for the big boss above to give up his position, just let the powerful person take the position of the group leader.

Doesn't it sound great?

However, this also caused a problem.

After a long period of development, the Number Gang has become less cohesive and has become a de facto club alliance. It is common for two groups to fight.

The ones around St. Edin's Middle School are small groups of the Number Gang, which is reasonable.

Luo Ji said,

"Mr. Ni's judgment is completely consistent with Mr. Shen's"

"He said there shouldn't be any big clubs around St Edin's"

"St. Edin's School is particularly famous in Hong Kong."

"The parents have great backgrounds."

"No serious club wants to mess with a school."

"Rational people know that no matter what time, they will not provoke students."

"They represent the future!"

"After investigation, it was found……"

"The community around St. Edin's School is a small sub-group of the Numbers Gang."

"The leader is called Dafei"

"It's called a letter, but the territory is actually very small"

"It poses no threat to the surrounding communities."

"The big societies were too lazy to pay attention to him."

Shen Yan asked,

"What's this man's name?"

Luo Ji said.

"Big fly!"

"Although this guy is small in scale, what he does is very unrefined, lending money at high interest rates to students."

Shen Yan frowned and said,

"Just lending money at high interest rates?"

Everyone was stunned.

Lu Qichang asked,

"Lending money at high interest rates can easily lead to the death of a woman or a man. Do you think this is wrong?"

Shen Yan nodded seriously.

"Absolutely wrong!"

"The boss lost his gun.

His face turned dark.

"If a normal gang finds out that one of their subordinates has stolen the boss's gun, what should they do?"

Lu Qichang said without thinking,

"Push your younger brother aside, sacrifice your pawns to save your chariot, so as not to implicate yourself."

Shen Yan nodded,

"Yes, that's right!"

"But he didn't do that, so what does that mean?"

The three of them were thinking.

Shen Yan said directly,

"There is a small chance that Dafei secretly hid it."

"The students don't understand the key, but he knows it."

"The police gun is lost, and we have to search all over Hong Kong to find it."

"It is more likely that Dafei has a way to deal with the police guns, and he is not afraid of us looking for them - even if we can't find them, he is not afraid."

Lu Qichang came to his senses,

"Such channels are all professional in handling guns."


He slammed the table.

""Where do ordinary community members get the channels to deal with this?"

"This guy hides it so deeply!"

"He is an arms dealer!"

Chen Yongren and Luo Ji stood up together and said in surprise:

"Arms dealer?"

Lu Qichang said to Shen Yan.

"Ah Yan, is this your judgment?"

Shen Yan smiled.


"Professionals should leave it to professionals to handle"

"Every industry has its own rules"

"The same goes for people in the community."

"What we are going to catch this time is not a petty thief, but a big fish."

Chen Yongren was extremely excited and said quickly,

"So what are we waiting for? Let's go now!"

Lu Qichang scolded.

"Catch the thief and the stolen goods, catch the adulterer"

"We need evidence when handling cases"

"Don't be impatient."

He turned to Shen Yan and said,

"Ah Yan, you come and make the plan!"

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