In this expedition, more than 90% of the generals who followed the army died in battle, leaving only a few remnants and defeated generals.

In this war, Xiqi has squeezed the people under its command to the extreme and has no financial resources.

If you don't surrender, you will die sooner or later. If you surrender, you still have a glimmer of hope.

Above the hall, Bo Yikao's face was extremely gloomy, and he even felt sad for Ji Chang.

His Ji family raised so many civil and military officials, but in the end, they were all cowards who were greedy for life and afraid of death!

Bo Yikao said coldly, "My father died because of the Shang Dynasty, and my second brother was captured by the Shang Dynasty. My Xiqi and the Shang Dynasty are mortal enemies. If anyone dares to talk about peace in the future, don't blame me for severely punishing him."

Bo Yikao is the eldest son. Now that Ji Chang is dead and Ji Fa is captured, all the factors that hinder Bo Yikao from ascending to the throne have been removed. Bo Yikao is already the king of Xiqi.

Listening to Bo Yikao's murderous words, the civil and military officials looked at each other, all silent and afraid to say a word!

Time passed in a flash, a month passed, and the elite troops of the Shang Dynasty surrounded but did not attack, which made the civil and military officials of Xiqi feel more and more stressed.

A month has passed, and I don't know how much patience the Shang Dynasty has.

Once the war starts, Xiqi will be broken at this moment. Not only will they die, but their whole family will die with them.

The civil and military officials wanted to surrender even more.

Who wants to die if they can live, not to mention that they are not living a life of wealth and glory.

At the Xiqi court meeting the next day, Bo Yikao dragged his sick body to deal with some government affairs and prepared to leave the court.

Bo Yikao fell ill since the day when the Shang Dynasty troops were at the gates of the city.

At first, it was just a cold, no one cared, and it would be fine after taking a few doses of medicine.

But unexpectedly, the medicine didn't work, and it hasn't healed until now, but it has become more and more serious.

At this time, among the civil and military officials, someone finally stood up and said, "My Lord, he who knows the current situation is a hero. Grand Master Wen Zhong said that as long as we surrender, there will be no killing. My Xiqi is really unable to compete with the Shang Dynasty. Let's give the people a chance to recuperate."

After that person finished speaking, another general came out, "My Lord, my Xiqi now has less than 500,000 soldiers who can fight, while the Shang Dynasty has more than a million soldiers and horses under my Xiqi city. If there is such a huge disparity, if a war really breaks out, the casualties will still be the people of my Xiqi."

These two people are rare loyal ministers, and their contributions are all heartfelt words.

Unexpectedly, Bo Yikao was furious, threw down the pen in his hand heavily, stared at the two men with his eyes, as if he wanted to eat them alive.

"I have said long ago that whoever dares to talk about surrender will be killed without mercy? Have you ignored my words?"

"Come here!"

Bo Yikao stood up suddenly, his whole body filled with murderous aura!

Outside the hall, the golden armored guards came in.

"In the hall, you are full of treasonous words. Are you the ministers of Da Shang or my Xiqi? Drag them down and beat them to death."


Two golden armored guards stepped forward to drag them. The two were covered with their mouths and noses and dragged down directly.

After a while, bursts of muffled groans were heard outside the hall.

It was just a few short beats, and there was no sound anymore.

Bo Yikao glanced at the civil and military officials with satisfaction, and said coldly, "Who else wants to persuade them to surrender?"

Everyone was silent, not daring to say a word.

Outside Xiqi City, after guarding for more than a month, veterans such as Han Rong and Xu Fang finally couldn't stand it anymore and came to find Master Wen.

"Grandmaster, it's not a good idea for us to just keep defending like this. Let's just fight. We will definitely break the city within three days."

Han Rong patted his chest and vowed.

"Grandmaster, are we willing to sign a military order? If we don't break the city within three days, we will be punished by military law."

Xu Fang hurriedly followed.

Grandmaster shook his head and said confidently, "It would be great if we could take Xiqi without bloodshed. If I'm not wrong, the huge Xiqi city should have been in chaos."

Time passed like flowing water. In the blink of an eye, another half a month had passed.

In Xiqi City, all the civil and military officials gathered together without any prior arrangement.

"The elite troops of the Shang Dynasty are besieging the city. Chaoge will fall in a matter of days. Now the Marquis refuses to surrender."

"If you surrender, the whole family can save a glimmer of hope. Otherwise, when the Chaoge army really attacks, everything will be too late."

"Since the Marquis refuses to surrender, we might as well replace the Marquis."

The civil and military officials discussed the matter for a long time before leaving in a hurry.

Two days later, the civil and military officials gathered together to discuss matters again.

Three days later, they gathered together to discuss matters again.

Another month has passed since Bo Yikao beat two ministers to death.

That day, Bo Yikao woke up suddenly in his sleep with a murderous aura.

When he saw the guards and subordinates surrounding him, his face sank, "What do you want to do?"

But before he could say the last word, he was dragged off the bed and tied up tightly with a rope.

The next morning, the Shang army woke up and was surprised to find that the gate of Xiqi had been opened at some point.

The civil and military officials of Xiqi pushed the tightly bound Bo Yikao out of the city gate together.

Xiqi surrendered completely!

Xiqi surrendered and the war was waived. Wen Zhong was overjoyed. He made a series of arrangements and preparations, and then led the army into Xiqi City.

The moment Wen Zhong entered Xiqi City, the body of the 2,000-foot-long dragon of luck above Xiqi trembled violently and disintegrated into countless light spots.

In the central Chaoge Imperial City of the Great Shang Dynasty, a five-clawed golden dragon of luck stretched for 100,000 feet, and suddenly opened its mouth and sucked!


The infinite golden luck was all absorbed by the five-clawed golden dragon.

The Dao body, which stretched for 100,000 feet, suddenly grew a little longer, and a satisfied dragon roar sounded in the dark.

The news that Wen Zhong had conquered Chaoge City and captured Bo Yikao alive soon reached Chaoge.

Emperor Xin was overjoyed and ordered Grand Master Wen Zhong to personally escort Ji Fa and Bo Yikao to the capital to burn the sky for sacrifice.

At the same time, he showed some leniency to the civil and military officials in Xiqi City, reduced the taxes of the people, and introduced the curved plow, refined white sugar, salt and other sacred objects to Xiqi.

A month later, Xiqi gradually stabilized, and Grand Master Wen Zhong also escorted Ji Fa and Bo Yikao to Chaoge.

Emperor Xin held an extremely grand meeting in front of the Wahuang Palace.

He denounced Ji Fa and Bo Yikao as traitors to the human race.

That's right, they were traitors to the human race, not traitors to the Shang Dynasty.

The Ji family joined the saints and stood on the opposite side of the human race in order to calculate the position of the emperor of the human race.

If the plan succeeds, the Ji family will firmly sit on the throne of the emperor of mankind, and the human race will no longer be on an equal footing with the saints, and will completely become a plaything for the saints to extract their luck.

It is no exaggeration to call Ji Fa and Bo Yikao traitors to the human race.

In front of the Wa Palace, a raging fire was ignited. This is not an ordinary flame, but the fire of humanity. The anger of hundreds of millions of human beings is contained in it, which can burn the world!

At the order of Emperor Xin, Ji Fa and Bo Yikao were thrown directly into the cauldron.

The flames burned, and there was no sound in almost the blink of an eye. The soul disappeared, the true spirit collapsed, and no longer existed in the world.

Even the Conferred God List could not be included, and they truly disappeared between heaven and earth.

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