"Who are you?"

"What do you want to do?"

"Bang bang~bang~"

The wife in Hai'an Villa ran into Barney and his men.

They pulled the trigger without hesitation, and shot Hai'an's wife and everyone they had run into to the ground.

"Son of a bitch!"

A burst of curses came from the gate of the villa.

Then, several grenades rolled out from inside!

"Da da~da!"

It rolled under the assault armored vehicle, and the people in the car were annoyed when they saw it. The trench controlled the machine gun and aimed at the gate of the villa.

Hai'an in the gate was holding a cigar, wearing a bulletproof helmet on his head, and wearing black bulletproof pants and bulletproof vests.

He had more than ten grenades hanging on his body and a machine gun in his hand.

More than a dozen bodyguards followed behind him, each of whom was holding a submachine gun or an AK47.

It seemed that everyone's face was filled with the belief that they would die.

Listening to his wife's screams upstairs, Hai'an's heart was bleeding, but the most urgent thing was to fight his way out to avenge his wife.

The trench outside aimed at them, and he also aimed at the door...

"Bang... Bang..."

The grenade exploded first under the armored vehicle, with flames and fragments flying everywhere.

However, the armored vehicle's tires were bulletproof, so how could ordinary grenades cause serious damage to it? It just caused the body to shake.

It also made the trench's hand slide to the launch button, and Hai'an inside pulled the trigger at the same time.

"Bang... Bang... Bang..."

The bullets of the heavy machine gun swept across the door of the villa, and the wooden door covered by the bullet was penetrated by the bullet, and the wood chips flew, flying straight to Hai'an and more than a dozen bodyguards.


The bullets from the cannon gun in Hai'an's hand also flew out, colliding passionately with the body of the armored vehicle at the door, but they could not break the body of the armored vehicle, only leaving traces of staying on it.

However, the bullets from the machine gun shot at Hai'an and more than a dozen bodyguards. Hai'an was fully equipped with bulletproof equipment, and the bullets did not penetrate his body, but he fell to the ground in pain.

"Ah! Ah! Ah~"

More than a dozen bodyguards were shot and groaned in pain. The blood spurted out of their bodies and sprinkled on Hai'an's body and face, and slowly fell to the ground.



At this time, the gunshots upstairs and downstairs continued. Hai'an listened to the screams of his seven wives and sons upstairs, and clenched the gun and wanted to fight back.

But the bullets caused damage to his body. It did not penetrate his body, but it also fractured his bones, making him unable to get up at all!

When Cao Kun came down, Hai'an's seven wives and sons had already fallen in a pool of blood. Hearing the people below still shooting, he shouted: "Stop!"

As the gunfire stopped, Cao Kun looked down the stairs and saw a man on the ground fully armed and wearing a helmet. He thought he was the leader of Hai'an's "Donghu Gang Suicide Squad", but he was still struggling to crawl forward...

He took out a grenade and threw it down, then turned and ran upstairs.

The bullet just happened to hit Hai'an's hips, and he subconsciously clamped it...


In an instant, everything was in turmoil!

The grenade on Hai'an was also hit by the grenade fragments and then exploded...

"Bang... Bang..."

More than ten grenade fragments flew, many of which penetrated Hai'an's bulletproof vest and penetrated his body. Blood oozed from his wounds...

"Damn~ There are grenades all over my body, no wonder it's so powerful..."

Cao Kun exclaimed as he looked at the man who was charred all over.

Suddenly, he frowned, lowered his head and lifted the man's helmet...

"You are such a bastard!" Cao Kun patted Hai'an's face, who was no longer breathing, and asked, "Don't die yet, you haven't told me the secrets of Ruishi Bank and the account yet!"

"Fan Jiachan! Miscalculated!"

Cao Kun stood up and kicked Hai'an's body!

"Yin Yang, Barney, look around and kill all the living people!" Cao Kun gave an order and began to search the villa.

He moved very quickly, and he looted all the valuables in the rooms of Hai'an's seven wives.

He also searched all the account books in Hai'an's study, the large silver safe, and the valuables in other rooms.

Cao Kun also left the bodies of Hai'an, his seven wives, and his son.

Because Hai'an was the leader of the East Lake Gang after all.

As long as there were no bodies at the scene, then the people under them would think they were alive, at least notHe will retaliate against them madly and avenge Hai'an and the others!

He can also deal with them slowly!

In the end, Cao Kun looted all the guys in Hai'an's gun room.

He also let him find a passage leading to the basement in the room on the first floor.

Sure enough, Hai'an and Qiu Xiaochi both like to make a basement to hide treasures!

"Brother Kun! There are a lot of little mice coming, you have to hurry!"

Cao Kun just came to the big iron door of the basement.

The voice of the drummer came from the headset.

The drummer was flying the plane over the manor, always observing the situation at the foot of the mountain. He saw a lot of cars driving towards the passage at the foot of the mountain and hurriedly reported to Cao Kun.

"You go and greet them first. I don't have time now. I just found a basement. How can I not take out the things inside!" Cao Kun said.

"OK! Then I will reward them with two shells!" The drummer said as he drove the helicopter towards the foot of the mountain and aimed at the cement road up the mountain. He only waited for these people to go up the mountain and then fired.

The brothers who came to support also found the helicopter on the manor, but they had no intention of retreating. They all sped up and rushed to the intersection at the foot of the mountain.

Cao Kun installed C4 explosives on the iron gate and quickly walked upstairs to detonate it!

"Bang!" The big iron gate was blown into the inside.

At this time, the drummer on the plane also fired two shells.


The shells drew a beautiful arc in the air and accurately hit the road up the mountain.

The explosion was deafening, the power of the shells was huge, and the mountain road was instantly covered by fire and smoke.

Several cars that tried to rush up the mountain could not hide in time.

At the moment the shells exploded, the vehicles were engulfed by flames, the body was torn apart, and fragments flew everywhere.

The people in the car let out a desperate wail! ! !

The aftermath of the explosion spread, and the mountain road was completely destroyed.

Huge potholes were blown out of the road, the roadbed was destroyed, the barbed wire was damaged, and even the surrounding trees were uprooted...

The cars behind did not dare to move forward at all. They all stopped and looked at the situation ahead, with fear on their faces!

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