Honghuang: God-level choice, start by taking over Zhao Gongming

Chapter 373: The city was broken and Ji Fa was captured!

Ten thousand heavy cavalrymen galloped across the vast land, armed with weapons and even their horses were covered with armor, so their combat effectiveness was naturally beyond doubt.

Just a collision killed thousands of soldiers and horses in Xiqi.

These ten thousand heavy cavalrymen did not just charge aimlessly, but marched towards the east gate in an organized and purposeful manner.

Their purpose was naturally to open the gate and welcome the main force of the Shang Dynasty into the city.

Otherwise, it would be a fantasy to rely on these ten thousand people to compete with the millions of soldiers and horses in Xiqi City.

Even if there were millions of pigs standing still for them to kill, they would not be killed in a short time.

In the meeting hall of Lintong Pass, when Ji Fa heard that the northwest corner gate was wide open.

When Wen Zhong had already rushed in with his men and horses and responded to Xu Fang and Han Rong from a distance, his face suddenly turned pale, his blood surged, and his throat felt sweet, but he swallowed it abruptly by Ji Fa.

At the same time, he ordered to guard all the city gates and do his best to wipe out the army led by Han Rong.

But Ji Fa still underestimated the power of the heavy cavalry who had been strictly trained and familiar with various battle formations.

They opened and closed, and wherever they passed, there were corpses everywhere. There was no opponent, and they soon rushed to the East Gate.

When the army led by Huang Feihu directly opened the East Gate, the Xiqi army realized that they had been fooled.

Outside Lintong Pass, Wen Zhong, who led the troops and had been waiting for a battle, raised his mouth slightly.

"Feint to the east and attack in the west, a brilliant strategy. Today, watch me capture the thief and take back Lintong Pass in one battle."

At the order of the old master, millions of troops rushed in from the East Gate, and in an instant, a melee broke out in the city.

In the meeting hall, the attendants stumbled in, their faces pale and frightening.

"Sir, the old villain, Grand Master Wen Zhong, has led the Shang army to attack the city."

Ji Fa was unmoved and just sat down on the couch, but suddenly stood up. He wanted to break out and escape to Xiqi, where everything would be hopeful.

Ji Chang packed up his things and rushed out of the meeting hall under the escort of his personal guards. He saw Wen Zhong, who was riding a black unicorn and holding a male and female golden whip, coming towards him.

"You're coming so fast!"

Despair flashed in Ji Fa's eyes. For the first time, he felt that the Shang Dynasty was so powerful.

Wen Zhong looked at Ji Fa, whose hair was disheveled and whose image was no longer the same as before, and said in a flat tone, "Second Master, the last time we met was in front of Longde Hall. I didn't expect that the next time we met would be like this."

"Your Ji family has committed an unforgivable crime. Surrender quickly and follow me back to Chaoge."

The reason why Ji Fa was brought back to Chaoge was not to discuss the crime or anything. For the crime committed by Ji Fa, killing all nine clans was a light punishment.

The reason why Ji Fa was brought back to Chaoge was to burn him to offer sacrifice to the heavens to announce the orthodoxy of the Shang Dynasty.

"Master Wen, do you think I will go back with you?"

Ji Fa showed a shrill smile on his face. If he failed, he would die.

A cold light suddenly appeared in his palm and slid towards his neck at a very fast speed.

Master Wen was watching from the side, unmoved. Just when the cold light of the dagger was about to touch Ji Fa's skin, he suddenly waved his hand, and a golden flying nail directly knocked the dagger out of Ji Fa's hand.

The dagger made a graceful arc in the air and fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

"Catch him!"

Wen Zhong's face darkened and he said in a deep voice.

Immediately, the guards on both sides came out, took out ropes to tie Ji Fa tightly, and stuffed a ball of cloth in his mouth to prevent him from committing suicide.

To capture the thief, you must first serve the king. After capturing Ji Fa, the other remaining things are not very attractive to Wen Zhong. He just issued an order and tried his best to annihilate the enemy!

This battle, fierce fighting, plus the time of chasing, lasted for several days before it ended.

As expected, the Shang army successfully occupied Lintong Pass, killed more than 200,000 rebels, and captured Ji Fa, which was an unprecedented victory.

At Lintong Pass, in the meeting hall, Wen Zhong was in high spirits, "The combat power of Xiqi is actually vulnerable. Within half a year, we must attack Xiqi and pass the good news to Chaoge."


The generals cheered.

Since Xiqi rebelled, they have been holding back for too long and have not fought to their heart's content. Now it is finally time for them to show their skills.

In Xiqi, when Bo Yikao heard that Lintong Pass was captured, the army suffered heavy casualties, and even Ji Fa was captured, he was stunned and almost fainted.

First it was his father, then Ji Fa, Xiqi's sky is really going to fall!

After a few days of training, Wen Zhong, Huang Feihu, Han Rong, Xu Fang and others led the elite army to set out and prepare to recapture Chuanyun Pass!

Under Chuanyun Pass, the morale of Xiqi soldiers was low, and they could not resist the fierce army of the Shang Dynasty at all. They only held on for a few days before Chuanyun Pass was broken.

Next, the Shang army was invincible and won every battle, and even took Jiepai Pass and Sishui Pass.

All the cities lost since the start of the Xiqi War were taken back!

After Lintong Pass, Chuanyun Pass, Jiepai Pass, and Sishui Pass were recaptured.

In an instant, Xiqi's luck became extremely weak. The ten thousand feet long dragon of luck was only two thousand feet long, hovering above Xiqi, making a huge whine, no longer showing its previous fangs and claws, swallowing up the mountains and rivers.

On the other hand, the five-clawed golden dragon of luck in the center of Chaoge was shining with golden light as if it had taken a tonic.

The huge dragon eyes stared at Xiqi, and licked its lips humanely!

After retaking the five passes, Wen Zhong and Huang Feihu recuperated for a month and officially launched a total attack on Xiqi!

Xiqi had previously used up all its accumulated resources by transporting food and grass for a long time.

In addition to the remnants of the defeated army, only 300,000 soldiers were mobilized!

300,000 versus 1 million, what a huge gap.

Under Xiqi City, Wen Zhong did not launch a general attack immediately, but brought Ji Fa out and said to the direction of Xiqi City Gate, "Xiqi is doomed, the old thief Ji Chang has died of illness in Lintong Pass, Ji Fa is now in my pocket, and it is easy to break the city."

"But the king is kind-hearted and regards all the people in the world as his subjects. He is unwilling to kill more. As long as you open the city and surrender, you can be spared."

After Wen Zhong finished speaking, he directly ordered the army to set up camp on the spot and make fire to cook.

Attacking the city with force is naturally simple and sure.

But the warriors of the Shang Dynasty were all elites trained at the cost of huge resources. Why make unnecessary sacrifices? Attacking the hearts of the people is the right way, and only then can Xiqi be taken down without bloodshed.

In Xiqi City, Bo Yikao slowly woke up from his sickbed. Although he was in a difficult situation, he still got up and summoned the civil and military officials of Xiqi to discuss matters.

In the hall, all the civil and military officials came out one after another, all persuading them to surrender.

"Young Master, the Xiqi army is already at the gate of the city, surrender!"

"Old Marquis, the second young master has encountered an accident, the elite of the Shang Dynasty is unstoppable, how can we be their opponent?"

"The one who led the troops this time is the Grand Master Wen Zhong, who has never been defeated in his life. I am Xiqi"

In the hall, all the civil and military officials talked at once, shook their heads and sighed, and were not optimistic about the future of Xiqi.

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