After the Eastern Prince saw that his spiritual treasure fell into Tang Yuan's hands.

Glared at him angrily.

The anger in my heart was extreme.

He didn't have a few spirit treasures in his hand.

Now the Pure Yang Sword has been taken away by Tang Yuan.

It made the East Prince, who was originally a rare spiritual treasure, heartache.

Tang Yuan naturally noticed the expression of the Eastern Prince.

But don't care at all.

Yourself are on the winner's side.

The Pure Yang Sword is nothing more than a trophy.

The Prince of the East understood in his heart that after a complete defeat.

It is impossible to reclaim the sword.

I can only hope for this escape.

Wait until the strength becomes stronger.

Take the Lingbao back and take revenge!


Without waiting for Tang Yuan to react.

The golden light on the Eastern Prince flashed.

Directly perform the secret technique that has been practiced for a long time, and the pure sunshine escapes.

Just a blink of an eye.

The Prince of the East turned into a streamer.

Disappeared in front of Tang Yuan's eyes.

Pure sunlight once unfolded.

Extremely fast.

Even if the quasi-saint was defenseless, it would be difficult to track him down.

At the moment when the Eastern Maharaja fled.

Tang Yuan couldn't catch anything about him at all.

Looking into the distance.

Tang Yuan sighed slightly.

Speed is still its own weak point.

He made up his mind in his heart.

Later in the spiritual aspect.

Be sure to cultivate a speed power.

to deal with today's situation.

You can also have the means to save your life when you are in danger.

The world of desolation is full of danger.

Even a quasi-saint may be in a time when the whole body is difficult to retreat.

Tang Yuan of Da Luo Jinxian.

It is necessary to cultivate a speed power.

After coming back to his senses.

Tang Yuan came to the side of the Queen Mother of the West.

He spoke, "Presumably Prince Dong won't come to disturb Daoist friends anymore!" "

The Prince of the East was seriously injured.

Even if you come back, it will be tens of thousands of years later.

After all, the trauma of the Eastern Prince was damaged at the origin.

There is no 10,000-year period that cannot be recovered.

And even if it comes.

The Queen Mother of the West who has been cultivating for 10,000 years.

Xiu Wei has long surpassed the Eastern Maharajah.

He must not be a match for the Queen Mother of the West.

"Thank you Daoyou!"

See the prince of the East being repulsed.

Tang Yuan was unscathed.

Queen Mother Xi was very happy in her heart.

He is full of gratitude to Tang Yuan.

For a while, the Queen Mother of the West could not express it in words.

The disturbance of the Eastern Maharaja is the troubles of the Western Queen Mother all along.

Even if she herself has the cultivation of the middle stage of the Great Luo Golden Immortal.

But at most, he can only draw with the Prince of the East.

I wanted him not to bother me, but I couldn't.

And Tang Yuan not only repelled the Eastern Prince.

He was also wounded.

In this way, it was a great help to the Queen Mother of the West.


The two chatted briefly for a while.

Tang Yuan proposed that he should retreat for a while.

Queen Mother of the West agreed when she heard this.

Her sentiments on the Tao.

It has not been consolidated until now.

Tang Yuan wants to retreat.

I can just stabilize myself.

Tang Yuan came to the palace of the Queen Mother of the West.

I randomly found a place to use as a place for this retreat.

Anyway, this is the dojo of the Queen Mother of the West, and there is a large array guarding it.

Don't be afraid of being disturbed.

Tang Yuan sat cross-kneeled in the void.

Float the Pure Yang Sword in front of him.

Then the ritual begins.

Because this is an innate Lingbao.

Unlike the Lingbao after tomorrow, you can use it when you get it.

You have to practice it before you can use it for yourself.


A loud bang.

Tang Yuan waved his big hand.

Supreme mana appears in the void.

Tang Yuan silently recited the decision.

Then countless Dao texts were integrated into the mana.

Under the advent of Daowen.

Supreme mana was frantically injected into the Pure Yang Sword.

Like the heavenly river pouring out the earth.

Extremely fast.

The sword flickered.

Shine on the entire palace.

Countless heaven and earth auras condensed towards the Pure Yang Sword.

Then it was devoured by the sword.

Practice does not count the years.

Tang Yuan took three thousand years.

The Pure Yang Sword that damaged its origin.

Restored to an intact state.

Moreover, he refined twelve prohibitions on the Pure Yang Sword of the Innate Spirit Treasure.

The difference in the grade of innate spirit treasure.

Prohibitions will also change.

Lower Grade Innate Lingbao: Twelve prohibitions.

Middle-grade Innate Lingbao: Twenty-four prohibitions.

Shangpin Innate Lingbao: Thirty-six prohibitions.

Superb Innate Spirit Treasure: Forty-eight prohibitions.


The more prohibitions of the innate spirit treasure, the more extraordinary it means.

The power will be even more powerful.

At the same time, it is also more difficult to refine.

The Pure Yang Sword is a top-grade innate spirit treasure.

There are thirty-six prohibitions.

Tang Yuan had already refined twelve paths.

It can exert the power of the innate spirit treasure of the next grade.

For the current Tang Yuan, it is enough.

He is now refining the Pure Yang Sword.

So that you can control it.

There will be time to refine the remaining twenty-four prohibitions in the future.

Tang Yuan waved the Pure Yang Sword in the void in his hand.

Then the whole person emitted a golden light.

The next moment appeared in a desolate world.

It's your own body.


A fierce wind blew through.

Let the originally desolate world become even more desolate.

There is no aura here, and there is no life.

Tang Yuan stood in the void.

Looking at the desolate state of this world, I thought in my heart.

He used to be a streamer.

Pangu is breaking ground.

Whether the energy efficiency is similar to Pangu.

Use the spirit treasure in your hand to turn the ethereal and desolate place.

Open up into a perfect world.

Because now Tang Yuan's body is a place that is very similar to the Chaos World.

Since Pangu can use the Heaven-Opening Axe to open up the Flood World.

Why don't you give it a try.

Infuse the refined Pure Yang Sword with some merit.

Open up a world in the body.

Because it is the first time to open up.

Tang Yuan did not have a spirit treasure like the Heaven-Opening Axe.

Therefore, it is necessary to inject some merit into the Pure Yang Sword.

to have the power to open up the world.

After thinking about it.

Tang Yuan held the Pure Yang Sword and looked around.

A big wave of your hand.

A yellow aura appeared in the void.

Then under the tug of Tang Yuan.

Slowly blending into the sword.

This Xuanhuang qi.

It is the spirit of merit.

Tang Yuan's body is the merit of the three-layer avenue.

There is a lot of merit in the body.

The meritorious qi injected by the Pure Yang Sword just now was extracted from it.

After infusing merit, the Pure Yang Sword emitted a buzzing sound.

It seemed to break free from Tang Yuan's palm.

Bloom with a heaven-opening power.

"One sword will decide, chop!"

After Tang Yuan glanced at this side of the world a few times.

Swing the Pure Yang Sword in your hand.

A sword qi the size of tens of millions of zhang was cut out from the void.

Sweeping across this world!


The sword qi passed.

Countless earth, wind, water, and fire were derived and went in all directions.

Ravaging the earth.

There was chaos everywhere.

Countless fires spread and burned in all directions.

The wind swept through the heavens.

Make a rumbling hum.

The earth cracks.

Endless abyss cracks appeared, pitch black.

The river is surging on land.

Flood hundreds of millions of miles of land


Tang Yuan looked at the earth wind and fire that were kicking around.

Swing the Pure Yang Sword in his hand again.

Supreme mana is cast.

Turned into countless streamers.

Rush to the vision of heaven and earth in this world.


There was an earth-shattering bang.

Earth, wind, water and fire were instantly covered by streamers.

Then slowly integrate into this world.

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