Zhun Ti's speed was very fast, and he came to the Wu tribe in a blink of an eye.

After coming, he was very careful and turned into a member of the witch clan.

At the time of the Zhurong tribe.

It can be called a person of the common labor tribe.

Then fight with the people of the Zhurong tribe.

When he came to the Gonggong tribe, he said that he was a member of the Zhurong tribe.

Stir up trouble inside.

This provokes trouble back and forth.

The two tribes fought from small tribes at the beginning, which led to an inter-tribal fight.

Gonggong and Zhurong have violent personalities.

The same is true of the tribesmen.

Immediately, a large-scale battle broke out between the people of the two tribes.

The fight was very violent.

Watching the two tribes fighting hotly, a smile flashed on Jun Ti's face.

Then he left.

All he did was provoke trouble by the two tribes, and now it's done.

What awaits is the showdown between Gonggong and Zhurong.

"What's going on!" Returning

to the tribe, Zhurong saw that his own people were almost gone.

Then after some inquiry, I learned that it was people who worked together to make trouble here.

At this time it is in the midst of a big war.

After Zhu Rong found out, he went towards the battle in a rage.

The same is true of Gonggong's side, which is the same as Zhurong's idea.

The two came angrily to the place where the two sides were fighting.

At the moment when Zhurong came, Gonggong also came.

"Gonggong, what's going on with the people of your

tribe!" "Dare to hurt the people in my tribe!" Zhu

Rong's tone was irritable, and an extremely strong deterrent emanated.

Among the Wu tribe, there is nothing fighting between tribal leaders.

It's pretty common.

But the clansmen fought.

The one who is the leader is very short-sighted.

"Zhurong, you don't want to spew blood

!" "It's clear that your tribesmen came to attack my tribe, and now it's still reasonable!"

He originally came to ask for an explanation, but he saw Zhurong's tone.

The anger also soared to the extreme.

Zhu Rong and Gonggong did not say a word, so they fought.

In their opinion, it is necessary to fight for a reason.

Then it depends on whose fist is bigger.

In the great battle between the two, their respective clansmen also sent out their full strength.

The fight became more and more intense.

The intensity is like resisting foreign enemies, and it is extremely ferocious.

And all this, no one found out.

Even if it is the descendant of the saint, it is not clear.

Because the heavenly machine has been blurred at this time.

No one can calculate what happened now.

The heavenly machine is covered by two people, the guide and the quasi-mention.

If they don't, they'll be discovered all of a sudden.

The war between Zhurong and Gonggong was very fierce, and there was no reservation.

Showed all its strengths.

During the battle, the Wu people suffered many deaths and injuries.

The scene was very tragic.

Zhurong's fist was extremely powerful, and he punched over.

Gonggong did not dodge anything.

Directly carried a blow from Zhurong, and then another punch with his backhand.

Endless flames emanated, and the void didn't know how many times it tore apart.

Hit on the co-workers.

For a while, there were countless injuries on the two of them, but none of them cared.

Instead, they attacked each other frantically.

Usually Zhurong will be injured when fighting with Gonggong, so the current injury.

It seemed tickling to both of them.

The battle between the two is also to fight and move at the same time.


Good!" "Good fight, it's better if both of them lose!" As

the battle distance between Zhurong and Gonggong passed.

Dijun found out that they were fighting.

He had already sent Kunpeng to pay attention to the Wu Clan, and it broke out.

Kunpeng told Dijun.

This made the demon clan happy.

Near Mount Buzhou, two huge figures were fighting each other.

In the fight between the two.

Crashed into countless mountains, and there was chaos all around.

And their people did not stop, and they became more and more intense.

The strength of Zhurong and Gonggong is equal.

Their tribe's subordinates are also on par.


When approaching Mount Buzhou, Gonggong's whole body crashed into Zhurong.

I saw the co-workers rushing towards me.

Zhu Rong did not dare to hard connect, after all, this was an ancestral witch-level flesh.

It's not an easy task to completely block it.


power of co-workers is very strong, after Zhurong dodged.

He didn't turn the direction, but still crashed forward vigorously.

Seeing this, Zhu Rong was very surprised in his heart.

What is wrong with co-work, how can it be reckless.


a loud bang, Gonggong crashed into Buzhou Mountain.

After the collision, the entire Buzhou Mountain fell in a big way.

Seeing this, Zhu Rong regretted it in his heart.

I didn't expect things to turn out this way.

Buzhou Mountain collapsed, and heaven and earth began to shake.

That's when you mighty people react.

All rushed to this place.

A huge hole appeared in the sky, and endless heavenly rivers poured out.

When Zhou Shan fell, the first thing to suffer was the Heavenly Court.

But fortunately, the demon clan always pays attention to the battle between Zhurong and Gonggong.

At the moment when Gonggong crashed into Mount Buzhou, Donghuang Taiyi protected the Heavenly Court with the Chaos Bell.

Pull the Heavenly River to the flood.

Mount Buzhou is the pillar of the Heavenly Court.

The Chaos Bell has a suppressive effect, and it is not difficult to block the Tianhe.

Heavenly Court was very angry about this.

Di Jun hopes that Zhurong and Gonggong will fight.

But I didn't expect that Buzhou Mountain would collapse.

Buzhou Mountain leads to the Heavenly Court, and if it falls, the Heavenly Court will definitely undergo great changes.

But there is also a good side, in Dijun's opinion.

The Wu Clan made such a big move.

The bad effects of the flood and famine are bound to suffer a great deal of karma.

Riddled with karma, the power of the witch clan will definitely decrease.

After all, karma is extremely troublesome, if there is no merit in the body.

I'm afraid it won't go away all the time.

After the Heavenly Court completely calmed down the Tianhe, he watched how the Flood Barren Wu Clan put this matter to rest.

The heavenly rivers enter the flood and the water rivers flood.

At a glance, all the water is river.

There is no land in sight, only a vast expanse of water.

Countless living beings suffered and were buried to death.

However, at the moment when the Tianhe pouring appeared, several golden rays of light flew from afar.

Each breath is extraordinary, exuding an unrivaled momentum.

Zi Qi came east and surrounded these people.

The figures of these Daoists are none other than the saints.

He is the strongest person in the flood wilderness.

They are Tang Yuan, Laozi, Yuanshi, Tongtian, Nuwa, Zhun Ti, and Zhu Yin.

Lao Tzu quickly sacrificed the Taijitu.

It turned into a golden bridge across heaven and earth.

As soon as the Taijitu came out, the Tianhe blocked part of it.

The speed under the river was much slower, but it was not completely blocked.

"Creation gourd, show!" Tang

Yuan waved his big hand, and his breath was high.

Then a huge gourd appeared in the void.

The gourd has many lines on it, surrounded by black light.

Exudes a burst of innate treasure breath, for the creation of gourds.

Others who look at it are envious.

Especially Jun Ti, with an envious look, he almost went up to grab it.

After the creation gourd appeared, it blocked the earth's feng shui and fire with a huge gourd body.

It constantly devours its visions.

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