"Bang bang bang bang... bang bang bang"

The bullets mercilessly ravaged their bodies, and the church drove the armored vehicle directly into them and ran over them.

"Bang!" The heads of two of them were crushed by the wheels, and their brains and eyeballs were crushed out!

"Bang bang bang bang... bang bang bang!"

More than a dozen people from the patrol team rushed down with submachine guns, aimed at the monster, and quickly pulled the trigger, trying to defeat the monster.

"Bang bang... bang bang bang"

However, the bullets only left marks on the monster, and did not defeat the monster at all, but made it fight more and more bravely!

Trench controlled the machine gun on the roof and greeted these desperate patrolmen.

"Bang bang bang... bang bang"

The bullets swept across their bodies, hitting them one by one with wailing sounds in their mouths, falling to the ground, and being run over by the monster's wheels.

"Bang... Bang"

The villain also operated the heavy machine gun, aiming at the two hidden stakes in the woods, and shot a volley of bullets into the dark woods, scaring the two hidden stakes to run wildly and screaming in the wind.

"Bang... Bang"

The villain held the heavy machine gun and shot left and right. The bullets opened the trees, leaving bullet holes and raising wood chips, and also shot the two fleeing hidden stakes...

"Take out all the guns in the basement and kill these bastards for daring to touch our Donghu Gang!"

The roar of Hai'an came from the villa.

He shouted at the bodyguard who reported to him in his shorts.

"Okay!" The bodyguard ran downstairs quickly and notified the people below to move the gun room.

"Bang... Bang..."

Hearing the gunshots coming from the foot of the mountain, Hai'an rushed out and picked up the mobile phone. After hanging up the phone, he quickly notified the people of the Donghu Gang to come to support.

The people in the Donghu Gang who received the order quickly notified their subordinates and contacted other people.

In an instant, the younger brothers near the Donghu Gang headquarters and the people in the "New City District" all went to the headquarters to support!

Hai'an, who hung up the phone, also ran to the gun room. He wanted to put on bulletproof pants and bulletproof vests, pick up a submachine gun and fight with these people.

Let them know that Hai'an is the underground emperor of Tainan!


At this time, Cao Kun and his men were almost above the Donghu Gang. Cao Kun walked towards the door with the "Vulcan Cannon" in a leisurely manner, and Barney and others followed.

"Bang bang bang... Bang bang bang bang bang"

The armored assault vehicle had already arrived at the gate of the manor, and the bullets were fired before the car arrived, causing more than a dozen younger brothers at the gate to be shot and fell to the ground. Like the people below, their bodies were crushed by this monster!

"Wow~ There is actually a Vulcan Cannon! Arrow guns, grenades, heavy machine guns~"

There was a playful laugh from the plane.

In the manor, the bodyguards moved the ammunition from the basement and walked out.

The drummer who was flying the plane couldn't help but praise.

However, the drummer pressed the button to launch the shells without hesitation.


Two shells were thrown into the manor. Cao Kun, holding a cigar and holding the "Vulcan Cannon", aimed at the bodyguards on the rooftop and pulled the trigger.

"Da da... Da! "

The machine gun made a low roar, and when the bullet was fired, obvious flames came out of the muzzle. The gun body also vibrated significantly during the shooting process, which made Cao Kun feel refreshed.

"Bang bang bang... bang bang"

The bodyguards on the rooftop were shot by bullets. The Gatling rapid-fire machine gun had a fast firing rate and great power. Even the walls were smashed to pieces. The bullets seemed to pass through their bodies, and they couldn't help but wail in pain.

Finally, they fell to the ground.

"Boom boom~boom~"

The plane's shells hit the manor.

The explosion was deafening!!!

The whole villa seemed to be shaking. The bodies of the bodyguards and Hai'an in the gun room were shaken left and right and almost fell to the ground.

The manor was instantly engulfed by fire and Shrouded in smoke!!!

The power of the shells was so great that the manor's buildings were destroyed in an instant, and fragments flew everywhere!

The seven wives of Hai'an in the villa were frightened and screamed, and their bodies trembled uncontrollably with fear~

Those bodyguards who were directly hit by the shells were instantly swallowed by the power of the explosion.

Their bodies were torn apart in an instant, and blood and flesh were scattered everywhere.

And the bodyguards who were affected were not in a much better situation. They were injured by the aftermath of the explosion, their bodies were thrown into the air, and then fell heavily to the ground.

Their bodies were covered with scars, blood dripping, and groaning in pain.

"Bang bang bang... bang bang..."

But before these people could breathe, Cao Kun, the god of death, had already fired the "Vulcan Cannon"The muzzle of the gun was aimed at the people under the manor, and the trigger was pulled frantically.

This rapid-fire machine gun has a maximum firing rate of 6,000 rounds per minute and is known as the world's fastest "big killer".

The bullets poured down like a rainstorm, with deadly force, ruthlessly tearing everything in the manor!

The bullets hit the manor's buildings, and the red bricks and mortar were shattered in an instant, and the fragments flew everywhere.

Bullet holes appeared on the wall, as if they were the marks of death.

The window glass shattered instantly under the impact of the bullets, and the fragments were scattered all over the ground.

The bullets penetrated the bodies of the bodyguards one by one, taking their lives. They fell to the ground one by one, and the blood stained the ground red...

Cao Kun, holding the "Vulcan Cannon", seemed to be in a state of madness, ruthlessly harvesting lives!

Until the bullets stopped firing, the "Vulcan Cannon" closed his terrifying bloody mouth, and none of the bodyguards under the manor stood up.


At this moment, Haitang, who was standing next to Cao Kun, regretted it very much. She shouldn't have plotted against Cao Kun. Looking at the miserable situation under the manor, she could already imagine what their fate would be~

"Take a good look! This is the Donghu Gang that you are proud of! Bitch~" Cao Kun threw the rocket launcher aside and shouted to the drummer: "Fly to the rooftop, we will go down to harvest!"

"Got it! I told you that the moonlight tonight is beautiful!" The drummer laughed and flew the plane towards the rooftop.


After passing the manor gate that was strafed by heavy machine guns, the gunfire stopped and was knocked down by the armored assault vehicle. The church drove the armored vehicle into the manor, crushing the corpses on the ground all the way, and made a strange laugh.

The helicopter landed above the rooftop. Barney, Christmas, and Yin Yang let go of the rope, slid down quickly, and rushed down with assault rifles to sweep...

Cao Kun, Gao Ge, and Gunnar also slid down the rooftop, holding assault rifles and wearing communication headsets.

"Bang bang bang... bang bang"

After a while, a burst of gunfire rang out in the villa!

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