A huge turtle shell appeared in front of Xuangui's eyes,

hoping that he would recognize it.

This is what the Gentoise turned into a support, and now he is here.

But it is the time when things return to their original owners.

Although this turtle shell is also an extraordinary thing, Tang Yuan can't see it.

Tang Yuan had a Lingbao wu

, "Don't remember?"

said Xuangui.

Now he has no memories of his past life, and naturally does not remember what this is.

However, he has an inexplicable fondness for this turtle shell in his heart.

This kind of liking is very enthusiastic and manifests itself in the heart.

"If I take you as an apprentice, are you willing?"

said Tang Yuan.

Since he had agreed to Xuangui's request before, he naturally would not break his word.

I heard that Tang Yuan personally wanted to take Xuangui as an apprentice.

Kong Xuan was a little surprised.

He did not expect that the person who called back was to be accepted as an apprentice.

But Kong Xuan was very happy.

Having one more junior disciple is a good thing in his opinion.

You can also communicate when you practice in the future.

"I do!"

said Xuangui.

Then Tang Yuan waved his big hand, and Xuangui's memories immediately woke up.

In the moment of awakening, Xuangui's whole person froze.

He didn't think of it.

I used to have this identity, but I accepted it immediately.

And he was happy.

This is a resurrection himself, and he is not yet a turtle.

"Disciple Xuangui, meet Master!" said Xuangui

because of Tang Yuan.

to be resurrected.

Now that there is an opportunity to worship a teacher, he naturally will not let it go.

"Well, from now on, you will be the second personal disciple under my sect!"

said Tang Yuan.

Looking at the appearance of the Xuan Tortoise, Tang Yuan was very satisfied.

Xuangui was a very strong person in his previous life.

The talent will not be bad at all, even if it is compared with Kong Xuan.

All of them are a fight.

"Xuangui, this is your master brother

Kong Xuan!" Tang Yuan spoke, and then looked at Kong Xuan next to him.

"I've seen Senior Brother!"

Xuangui said to Kong.

At first, he thought that he wanted to worship someone as a teacher, but now he saw Tang Yuan accept him.

I don't know how happy it is.

"Xuangui, since you have entered my disciple!" "

Wait a minute, your master brother will explain to you what should not be committed!"

Tang Yuan said to Kong Xuan, and then looked at Kong Xuan next to him.

After Kong Xuan listened, he naturally knew in his heart.

When he first visited the teacher, Tang Yuan also said so.

Now I see such a scene as the Xuangui.

In his mind, the previous picture came to mind.

"Now that the flood is in chaos, you don't have any weapons to take advantage of

!" "I will give you a spirit treasure today!"

Tang Yuan waved his big hand, and then a sledgehammer appeared in his hand.

The whole look is like a purple pillar of light.

The dense lines on it look very mysterious.

Exudes a breath of foresight.

It is a superb innate spirit treasure, purple electric hammer.

I got it when I first divided the treasure rock.

"Thank you Master for your love!"

Xuangui began, very happy in his heart.

In the moment when the memory is restored.

He already knew the importance of Lingbao.

In his previous life, he was a quasi-saint powerhouse.

Don't say it's a congenital Lingbao, even if it's an acquired Lingbao.

Neither did he.

Suffice it to say how poor he is.

How happy it is to get a superb innate spirit treasure now.

In his previous life, Xuan Turtle was a quasi-saint powerhouse.

Naturally, he knew Tang Yuan's reputation and knew that he was the first disciple of the Xuanmen.

Although the location is nothing.

Because in the flood, if you are not strong enough.

Others don't take you seriously.

But Tang Yuan was not only the first disciple of the Xuanmen, but also the strongest.

This point is what Xuangui believes is the most important.

In Lich Wars, it's dangerous.

Many living beings died, all trampled to death.

But none of them are disciples of saints.

Even some of the creatures next to the saint are well protected.

And the Lich and Demon races are naturally very smart.

Anything close to the saint's grounds.

Or something related to saints, they all bypass.

Turning a blind eye.

Saints, they can be disrespectful.

But the strength of the saints is undeniable.

At the beginning, the power of Hongjun was directly manifested in front of everyone's eyes.

With just one blow, he cut through the Great Array of the Wu Clan.

"Xuan Turtle, you are born with great strength

!" "Today I will pass on your cultivation, martial arts!"

Tang Yuan spoke, for the Xuan Tortoise's cultivation exercises.

It is suitable for martial arts, his body is hard.

It has such a hard turtle shell.

Even if you encounter a strong opponent, you can't break it right away.

Plus martial arts overlord.

Breaking through the quasi-saint is not a problem.

Don't look at Xuangui now, there is no cultivation, but as long as you start cultivating.

The speed is definitely fast.

And now that he is a human being, his previous cultivation has not been at all.

It is equivalent to forgetting the words of learning martial arts.

There are no distractions, and it must be very easy.

Tang Yuan also thought about teaching the Immortal Dao.

But since there is martial arts, if it is appropriate.

There was a loud bang in the sky, and a deafening sound resounded throughout the flood.

There is an endless stream of sounds.

It alarmed countless living beings.

At this moment, the bird of the void disappeared.

The animals that run on land are also hiding more.

Dark clouds roll in the heavens and earth, and the fierce wind blows the earth.

The Qi of Tribulation manifested, causing the entire void to dim.

The fierceness is very strong.

Visible to the naked eye, it obscures the clarity in the void.

In the palace, Nuwa watched this movement.

I was worried.

Because this time the movement of the flood is the final battle of the two Lich races


It is very important for the two Lich races, and losing will be a big defeat.

Since then, it has withdrawn from the flood stage.

If you win, you will enjoy the great luck of the entire flood.

"I hope my brother will be fine!"

Nuwa said as she looked at the Nether Realm, worried about Fuxi in her heart.

Fuxi is Nuwa's older brother.

Although the two have different identities, the brotherhood has always been there.

Fuxi is the emperor of the demon race, and it is inevitable to fight.

Nuwa watched the battle.

It is to protect the safety of Fuxi.

The final showdown between the two Lich races was extremely dangerous, and Dijun was a few days ago.

Just put the last golden crow.

Sent to Nuwa to seek asylum.

For this big battle, Dijun could not be 100% sure of winning.

Just in case, it won't be wrong to send Nuwa here.

Nuwa is a saint, and it is not difficult to protect a demon prince.

While Nuwa was paying attention, the rest of the saints were also paying attention.

In the prefecture, Houtu doesn't know how worried he is.

She didn't get involved.

If the Wu Clan loses, she will blame herself.

And Houtu is still worried about whether Nuwa will make a move.

Although she had heard Tang Yuan say before, Nuwa would not make a move.

But at this juncture, she didn't think so much.

Even already forgotten.

"I hope your brothers are okay!"

Houtu worried, she couldn't go out.

Praying was the only thing she could do now.


The two people of Jun Ti and Zhu Yi were watching with interest.

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