Honghuang: God-level choice, start by taking over Zhao Gongming

Chapter 399: Battle of Changping, Minghe's thoughts!

In the matter of estrangement, Wei Zhuang, who was beside Ying Zheng, played a great role.

Dozens of spies were dispatched to travel between Zhao and Qi. They spent a year driving a wedge between the two countries.

Then, Ying Zheng sent Bai Qi and Wang Jian to divide his troops into two groups to attack Zhao.

There are also extremely powerful military leaders in the Zhao Kingdom.

The king of Zhao State dispatched Li Mu, the military god of Zhao State. Li Mu's ability in marching and fighting was unparalleled in the world. The troops and horses he commanded were agile and fast.

Even if Bai Qi and Wang Jian work together, they can only overwhelm him but cannot make effective progress.

The Qin State's 200,000-strong army has been devoured by men and horses. There has been no fighting for a long time. As time goes by, defeat will be inevitable.

Ying Zheng took his time and sent Wei Zhuang out again to spread the news within Zhao.

He also bribed Guo Kai, the favorite minister of the king of Zhao, with a large sum of money.

He slandered the king and said that Li Mu respected his own troops and kept fighting for a long time, but he did it deliberately in order to control the military power and rebel and stand on his own initiative!

The king of Zhao was narrow-minded and firmly held power in his hands. When he heard the news, he directly dismissed Li Mu from military power.

They replaced Zhao Cong and Yan Ju in battle. Zhao Cong and Yan Ju were big idiots. They were defeated one after another after taking over the military power for just one month.

Finally, in the land of Changping, he was surrounded by Bai Qi and Wang Jian.

Four hundred thousand troops were besieged in Changping. When the news came out, all countries were shocked.

Four hundred thousand troops were besieged to Changping, without water or food.

In Changping, in the camp, Zhao Cong and Yan Ju turned pale and shouted angrily, "How could this happen? How could this happen!"

"Where is the food I need?"

Changping is a depression with rolling mountains around it, making it an easy-to-attack but difficult-to-defend place.

Fortunately, there is a water source inside, but it is not possible for hundreds of thousands of troops to have only water to drink and no food to eat.

The grain transport officer trembled and said, "General Bing, there are Qin troops everywhere outside. Food, food really can't be transported in!"

"How much food and grass are left in our army? How many days will it be enough to sustain the army?"

"Only enough for three days."

The grain transport officer looked sad. He knew that if the grain shipment failed to come in three days later, he would be the first to die.

"Three days."

Zhao Cong and Yan Ju's expressions darkened suddenly. Three days of food and grass were almost the same as nothing.

"Send a message to the outside world and send in food and grass at all costs, otherwise, I will be the first to chop off your head."


The grain transport officer ran out miserably to fight for grain.

Outside Changping, in the Qin army tent, Wang Jian, Bai Qi, and Meng Yi were playing chess.

Meng Yi said, "Two generals, the army is currently encircling Changping. Zhao's hundreds of thousands of troops have become a turtle in a jar. What should we do?"

Wang Jian and Bai Qi looked at each other with a smile on their lips.

"Don't worry. Now Zhao's hundreds of thousands of troops have become a turtle in the urn. Why are we in a hurry to attack?"

Three days passed in the blink of an eye. Surrounded by the Qin army, not a single hair was transported in, let alone food and grass.

Zhao Cong and Yan Ju were furious and killed the grain transport officer, then ordered the army to kill the horses and break out.

But Changping's terrain meant that a breakout was just a fantasy.

After breaking through three times, the Qin army was forced back to its original position by thousands of arrows without even touching a hair.

In the blink of an eye, another ten days passed, and without food and grass supplies, Zhao's hundreds of thousands of troops fell into a great crisis. Everyone was in danger, and even collapsed. They took the initiative to rush out of the tent and were willing to be shot by the Qin army. .

Outside Changping, I counted the time and saw that the time was almost there.

Bai Qi and Wang Jian waved their hands fiercely and launched a general attack!

The Qin army waited for work, had enough food and water, strong soldiers and horses, and well-equipped equipment. Facing the Zhao army, which was so hungry that they could not even pick up weapons or shoot bows and arrows, they were simply crushed. No, crushing cannot be described. Qin Before the soldiers arrived, the Zhao army had already abandoned their helmets and armor and fled in confusion.

Meng Yi hesitated and said, "There are so many people, why not surrender?"

Bai Qi and Wang Jian looked at each other and shook their heads in unison, "You must not surrender, you must kill them!"

It should be noted that countries have been fighting for hegemony for hundreds of years.

The rule of various countries has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and now, after the Battle of Changping, the elites of Great Qin will attack Handan, capture the King of Zhao, and destroy the State of Zhao.

For Zhao Jun, this is no less than the disaster of annihilation of his tribe.

With such a large number of Zhao troops left at this time, there are too many uncertainties.

Bai Qi, Wang Jian didn't dare to take this risk, and Ying Zheng didn't dare to take it even more.

"Kill them all, this, this."

Meng Yi was obviously still too young and not mentally prepared.

"If we don't kill, can you and I sleep at night?"

Bai Qi, Wang Jian shook his head slightly, waved his hand fiercely, and issued the order.

Not to mention hundreds of thousands of people, even hundreds of thousands of pigs cannot be killed in three seconds.

The killing lasted for three days and three nights before it ended.

When it was over, the whole Changping was blood red.

The river of blood gathered into a stream, flowing gurglingly, corpses piled up like a mountain, and the rich and almost substantial smell of blood spread in the air, making it nauseating.

Hundreds of thousands of people died in Changping, and the bloody evil spread, rushing straight into the nine heavens and ten earth!

In the Earthly Immortal Realm, all the races in the prehistoric times frowned slightly, "What a Qin country, so ruthless!"

But then everyone exhaled again, Qin Guo's words were a helpless move.

Only in this way can we end hundreds of years of chaos and unify the world!

Endless sea of ​​blood, Minghe was surrounded by the aura of Hunyuan Daluo, supreme, with a smile on his face, "Bai Qi of Qin. Interesting!"

Minghe's desire to recruit disciples, which had not risen for billions of years, suddenly throbbed at this moment.

In the thirty-three heavens, the paradise, beside the Eight Treasures Merit Pool, Zhunti and Jieyin unconsciously looked towards the human world.

When Jieyin saw that hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses of Zhao were slaughtered, his eyebrows jumped slightly.

"What a pity, these hundreds of thousands of people are all talented people. If they can come to my West, it would be great."

If the West wants to rise, the first thing is talent.

If there are enough talents, it will naturally prosper. If there are no talents, decline is a matter of time.

Zhunti looked miserable, "It would be great if so many talented people could enter my Western Paradise."

Zhunti's voice stopped abruptly, he raised his head suddenly, "Brother, I have a solution."

"What solution?"

"Ksitigarbha, who has received the true teachings of the Heart Sutra of Mahayana Buddhism, will go to the underworld to collect these residual souls and reincarnate them in the West. Isn't it a great merit?"

Jie Yin's eyes lit up, "Okay, this solution is good, but it's about Hou Tu."

The underworld is Hou Tu's territory, and Ksitigarbha may not be able to get a share of it.

"Just Hou Tu? How can he be a match for our brothers?"

Zhunti was full of confidence, "Besides, Di Zang went to the underworld not to cause trouble, but to save the dead souls with sincerity, and he stood firm in justice. What can Hou Tu say?"

"Then when will Di Zang set out?"

"No hurry, wait until the battle is more intense and there are more people, then let Di Zang go."


In the human world, in the Battle of Changping, the Qin army killed 500,000 people, shocking all the countries.

Since the destruction of Han, all the countries have a fear of Qin for the first time.

Qin, Xianyang, watching the report of the Battle of Changping, Ying Zheng was overjoyed.

Ordered Bai Qi and Wang Jian to attack Handan of Zhao immediately.

After receiving the king's order, Bai Qi and Wang Jian did not stop and led the army to besiege Handan.

All 400,000 troops of Zhao fell in the Battle of Changping.

At this time, the remaining troops of Zhao added up to less than 50,000.

How can 50,000 soldiers resist the hundreds of thousands of Qin cavalry?

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