"Pure Yang Sword, chop!"

"Pure Yang True Fire, Burn!"

The Prince of the East shouted.

Swing the Pure Yang Sword in your hand.

Cut through the void.

A heaven-destroying sword qi cut out.

The endless flames began to change suddenly.

It spreads to half of West Kunlun.

The sword qi passed, and the void cracked.

Covered in flames, time and space are out of order.

The sword qi emitted by the Pure Yang Sword.

Will scatter debris in the void, and howling winds.

Give it a clean finish.

The firmament was under the appearance of sword qi.

It's like collapsing.

The whole world instantly became extremely dark.

After the sword qi condensed in the void for a while.

Slashed at Tang Yuan fiercely.


Pure Yang Zhen was cremated into a terrifying dragon the size of tens of millions of zhang.

Through the long sky, closely following the sword qi.


A fierce wind appears, blowing the dragon.

The scope of incineration of pure yang true fire is more extensive.

The sword qi rolled up countless dusts and rushed towards Tang Yuan.

Seeing this, Tang Yuan did not dare to be careless in his heart.

He waved his hand.

Vast mana is wielded.

The qi machine emitted by the whole person rose high.

The flesh has also changed dramatically.

The green tendons burst out, like a green dragon, extremely thick.

Blood flow.

It's like the sea in the middle of the sea, and the waves are rough.

At this time.

Tang Yuan's strength rose in a straight line.

The horror is so terrifying, it is several times higher than before.

A power of the late Da Luo.

Bloomed from Tang Yuan.

The power comparable to the ancient demon gods swept through the heavens.

The divine power of eternal silence.

Manifest from Him.

A boundless ferocious aura appeared.

Shrouded in West Kunlun.

The entire West Kunlun was under the outbreak of Tang Yuan.

It started shaking.

It was as if this heaven and earth were about to collapse by the qi machine emitted by Tang Yuan.

The entire West Kunlun fell into a state of chaos.

Countless creatures looked at Tang Yuan in horror.

They had waves of horror in their hearts.

I couldn't have imagined that Tang Yuan could burst out with such terrifying power.

Even if they are thousands of miles away.

They were all affected by the momentum exuded by Tang Yuan.

The Queen Mother of the West after seeing the Prince of the East manifest the Pure Yang True Fire.

The momentum of the other party erupted.

Unexpectedly stabilized Tang Yuan.

Originally, I wanted to help him.

If Tang Yuan is invincible.

He joined forces to defeat the Prince of the East.

But she had just manifested her mana and hadn't started yet.

But I saw that Tang Yuan's whole person had undergone earth-shaking changes.

The breath on the other party is growing rapidly.

It's terrifying and never-ending.

No edges are detectable.

It's like a giant hole in the abyss.

You can't see the bottom at a glance.

Queen Mother of the West saw that Tang Yuan had erupted with such a strong momentum.

Put away my own mana.

Looking at him, I was amazed in my heart.

Although Tang Yuan became late.

But the strength shown.

But it is far more than the Queen Mother of the West who predates Tang Yuan.

Previously, Queen Mother of the West only guessed that Tang Yuan's strength was extraordinary.

After all, he had not seen it.

Strong is not strong.

Queen Mother of the West is in a state of speculation.


Tang Yuan's strength was displayed in front of the Queen Mother of the West.

It horrified her heart.

Completely impressed by Tang Yuan's strength.

"Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang, break it for me!"

Tang Yuan drank lightly.

The Xuanhuang Qi of the sky appeared in the void.

A threat of destruction erupted.

He waved his hand.

Countless Xuanhuang qi.

At this moment, a sudden change began.

Instantly condensed in one direction.


A loud bang.

The golden light flashed and shone in all directions.

A golden divine dragon transformed from Xuanhuang qi lies in the sky.

All things are destroyed, looking down into the distance.

The qi machine emitted by the divine dragon.

For a while, he surpassed the Prince of the East.


The golden divine dragon roared.

The dragon's tail swings wildly.

He rushed towards the sword qi and pure yang true fire.



The aura of pure yang true fire decreased a lot under the impact of the divine dragon.

The flame gas engine has also weakened a lot.

Behind Tang Yuan, the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda phantom.

Exudes a brilliant brilliance.

Enveloped his whole body.

The pure yang true fire that fell to the ground burned the brilliance on Tang Yuan's body.

Instantly vanished.

Let the surrounding sword qi bombard wildly.

It couldn't shake the brilliance on Tang Yuan's body.

After all, Tang Yuan's body is the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda.

Defense top.

Ignore any outside attacks.

Even if it is a domineering and powerful pure yang true fire.

Can't shake Tang Yuan in the slightest.


The golden divine dragon collided with the sword qi and pure yang true fire.

Powerful air waves stirred.

Heaven and earth were shaken.

Space-time chaos.

The pure sun and true fire in the sky ravaged the heavens.

The mountains that stretched for tens of thousands of miles instantly turned to ashes.

The terrifying Pure Yang True Fire burned more than a million miles around.

The fierce wind between heaven and earth ravaged the flooded world.

The earth cracked.

Stretching to a million miles.

Time and space are chaotic, time stands still, and space is fixed.

The movements of everything in the entire West Kunlun slowed down by half.

The wind and air flow became extremely slow.


The golden divine dragon pierced through the pure yang true fire.

Devoured the sword qi of the Pure Yang Sword.

Rushed towards the Eastern Maharajah.

See the golden divine dragon rushing.

The Prince of the East was terrified in his heart.

He hurriedly sacrificed the Pure Yang Sword to block in front of him.

Derived endless pure yang true fire.

There is also a strong pure yang qi.

Form an unbreakable light screen.

Shroud yourself.


The golden divine dragon smashed heavily in front of the Eastern Prince.

All things come to ruins.

There was silence on West Kunlun.

The Pure Yang Sword that blocked in front of the Eastern Prince.

Directly shocked and flew out and fell to the ground.

The aura on the sword body decreased a lot.

It is obviously traumatized by the origin.

The Pure Yang Qi and Pure Yang True Fire were broken.

The Eastern Prince flew out upside down.

Crashed into hundreds of mountains.

Fell heavily on the ground.

Tang Yuan stood in place without diminishing his breath.

Looking at the Eastern Maharaja who fell in the distance.

The whole person exudes an unbelievable qi machine.

Let countless living beings bow down at this moment.

He looked at Tang Yuan with respect.

Then Tang Yuan flashed.

Came to the Eastern Maharaja who barely stood up.

He waved his hand.

Put away the Pure Yang Sword that had fallen on land.

Then Tang Yuan directly shot out a streamer.

Erase the true spirit of the Eastern Maharajah.


After Tang Yuan erased the true spirit of the Eastern Prince.

He spurted a mouthful of blood from his mouth.

This made the injuries of the Eastern Prince who was originally seriously injured a lot worse.

Blood kept gushing out.

The Daoist robe on his body was in disarray.

Long hair was draped messily on his forehead.

It looks embarrassed.

After erasing the true spirit of the Eastern Maharajah.

Tang Yuan penetrated a spiritual sense into the Pure Yang Sword.

for later refining.

Since he has already defeated the Prince of the East.

That his Lingbao Pure Yang Sword.

Tang Yuan naturally won't let it go.

The Pure Yang Sword is a top-grade innate spirit treasure.

It is powerful, and it is rare in floods.


Tang Yuan was in need of an innate spirit treasure.

The power of the Pure Yang Sword is just to the Yang.

Derivable feng shui and fire are just right.

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