For a time, the earth's wind, water, and fire were not as tyrannical as before.

It became mild.

But the scope of the impact is very wide.

Everywhere everyone looked, there was chaos.

Tongtian, Yuan Shi and others have also shot one after another.

The saint cultivated why it was terrifying, after everyone made a move.

The hole in the sky was temporarily blocked, and no sky river came down.

"Fellow Daoists, now that the flood is broken, I am all responsible.

"If you don't block this, I'm afraid the teacher will punish you."

Tang Yuan spoke.

What the Taoist friend said is.

When everyone heard Tang Yuan's words, they all agreed in their hearts.

Although the Tianhe only flowed into a little flood.

But the extent of the harm is obvious to all.

The harm caused is enormous.

The day after tomorrow, watching this action in the mansion, his heart was very strange.

Secretly thinking about why when Zhurong fought with Gonggong, she couldn't count it at all.

Because she calculated at the time, it was a blur.

There was no result.

However, Houtu thought that someone had framed him.

It's a saint.

Because the heavenly machine in the flood desolation can only be pushed and covered by saints, others cannot do it.

But now she knew it wasn't the time to pay attention to that.

At present, the hope of the Houtu is that although the heavens are made up, so that the Wu clan will carry less karma.

As for who did it, we will pursue it after this matter has passed.

In the flood, the flood is monstrous, rolling up a thousand waves.

A chaotic vision.

"This hollow is extremely difficult to remedy.

"The multicolored stones I obtained on the Treasure Divide Rock can be used to

replenish the heavens!" "There is still a missing thing, how can this be good?" Nuwa

thought of the Lingbao multicolored stones she had obtained, which could be used to replenish the heavens.

But one thing is missing.

She was a little anxious in her heart.

"Daoist friends don't need to be in a hurry, just wait quietly!" said

Tang Yuan, quietly waiting for Hongjun's arrival.

What is needed now is a treasure that can refine multicolored stones.

And nine times out of ten, this treasure is in Hongjun's hands.

The spirit treasures in the flood wilderness are basically things that have masters, and there is no such treasure.

Sure enough, in the following period.

There was a small ding in the sky.

There was such a movement in the flood waste, it was impossible for Hongjun not to know.

The patterns on the top of the top are intertwined, exuding a sense of innocence.

It's quaint on top.

The surrounding earth, wind, water and fire, or the Tianhe River must not get closer.

An extremely strong deterrent appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

"Thank you, teacher!"

everyone said respectfully, although they did not see Dao Hongjun himself.

But the entire Hong Huang can have this action, there is no one else except her.

"Nuwa Daoyou, this is the refining thing given by the teacher. "

Quickly refine the multicolored stones!"

said Tang Yuan to Nuwa.

Nuwa cultivates the way of creation, for such things as mending the heavens.

She couldn't be the most appropriate.

You can't go wrong with giving it to Nuwa Shi.

And the others have no opinion, they all think that Nuwa is the one who fills the sky.

Only Jun Ti looked at Qiankunding and felt a little greed in his heart.

Qiankunding is such a supreme treasure, it is the supreme treasure level.

If you get it, it will be a beautiful thing.

But to be honest, Qiankunding appeared.

All the saints have the meaning of wanting it, because this is the innate treasure.

As long as the materials are prepared adequately.

It is possible to turn acquired things into innate things.

It's a good refining baby.

And it can also be used to attack

"Nuwa Daoyou, you go to refine the colorful stones as soon as possible."

"I will take your place." "

The Heavenly Immortal Sword Array swings, and it becomes a space of its own.

Fill in the location of Nuwa.

After Nuwa heard this, she immediately flashed and came to Qiankunding's side.

It was quickly refined.

At this moment, everyone did not leave their hands, they were all desperately exerting their strength.

Because they know that as long as they exert more strength this time, merit is indispensable.

Even the two people who were Zhun Ti and Zhu Tian also showed their real strength.

For no other reason, merit is a good thing

, and nowadays, merit is originally rare.

Now that there is such an opportunity, how can everyone not exert their full strength.

Replenishing the heavens benefits all sentient beings.

The Heavenly Dao will definitely land merit, this is inevitable.

Tang Yuan looked at Tong Tian's struggling appearance, and directly manifested a golden pagoda.

Blocked the position of Nuwa before.

There is nothing wrong with the strength of the Immortal Sword Formation being very strong, but this is mending the sky.

It needs to accept huge pressure, and the Tianhe is not ordinary water.

Not easy to block.

So after holding out for a while, the sky is up.

He looked like he couldn't do it.

Looking at Tang Yuan's actions, everyone was slightly surprised.

Among here, Tang Yuan's strength is the strongest.

After Tang Yuan manifested a pagoda phantom, Tong Tian's heart relaxed a lot.

Stress is reduced.

He wouldn't have lasted long.

Now Tang Yuan is so helpful.

That's a lot easier.

At this time, Nuwa was quickly refining colorful stones to see her actions.

And the mana wielded will know.

How difficult the refining process is.

Watch Nuwa's way of creation continue to evolve.

Tang Yuan was impressed in his heart.

Although Nuwa's strength is not very strong among the saints.

But at the level of the way of creation.

is the presence of the top.

"Hmph!" "

If it weren't for the sage's move, the Wu Clan would have finished playing this time." Di

Jun looked at everything in the Hong Huang and was a little angry.

Although the Heavenly River flows in, it is not good for the Heavenly Court.

But as long as more floods flow into the flood, the karma borne by the Wu tribe will be infinite.

Then you can win this one.

Compared to the two, the rolling of the Heavenly Court is nothing.

"Nuwa Daoyou, have you practiced well. Jun

Ti said to Nuwa, deliberately pretending to be unbearable.

I want to end this mending day quickly.

Then began his calculations.

"Soon, you just need to hold on a little longer.

"You can completely refine it successfully."

Nuwa replied to Jun Ti's words.

This colorful stone is not so easy to refine, even if it has the supreme treasure.

If there is not enough time, it cannot be refined.

"Quasi-Ti Daoist holds on a little longer.

"I believe that Nuwa Daoyou will be fine soon."

Tang Yuan looked at Zhun Ti and showed an expression that seemed to be smiling.

The moment he looked over.

Jun Ti has a bad premonition in his heart.

It gave the impression that Tang Yuan only needed to speak to Jun Ti.

Most likely something is going on.


"Okay, the multicolored stone has been refined. "

I don't know how long it took, Nuwa's colorful stones were successfully refined.

After refining.

Nuwa waved her big hand and wielded supreme mana.

Fly all the multicolored stones you have practiced in the void.

The way of creation evolves, and infinite power blooms.

The giant cave in the void fused little by little in the fusion of colorful stones.

A moment later.

The sky returned to its original appearance, and there was no trace of it at all.


It was fast, and a stone fell in the air.

The stone is colorful and falls on a corner of the flood.

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