He still hadn't forgotten the power of the Twelve Heavenly Gods.

"Your Majesty is right, although my demon clan now has a witch slaying sword!"

"But if you rashly attack, I am afraid that the result will be counterproductive!"

He had joined the Heavenly Court for so long, and Di Jun looked at it pleasantly.

Donghuang did not feel uncomfortable.

"Emperor Xi, you can immediately give the order to practice the Zhou Tian Star Array!"

"At the last moment, remember not to make any mistakes!"

said Di Jun to Fuxi.

If you want to deal with the demon race, it is not enough to have a witch slaying sword.

There must also be the Zhou Tian Star Great Array to deal with the Twelve Heavenly Gods Great Array.

Fuxi is the main formation in the operation formation.

The drills are naturally controlled by him.

"Yes, Your Majesty rest assured!" "

The Zhou Tian Star Array has exercises every day.

Fuxi replied when he was fine.

They are all practicing the big array.

It's to make sure that nothing is lost when you swing out a large array.

"Demon Master, go and monitor the movements of the Wu Clan!"

"If there are any signs, report to me immediately!"

said Di Jun to Kunpeng, and the Lich War was imminent.

He must know every move of the Wu Clan.

Knowing the bottom line, victory will be more certain.


Kunpeng began, looking loyal.

In fact, he had already thought of a way to escape.

That is to wait for the Lich War to start, and secretly leave.

It's what he's always been thinking.

"Second brother, is your injury better!" said

Di Jun to Donghuang, who lost to the Terran race last time.

Di Jun knew the injury.

"Don't worry, big brother, this injury will not get in the way. "

It's been fine a long time ago!"

Donghuang Taiyi began, the injury from the last time was almost healed.

Right now, it's the time of the Lich War, even if it's really injured.

In his opinion, Dijun could not be worried.

"Well, it's good

!" "When we defeat the Wu Clan, we will definitely destroy the Terran Clan

!" "Avenge the second brother!"


Be fully prepared, who will dare to cause trouble without permission during this period

!" "Kill!"

Di Jun said to Bai Ze, now at this moment to retract.

You can't let the demon race go on a rampage as before.


!" "Let's go!"

said Bai Ze respectfully, and left.

That account has been completed.

The situation of the Lich War is becoming clearer and clearer, in the six reincarnations.

Houtu is always worried about the comfort of the Wu clan.

Although she can't get out of reincarnation, what happened in the flood.

Can't escape the calculation of the back soil.

"I hope my clan is well!"

Houtu said silently in the temple of peace and heart.

Although she is a saint, she has that affection for the clansmen.

But it always endures.

It does not change because of this.

"Niangniang don't have to worry, the Wu Clan will be fine!"

Looking at Houtu's worried eyes, a Wu Clan man beside her spoke.

It's rare to see Houtu like this.

"Got it

!" "You go down first!" said

Houtu lightly.

In today's situation, all Houtu can do is pray.

Here, the movements in the witch race are also very similar to the movements of the demon race.

The demon clan knew that a big war was coming.

Although the Wu Clan does not have a Yuan God, it also knows that the great war is coming.

The twelve ancestral witches gathered together and controlled the Heavenly God Burning Array day and night.

Make sure the Lich Wars play properly.

After all, the Twelve Heavenly Gods wanted the Twelve Ancestral Witches, and because there was one less Houtu.

Although the newborn ancestral witch has the name of the ancestral witch, its strength is much more powerful than that of the great witch.

But to fill the position of an ancestral witch, it is not so simple.

It is bound to go through countless exercises.

For this matter, the eleven witch clans still put a lot of thought into it.

"Big brother, I see that our big array no longer needs to be trained

!" "That demon race is extremely weak

!" "As long as we put out a big array, we can crush the demon clan with one blow!" After

practicing the Heavenly God Formation countless times, Zhurong became a little impatient.

He was inherently impatient.

Now after practicing for so long, I am a little tired of it.

"What do you think!"

Di Jiang was unsure for a while, not knowing what to do.

If you want to practice all the time, then the Wu Clan will have fewer opportunities to prepare.

If the demon race suddenly attacks, it is the witch race that suffers.

"I think

the drill should end!" "Although the Great Formation is not very perfect now, it is still okay to hold on for a while

!" "At that time, we just need to end the battle quickly!" This time

Candle Jiuyin also agreed to end the drill, but it was different from what Zhu Rong thought.

Zhu Rong said this way because of impatience.

Candle Jiuyin thought of ending the exercise after considering the movements of the demon clan.

"In that case, let's look like this

!" "Let's go back first!"

said Di Jiang.

He is thinking about the people of the clan, if he keeps practicing.

For the preparation time, it is much less.

Zhurong was very happy when he heard this.

I thought that after practicing for so long, I could finally go and take a good rest.

After discussing the results, the twelve ancestors left the Pangu Hall.

Went back to their respective tribes.


Jun Ti and Zhu Yi were discussing.

How to calculate the witch clan.

"Senior brother, the final battle

between the Wu Clan and the Demon Clan is coming!" "That Wu Clan's strength is too strong, presumably that Demon Clan is not an opponent!"

Then show an old traitor.

It's like knowing what to do.

"Having said that, the demon clan must not be underestimated

!" "I don't know what your plans are Junior Brother!"

"It's better to listen


He knew it at once.

"Junior Brother has a plan to make the Wu Clan infight

!" said Jun Ti, he had already thought about what to do.

It's just that there has never been the right time.

It has not been said.

Now the Lich Wars are coming.

But it was time for him to carry out his plan.


!" "Junior Brother said come and take a look!" The

introduction was a little curious, they had never paid much attention to the affairs of the Lich and Demon races.

I don't know what the method is.

"Among the Wu Clan, Zhurong and Gonggong have a hot temper

!" "Fight often, I think we can start with the two of them!"

said Jun Ti with a smile.

On weekdays, Zhun Ti paid attention to the Wu Clan.

Knowing the temper of Zhurong and Gonggong, he often fights.

In Jun Ti's opinion, he often shoots.

Then there is a high probability of infighting.

"So that's what a junior brother said!"

agreed, although he didn't speak on weekdays.

But whenever things are decided, they will support Jun Ti.

This is no exception.

In the point of view, the idea of Zhunti is a bit excessive.

After all, as a saint, I am afraid that it is under the whole world.

Only one person can do it.

But for the good of the West, the introduction will not say anything.

After the two discussed for a while, Jun Ti disappeared in place.

Towards the tribe of the witch clan.

Watching Jun Ti leave, he followed the prayer in his heart.

Hopefully nothing happens.

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