The three ancestors of the Terran and the warriors suffered some minor injuries.

The moment the Eastern Emperor came out, they all thought that the demon clan had won.

In fact, this is not the case.

The Three Ancestors of the Terran Race and the Eastern Emperor Taiyi can be said to be on par.

Although Donghuang Taichi came out, he was injured.

And it's still a little bit of an original wound.

"Hmph!" Donghuang

Taiyi glanced coldly at the Terrans below, and then returned to the Heavenly Court.

He is a smart man.

Know that if you continue to fight now.

It will definitely be a defeat for both, or it may be defeated by the three ancestors of the Terran race.

Donghuang Taiyi secretly thought that this time he would let them go.

Come back later to clean up.

After the Eastern Emperor Taiyi left, the demon clan completely lost confidence.

From the original massacre of the Terrans to the later counter-killing of the Terrans.

Di Jun watched this situation in the Heavenly Court and immediately ordered the demon clan to return.

Donghuang Taiyi is like a king, if the king is defeated.

The remaining soldiers could no longer fight their spirits.

"Terran victory

!" "Terran victory!" After

the demon race completely retreated, countless Terrans completely cheered in the flood.

The shouts continued, and the Terrans were delighted.

In the demon massacre, the Terrans were terrified.

Although it is strong to resist, it is always on the lookout.

Now that the demon race is gone, the Terrans don't know how excited they are.

The reactions of the saints are different, very different.

There is hope that this is the result.

There are also dissatisfaction with this result.

In this shemale war, on the surface, the Terrans won.

But for the demon race, it is not a loss.

In this operation, the demon race has already collected the required Terran essence blood.

The Witch Slaying Sword is almost complete.

It only takes time to refine and it can be completed thoroughly.

Although there are many demon races killed and injured, there are tens of billions of demon races.

In Dijun's opinion, it is all worth it.

He believes that as long as he has this sword, he can defeat the witch clan.

Then unify the flood.

With the blessing of luck, you can compete with the saints.

"This time the demon clan retreated, but my Terran clan is too weak

!" "If there is another time, I am afraid it will be difficult to resist!"

After the demon clan left, the three ancestors of the Terran clan gathered.

Plans for the future are being discussed.

They knew that the Donghuang had left.

But it doesn't mean that the demon race is gone, and it is very likely that it will come again.

After all, if there is one, there will be two.

"What the eldest brother said is that the demon clan is cruel

!" "Now Nuwa Niangniang doesn't care if we live or die, and the Taiqing saints turn a blind eye

!" "We Terrans should indeed think of a way!"

"We should strengthen our in-depth investigation of the Xuanwu Array!"

"To the extent that we can resist the Saints

!" "Only in this way, when the Terrans are in danger!"

Now a small part of the demon race has come, and they will kill the Terrans like this.

This is if the demon race attacks en masse.

That Terran had long since lost.

Only the power to resist the saints.

Only then can the Terrans better protect themselves.

Although Tang Yuan can help the Terrans, after all, he is helping from outside.

When faced with danger, only you are strong.

It is more timely and ready to use.

"Well, that's right

!" "But there is a lineage of immortal Dao in the Terran race, and those who have learned the Immortal Dao have surpassed the Martial Dao!" Chao

Clan began.

Among the Terrans, there are two cultivation methods.

One is martial arts, and the other is immortal dao.

Due to the difficulty of martial arts, it is much more difficult than that of Immortal Dao.

The martial arts in the Terran race are already less than the immortal paths.

"That's right, but we just need to keep the Terran martial arts intact!"

the Flintstones began.

He felt that it was okay for the Terrans to learn martial arts, and it was okay for the Immortal Dao.

At the end of the day, it's all a Terran.

As for what they want to learn, they naturally don't interfere.

After all, everyone's talent is different, and there is learning the immortal path.

There are also those who study martial arts.

After discussing for a while, they went to retreat again.

They want to continue to develop the Xuanwu Great Array.

In the flood and famine, the Terrans' move.

But it refreshed the understanding of martial arts among sentient beings.

Demon Lightning attacks the Terrans.

The speed is extremely fast, and in this case, he can still retreat the demon clan.

Although in this battle, there is still a lot of foreign aid to help.

But the main thing is to rely on the Terrans.

The strength of a race does not depend on how much foreign aid there is.

It's about how to react when you're in danger.

In such a big flood, except for the Terrans.

Which race can withstand the attack of the demon race.

Except for the Wu clan, after all, the Wu clan has existed for a long time.

It cannot be compared with the Terrans born later.

Of course, everyone was still very surprised by the Xuanwu Great Array, which was extremely powerful.

It was able to block the Eastern Emperor Taiyi with the Chaos Bell.

To know so far, in the flood.

Apart from the saints, not many individuals can resist.

And a later Terran could actually block it.

This shocked many powerful people the most.

In the Heavenly Court, an earth-shattering sound emanated.

Suddenly, the sky was rendered blood-red, and the sky was full of red.

The white clouds were illuminated by the red glow, and there was no trace of white visible.

For thousands of miles, not a single white cloud can be seen.

Only blood-red clouds.

At the same time, the entire Heavenly Court was extremely thick and surrounded by clouds.

Countless people of the demon race were shocked.

Some have even begun to get afraid.

Somewhere in the Heavenly Court, a sharp sword that exuded a fierce aura turned.

As soon as this sword turned, the entire Heavenly Court shook.

One by one, giant pillars collapsed on the ground.

"It's done, the Witch Slayer Sword has been thoroughly refined!" Looking

at the breath of the Witch Slaughter Sword, Di Jun laughed loudly.

After a long time of refining, it was finally completed.

At this moment, the emperor general felt that everything lost was worth it.

"It is worthy of being a witch slaying sword, extremely powerful!" Bai

Ze praised from the side.

Looking at his eyes, it was as if he could break the flesh of the Wu Clan before he swung his sword.

"Haha!" "

The witch slaying sword has been completed, then there is no need to be afraid of the witch clan!"

Donghuang Taiyi was excited.

Although he has the Chaos Bell, he can carry five or six ancestral witches without falling into the wind.

But that's all, it can't break the body of the witch race.

The body of the witch race is like a stone, and the demon race is like a piece of plastic.

No matter how powerful the magic weapon of the demon race is, it can't break its flesh after all.

Now that the witch slaying sword has become a weapon, it is a weapon specifically used to deal with the witch clan.

"Big brother, now that the witch slaying sword has been completed, do you want to gather soldiers and horses

!" "Attack the Wu Clan in a big way!"

After refining the weapons to deal with the Wu Clan, Donghuang Taiyi couldn't wait.

If he could, he would not be able to immediately take this sword and kill the Wu Clan.

"Second brother, although we have the Witch Slaughter Sword now!"

"But the twelve heavenly gods of the Wu Clan are not to be underestimated. "

We have to discuss and then act!" Di

Jun was still very careful, despite the sword that broke through the flesh of the Wu Clan.

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