In the eyes of the two of them, this time the Lich Wars.

The more you fight, the better.

"Senior brother, if Nuwa Niangniang makes a move.

"The witch race will be defeated."

"You can't let that happen.

Jun Ti looked at Nuwa's dojo and spoke.

"What Junior Brother said is reasonable. He

also thought that Nuwa could not make a move at this time.

The two of them had already discussed it.

As soon as Nuwa makes a move, she will stop it.

And this time, the two people were not afraid of the saints of the East.

This Lich War, as long as it is a saint.

They all hope that the Lich will lose both.

This time, the two people who were both Zhun Ti and Zhu Yi thought so.

Not only the two of them, but even Sanqing was ready.

As long as Nuwa dares to make a move, she will stop it.

And Nuwa is only one person, even if she has any thoughts.

Nor can it resist the obstruction of the saints.

After Jun Ti and the two people chatted for a while, they turned into a streamer.

Go to the land of the East.

"Is the Lich War about to begin?"

inside Penglai Three Immortal Island, Kong Xuan said to Xuangui.

This movement is huge and widespread.

After hearing the movement, the two of them discussed together.

"Well, senior brother, should we go and take a look!" "

Xuangui is now the strength of the late stage of the Great Luo Golden Immortal.

Cultivation progress can be described as extremely fast.

Xuan turtles are more active, where there is any movement.

I thought about checking it out.

Even if it is a Lich war this time, I don't forget to think about taking a look.

"No, well, if the Master finds out!"

Kong Xuan said carefully, deeply afraid of being discovered by Tang Yuan.

"What are you two talking about. Just

when Xuangui was about to speak, Tang Yuan appeared in the void.

And look at each other.

Let the two of them be shocked in their hearts.

"Master, Junior Brother and I are discussing the Lich War.

Kong Xuan spoke.

He knew that if he hid it, it would be useless.

So I thought about saying it.

Xuangui did not speak.

Quietly watching from the sidelines.

"The Lich War is extremely dangerous, you two don't go out.

Tang Yuan spoke.

It's not that Tang Yuan doesn't want to let them out, but the Lich War is really dangerous.

Don't say it's them.

Even saints dare not enter easily.

Therefore, Tang Yuan is still good for the two of them.

As long as it is inside Penglai Island, no matter how great the damage is outside.

It's all safe inside.

"Obey the will of Master Venerable!"

Kong Xuan and Xuangui both spoke at the same time.

The heart that wants to go out is gone.

Xuangui wanted to go out, but now he heard his master say so.

Don't dare to think about it, I can only stay here.

"It's not that the division won't let you go, but this battle is extremely dangerous.

"I'm afraid you two get hurt. Tang

Yuan spoke again, if it weren't for the Lich War.

You can bring both of them.

But the Lich Wars are the toughest duels, and the aftermath will happen then.

Not something the two of them can resist.

"Thank you Master for reminding me. The disciple got it.

"We are determined to stay on the island and not go anywhere."

Xuangui and Kong Xuan spoke together.

Xuangui felt a little guilty in his heart, the idea was what he thought.

I didn't expect my master to care so much about himself.

Tang Yuan nodded, and then didn't say anything more.

Turn into a stream of light and fly straight to the sky.

This time was extremely dangerous, but for Tang Yuan.

But it's a rare opportunity.

Once the Lich Wars begin, it will be a river of blood.

The fierceness is pervasive.

For the creation gourd in Tang Yuan's hand, it was simply too perfect.

It may be necessary to interfere in the affairs of the two Lich races, and Tang Yuan may not be able to handle it.

After all, the duel between the two races has a strength comparable to that of a saint.

It doesn't mean meddling with your hands.

However, Tang Yuan wanted to be unaware.

Crazy to absorb the fierce qi.

That's a simple thing.

Here, the demon race has gathered tens of billions of demon races.

The black pressure in the sky looks like a black carpet from afar.

Covered the firmament.

The momentum is grand, no one sees it and does not avoid it.

Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi stood in the front, and then came Fuxi and Kunpeng and the others.

"Sons and daughters of the demon clan, today we will wash the witch clan in blood.

Di Jun said aloud at the front now, as soon as he spoke.

The momentum of the demon race instantly rose.

Momentum is very important, it is like a spiritual force.

Indispensable for a race.

Tens of billions of demon soldiers are mighty, and demon qi is raging in all directions.

Seeing such a scene of the demon race, the Wu clan was not to be outdone.

They gathered all the people of the witch race, and the number was huge.

It's about the same as the demon race.

They are neatly arranged on the land, looking like dense specks from a distance.

"Children of

the Wu Clan, kill!" "Kill the Demon Clan!" Di

Jiang shouted angrily, and all the Wu Clan were excited.

It was as if they had taken a strong medicine, and the power bloomed infinitely in them.

In just the blink of an eye, the two races of millions of Lichs have fought together.

Countless fights.

The river, which was clear at the beginning, turned into a river of blood in a blink of an eye.

Countless blood splattered in all directions.

The two Lich races fought together, and they couldn't see a victory or defeat for a while.

Although the witch clan is physically strong.

But the number of demon clans is more, so they can't take each other for a while.

"Big brother, let's put on a big array. Candle

Jiuyin walked to Di Jiang's side and spoke.


agreed immediately.

Although the demon race has lost more at present.

But there are also many Lich deaths.

So he thought of putting up the Twelve Heavenly Gods Formation as soon as possible to end this battle.

"Is this going to set up a formation?" Tang

Yuan was observing the movements of the Wu Clan.

From the moment he left Penglai Sanxian Island.

I've been watching this battle.

"The twelve heavenly gods are in a great array, rise!"

the twelve ancestral witches said at the same time.

Then their bodies began to change.

In less than a moment, it was already thousands of feet tall.

The twelve ancestral witches were scattered in various places in the void.

Everyone was holding

a flag, and they waved a huge flag, and the anger between heaven and earth began to condense.

It doesn't matter if it's in a sea of blood, or where.

All were traction.

It's just that the degree of traction is different.

Seeing this, the demon clan immediately put on a big array.

But at the moment when the Wu Clan put on a big array, the Demon Clan still had a little palpitation.

But they overcame it all at once.

If you are afraid at this time, then this battle will be lost.

"Zhou Tian Star Array, rise!"

Di Jun shouted violently.

With his voice sounded, Kunpeng and others.

Directly flashed around and scattered in various places.

Countless demon races held star flags in their hands and constantly squandered them.

In their squandering

of the flag, the power of the stars was frantically injected, and it was only a moment's effort.

There is an endless injection of star power.

A powerful large array, just like that, laid out.

Two large gas waves collided with each other.

The turmoil was intense.

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