Honghuang: God-level choice, start by taking over Zhao Gongming

Chapter 398: Ying Zheng succeeds to the throne and the Qin State rises

Because the State of Zhao was strong and the State of Qin was weak, the grandson of King Zhaoxiang of Qin and the son of Lord An Guo won a foreigner and were used as a hostage to stay in Handan, the capital of Zhao.

Handan City, the capital of the Zhao Kingdom, is a heavily guarded but primitive and dilapidated courtyard. Ying Yiren is walking around in a hurry, glancing at the inner room from time to time, feeling very worried.

Today is the day that his wife, Zhao Ji, gives birth. As Ying Yiren's first child, of course Yiren is very concerned about it.

Time passed slowly. I don't know how long it took, but finally the cry of a child came from the inner room.

At the same time, above Handan, a very noble purple energy flew out fiercely, straight into the sky, and swept all directions in an instant!

In the capital of the remaining six countries, a white-haired old man walked out of Qintian Prison, his body trembling slightly, his turbid eyes looking at Jiutian, his voice trembling.

"The era of true dragon coming to the world, seven kingdoms fighting for hegemony, and melee is coming to an end!"

Handan, in the courtyard, the midwife trotted out of the house and said excitedly.

"Master, my wife has given birth. She has given birth to a young master. He is very healthy and very strong."

Ying Yiren was stunned for a moment, then he was overjoyed and waved his hand fiercely, "Reward!"

The servant next to him immediately took out ten gold coins and handed them to the midwife.

Inside the house, the baby opened its big dark eyes and looked at the unfamiliar world, full of curiosity.

In the blink of an eye, nine years have passed, and the old, simple and shabby courtyard is still the same. The baby nine years ago has grown into a handsome boy.

She has a tall figure, sword-shaped eyebrows and starry eyes, and her every gesture exudes unspeakable nobility, making people respect her from the bottom of their hearts.

In the study, Ying Yiren looked at Ying Zheng in the courtyard, the corners of his mouth raised slightly!

Zheng'er is smart, young and mature. He learns everything quickly and is extremely good. He is even the best person he has ever seen.

But it's a pity. The foreigner sighed, "I don't know what's going on with Lu Buwei. The situation is currently turbulent and the war is raging. If we don't take this opportunity to return to Qin, we may be trapped in Handan City."

One month ago, King Qin Zhaoxiang sent general Wang Jue to attack Handan.

Zhao Guo was furious and prepared to kill Ying Yiren's family in revenge.

Because Lu Buwei, a wealthy businessman whom Yiren met in his early years, tried his best to rescue him, he was temporarily spared.

Three days ago, Lu Buwei found Yiren and said that he had a way to help Yiren and his family return to China. However, after three days in a row, there was still no news. No wonder Yiren was discouraged.

The sky was getting dark, and the stranger was about to go back to his room to rest, when suddenly there was a knock on the door.

The foreigner was startled, and when he approached the door, he heard a low voice coming from outside the door, "Master Yiren, open the door quickly. I am from Master Lu. The master has bribed the officials guarding the city with a lot of money. Today is the best time to leave the city." The time is the only chance.”

The foreigner's heart was beating violently, but he was still very alert. He asked the guest a few tricky questions, and after seeing the guest's fluent answers, he opened the door.

He hurriedly called Zhao Ji and Ying Zheng, and fled with the retainers overnight.

Sure enough, Lu Buwei had already bribed the officials guarding the city.

The Yiren family escaped outside the city without any effort.

A carriage had been prepared outside the city. The stranger pulled Ying Zheng and Zhao Ji into the carriage and galloped away in the direction of Qin.

Two months after the Battle of Handan, Yiren officially returned to Xianyang.

The State of Zhao was furious and ordered people to hunt down Lu Buwei. However, at this time, Lu Buwei had already transferred his property to the State of Qin overnight after sending the stranger away.

The State of Zhao led an army to attack the State of Qin, but was defeated by King Qin Zhaoxiang. He had no choice but to give up.

Four years after Ying Zheng returned to China, King Qin Zhaoxiang died and his son An Guojun succeeded to the throne.

King Ran'an was a drunkard and a womanizer, and died after only three days in office.

After An Guojun died, Yiren succeeded to the throne with Lu Buwei's strong support.

Yiren was also in poor health. He passed away only one year after taking the throne, and 13-year-old Ying Zheng succeeded him!

When Ying Zheng succeeded to the throne, all the luck of Qin's humanity was blessed by Ying Zheng.

The aura of the Human Emperor manifested and shrouded behind Ying Zheng, causing Ying Zheng to suddenly awaken his past life memories and his eyes became as sharp as an eagle.

"Destroy the Six Kingdoms first, then destroy Buddhism!"

Ying Zheng clenched his fists and secretly made up his mind.

Ying Zheng is naturally smart, can draw inferences from one instance, and is mature even at a young age.

Although he was only thirteen years old, no one dared to underestimate him. It only took him half a year to take the throne and he took control of the real power.

After taking control of the real power, Yingzheng began to vigorously select talents throughout the Qin Dynasty.

One year after Yingzheng succeeded to the throne, two swordsmen came to surrender.

The two swordsmen are senior brothers, the senior brother is called Gai Nie, and the junior brother is called Wei Zhuang.

The brothers have superb swordsmanship, and with their two swords combined, they are invincible in the world.

Ying Zheng met the two in person and was full of praise for their swordsmanship.

Finally, Gai Nie was ordered to be his personal bodyguard, while Wei Zhuang hid in secret and was responsible for training Ying Zheng's secret weapons.

Five years after Yingzheng succeeded to the throne, Bai Qi came to seek refuge with Li Si.

Ying Zheng personally inspected Bai Qi and Li Si's talents and was very satisfied.

Li Si was made prime minister and Bai Qi was made general, responsible for internal affairs and military affairs respectively.

In addition to this, the two great nobles of the Qin State, the Wang Jian family and the Mengtian family were assisted.

Under Yingzheng's changes, Qin's national power began to rise rapidly.

Qin Wangzheng was in his twelfth year and Yingzheng was twenty-five years old. After ten years of reform.

Great Qin's national power has made a qualitative leap. Its politics are clear, its officials are honest, its soldiers are strong, and it is well-equipped. It has the potential to devour the world!

At the end of March, in the Xianyang Palace, Ying Zheng summoned Wang Jian's family, Meng Tian's family, Li Si, Wei Liaozi, and Bai Qi to discuss matters and formally determined two strategies for unifying the world.

The first was to destroy the princes, establish the imperial cause, and unify the world.

The second was to win over Yan and Qi, stabilize Chu and Wei, destroy Han and Zhao, make friends with distant countries and attack nearby countries, gradually erode, and then swallow up the world.

Soon, Ying Zheng ordered Wei Zhuang to provoke Yan and Zhao to cause a war between Yan and Zhao.

Then, under the pretext of assisting Yan, he attacked Zhao and finally seized the land of Yanyu, further opening up the situation.

After seizing the land of Yanyu, under the order of Ying Zheng, Bai Qi began to pursue Han.

Han, the weakest country in the seven countries, with the smallest population and the smallest territory, how could it withstand the tiger and wolf army of Daqin?

It took only eight months for Han to submit to Qin and perish.

Soon, the news of the demise of Han reached the ears of other monarchs.

"Han State was weak to begin with, so it was natural for it to be annexed. It was just a bargain for Qin State!"

"Han State, a small corner of the country, has long been unworthy of being on par with us. It is better for it to be destroyed by Qin State. It will be peaceful now."

"Our Yan State and Zhao State are not in harmony. After Qin State destroys Han State, it can directly attack Handan and threaten Zhao State. This is a great thing for our Yan State."

The other countries did not care about the demise of Han State. It was not because they were arrogant, but because Han State was too weak.

Even if the strength of Qin State, plus Han State, was still completely under the control of the other countries, they were not panicking at all.

After Qin State destroyed Han State, it began to plan to destroy Zhao State without stopping.

Zhao State was a powerful country, so before destroying Zhao State, it was necessary to use the strategy of alienation to clean up Zhao State's allies, so that it could destroy Zhao State with peace of mind.

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