Chapter 29: Solving the Case Easily

Chen Yongren pursed his lips and endured for a long time. Finally, he couldn't help asking Luo Ji:

"Is Ayan’s plan reliable?"

Luo Ji looked at Chen Yongren strangely.

He was a man of few words - as a super undercover placed by Lu Qichang next to Ni Yongxiao, talking too much would lead to his death. Over time, he developed a habit.

Luo Ji thought seriously - he was wondering what Chen Yongren's motive was for saying this.

Did he really think that Shen Yan's arrangement was not good?

Or was Chen Yongren angry with Shen Yan?

These were two completely different things.

Luo Ji believed that Chen Yongren was a good material for being a policeman and was worth persuading.

Luo Ji could easily understand the questions raised by Chen Yongren.

Chen Yongren and Shen Yan were classmates in the first term of the police academy.

Obviously, the two were of similar age, but their current status was like heaven and earth.

In Group C, Chen Yongren was just a small soldier doing odd jobs, and what about Shen Yan? That was Shen Sir!

It was not that Lu Qichang hated Chen Yongren, on the contrary, Lu Sir liked Chen Yongren very much, and this was obvious to everyone in Group C.

It was entirely a matter of ability.

Chen Yongren was just a newcomer to society, while Shen Sir was the brain of Group C, and even Lu Sir listened to him.

Luo Ji rarely said a few more words:

"The Crime Unit is not somewhere else"

"We don’t look at your background or your appearance."

"Just look at your ability"

"Mr. Shen is a capable person, so Officer Lu is the leader of Group C and Mr. Shen is the brain."

"He is our number two, the superior of you and me."

Chen Yongren paused when he heard this.

Luo Ji made it very clear that Shen Yan was the superior.

Lu Qichang had to listen to him.

Chen Yongren hurriedly said:

"I didn't doubt Ah Yan - I just felt a little uneasy."

Luo Ji asked while staring out of the car:

"What makes you feel uneasy?"

Chen Yongren said with a wry smile.

"Ah Yan is young after all, he made a plan - can you trust him?"

Luo Ji was speechless for a long time.

After thinking about it, he told Chen Yongren the truth.

"In our police force, age is never an issue."

"Ability is!"

"If Commander Lu can let Mr. Shen make a plan, then he naturally believes in Mr. Shen's ability."

"I don't see any problem with his plan."

Chen Yongren nodded:

"I feel relieved."

Luo Ji admired Chen Yongren very much, as if he saw his own shadow in him.

"Ah Ren, I have to remind you"

"Although Mr. Shen is young, he is our superior."

"We are a disciplined force, and our primary mission is to abide by discipline."

Chen Yongren nodded seriously:

"Stepbrother, I remember it completely."

He smiled bitterly.

"In fact, when I was in the police academy, I knew I was not as good as Ah Yan."

Luo Ji tilted his head and looked at him with his peripheral vision, his eyes fixed on the outside of the car.

Chen Yongren said very bluntly,

"Ah Yan never showed off when he was in school, he was very low-key"

"I thought he was mediocre."

"Until a classmate and I were ordered to go undercover"

"We agreed to fight."

"Such illegal behavior will definitely be punished by the school, and then naturally leave the police academy"

"It wouldn't have aroused suspicion at all at that time."

Luo Ji was startled:

"It's a good plan."

Chen Yongren's smile became more bitter:

"However, something unexpected happened"

"Ah Yan saw our fight and easily won the fight between the two of us."

"He also revealed the fact that we were going to be undercover agents.

Luo Ji was surprised:

"The two of you together are no match for Mr. Shen?"

Chen Yongren shook his head.


"It was only then that I realized how deeply Ah Yan hid himself!"

Luo Ji smiled and said,

"Mr. Shen is a man of great character. He doesn't want to make things difficult for you.

Chen Yongren tilted his head.

"Maybe that's the case."

"However, he has always had a good relationship with us."

"Never made it difficult for us"

"Who would have thought that his professional ability was so outstanding?"

Luo Ji was relieved.

Chen Yongren's words at the beginning were really just about the feasibility of the plan, not that he had any opinions or disrespect for Shen Sir.

"Mr. Shen is not a flamboyant person"

"Besides, they are all my colleagues, so there is no need to publicize it.

Chen Yongren nodded.

But he was still curious.

"Stepbrother, are you sure that our plan can succeed?"

"Isn't it too simple?"

Luo Ji was speechless.

He stared out the window and said to Chen Yongren:

"According to your idea, what kind of plan do you want to create?"

Chen Yongren said as a matter of course:

"Shouldn't it be more rigorous, more varied, and more complicated?"

Luo Ji was speechless after hearing this.

After a while, he said,

"The more complicated the plan, the better."

"A complex plan with many steps means more variables"

"The more variables there are, the lower the margin of error.

Chen Yongren was stunned.

"You mean - the simpler the better?"

Luo Ji shook his head.

"No, it’s better to execute it seriously."

"The simpler the plan, the fewer variables"

"Don't underestimate Mr. Shen's plan. We are just a simple part of it."

"According to the intelligence, Dafei will come out soon."

"Our mission is simple, take down the big flying"

"It must be noted that——"

"Dafei might have a gun on him."

Chen Yongren said sternly:


He collected his thoughts, pursed his lips and stared at the intersection seriously.

He and Luo Ji were in one team, and not far away, Lu Qichang and Shen Yan were in another team.

There was no other way, the original members of Group C had been seconded out, and now only these few people were left.

Da Fei did not let the police officers of Group C wait too long, he got in the truck and prepared to go to the school - this guy was so crazy that he used the school as a cover, he believed that no matter who it was, he would not have thought that he would choose that place to trade.

However, just as he was about to drive the car into the school, two cars suddenly rushed out from the front and back, fiercely blocking his way.

Four plainclothes officers with guns quickly approached, and the leader shouted:

"Dafei, you were arrested for selling contraband!"

"Get down!"

Da Fei was shocked. He was so angry that he stepped on the accelerator and rushed over.

But as soon as the car started, bang!

A gunshot went off!

Da Fei was shot in the leg. He looked up in horror.

Shen Yan was still hanging on the car door, holding a gun and looking at him coldly:

"I don't need to tell you what you pulled in your car."

"If you dare to break into the school, I will kill you."

"You probably don't know how powerful the alumni of St. Edin's are."

"If they knew you dared to cause such a thing at St. Edin's School, they would definitely support me in shooting you a hundred times."

"Get off the bus, idiot!"

Da Fei had no choice but to get off the bus!

Lu Qichang opened the carriage and his pupils shrank - it was full of guns!

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